House Bill 730

Last Action 02/26/24: to Committee on Committees (H)
Title AN ACT relating to a property tax installment payment program.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statement Local Mandate
Bill Request Number 276
Sponsors L. Willner, S. Stalker
Summary of Original Version Create a new section in KRS Chapter 134 to establish a quarterly installment payment program; define terms; provide installment payment calculation guidelines; require specific property tax information be sent to the taxpayer through notifications or made accessible through an electronic system; allow an administrative fee up to three percent; disallow two percent discount for early payment of taxes if taxes paid under quarterly installment payment program; prohibit collection of penalties and interest on installment payments; require the Department of Revenue to promulgate administrative regulations; establish penalties for noncompliance; amend KRS 133.220 to require the sheriff or collector to include specific tax payment information on tax notices; amend KRS 134.015 to conform.
Index Headings of Original Version County Clerks - Property taxes, installment payment program
Property Valuation Administrators - Property taxes, installment payment program
Sheriffs - Property tax collection, installment payment program
State Agencies - Department of Revenue, property taxes, installment payment program
Taxation, Property - Installment payment program
Attorney, County - Property taxes, installment payment program
Cities - Property taxes, installment payment program
Counties - Property taxes, installment payment program
Taxation - Property taxes, installment payment program
Local Mandate - Property taxes, installment payment program


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)