
911 services, moneys diverted to CMRS fund for distribution for 911 services, rates

Abortion services, government payments to entities referring or counseling, removal of prohibition

Administrators, investigators, peace officer powers, authorizing

Agricultural districts, minimum acreage requirements, notification of local officials, landowners

Agritourism activity, participation allowed

Annexation by cities in consolidated local government, restriction

Annexation of cities within county containing consolidated local government, petition

Annexation within consolidated local governments

Annexations, restrictions

Autonomous vehicle, regulatory authority

Bond sale proceeds, working capital expenditures, payment allowance

Broadband service providers, notices, franchise agreements, service outage

Burial grounds, proper care, requirement

Burial or cremation of a dead body, facilitation

Children's early learning services taxing districts, authorization to establish

City bus sensors, encouraging use

City meetings, agendas

City-owned electric utility, board administration, supervision, decision-making

CMRS grant cap, increase

Code of ethics, adoption

Combined municipal utility electric and water plant boards, city governing bodies, authority over

Combined municipal utility plant boards, mayoral appointments, selection

Consolidated local governments, urban service tax districts, emergency service responses

Consolidated local governments, urban service tax districts, funding

Department for Local Government, lobbyist registration list, maintenance, requirement

Dogs or cats, restrictions, definition of hobby breeder and large-scale breeding kennel, delete

Elections in consolidated local governments, nonpartisan requirement for mayor and council

Employee access, federal tax information, Internal Revenue Service, source

Employees access, federal tax information, background check requirement

Entities having appointed officials, geographic and political representation

Fines and fees, annual report, penalties, requirement

Firefighters, cancer screenings

Forcible entry or detainer, alternative minimum time of notice, ability to establish

Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation Program, eligible use

Grant database, reporting requirement

Hazardous waste facilities, environmental emergencies, notification of mayor

Incorporation within consolidated local governments

Incorporations of cities within counties containing a consolidated local government, petition

Independent school districts, establishment

International organizations, mandates, prohibition

Jails. medical services, provision

Kentucky Main Street Program, honoring

Local ordinances on wages and benefits

Local ordinances, restrictions on firearms

Local property tax, motor vehicle exemption

Long-term recovery groups

Minimum wage, authority to establish

Minimum wage, option to establish

Municipal utilities, superintendents, maximum financial obligation without board approval, $40,000

Municipal utility board members, maximum annual compensation, increase to $4,800

Municipal utility board members, maximum annual compensation, maintain cap of $2,400

Occupational license taxing, after annexation

Open records, agency-furnished and agency-designated accounts, public business, requirement

Open records, digital communication application, employees, provide access

Open records, digital communication applications, provide

Open records, electronic communication service account, employees and officers, provide

Open records, mobile devices for employees, provide

Open records, official email accounts, employees and officers, requirement

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, penalties for violation

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, subject to inspection for violation

Ordinances relating to landlord or tenant, restrictions

Ordinances relating to rental of housing, restriction

Ordinances relating to rental of housing, restrictions

Peace officers, Keep Kentucky Free of Litter fund, cash award

Penal Code Reform Task Force, membership, Magistrates and Commissioners, addition

Planned communities, receivership for maintenance failures

Planning and zoning, facilitation of housing

Planning and zoning, objectivity in development standards

Planning and zoning ordinance violations, creation of lien

Preemption of other regulations of short-term rentals

Prevailing wage, permissive establishment, ordinance

Property owners' associations, removal from bill

Property tax rate levy, recall process

Property tax rate levy, recall vote, next regular election

Property taxes, installment payment program

Public agencies, open meeting compliance, voidable actions

Public construction project, union preference, project labor agreement, wages

Public employment, occupational license, application, criteria, exception

Public funds, use in lobbying, prohibition

Public records, public agencies, board appointments, website, publish

Quota retail package licenses, increase

Quota retail package licenses, quantity, increase

Religious freedom, government, define

Religious freedom, protection, relief available

Religious freedom, substantially burden, define

Residency requirement, employee or volunteer of a fire department, prohibition

Retail pet shops, sale, prohibition on local ordinance

Revenues, authority set by General Assembly, proposed constitutional amendment

State, county, and city roadways and bridges, lease of naming rights

State of occupancy requirements, master commissioner's sale, violation, fine

Subsidy of county costs of incarceration by cities

Taxdollars, use in lobbying, prohibition

Taxes, license fees, and franchise taxes, authorization

Telecommunicators, hiring and training, requirements

Telecommunicators, training and certification, requirements

Vacancies, special elections in consolidated local governments

Within counties containing consolidated local governments, annexation, procedures

Within counties containing consolidated local governments, annexation, prohibitions

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)