
Abuse, violence, employer requirements, employee supports, leave, accommodations

Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, creation

Apprenticeship, technical corrections

Benefits, self-employed workers

Bereavement leave, requirement

Cabinet for Economic Development, in-demand occupations and industry sectors, identification

Certified family, friend, and neighbor child-care homes, establishment

Covenant not to compete, health care prohibition

Covenant not to compete, health care, prohibition

Covenant not to compete, restrictions

COVID-19 and mRNA vaccine, prohibition on requirement

COVID-19, modRNA, and mRNA vaccine, prohibition on requirement

COVID-19 vaccine, prohibition on requirement

Economic development, rural jobs development fund

Employee benefits, unpaid family care leave

Employee voting leave, requirements for employers

Employees, schedules

Employment, unlawful acts, nondisclosure agreements, settlement agreements, prohibition

Gott, Douglas W., Department of Workers' Claims, administrative law judge

Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation Program, eligible use

Healthcare licensing boards, workforce data collection

Heat illness prevention, outdoor employees

Immunizations, incentives, prohibition

KentuckyCYBER, workforce training

Labor organizations, protections on membership

Leave from employment for court appearances, requirements for employer and employee

Licensing, data collection, employment information

Minimum wage for all employees, workers with a disability, requirements

Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer requirements

Nail technicians, salon inspections

Occupational licenses, recognition of military training

Occupational Safety and Health Act, corresponding state regulations

Order of protection, workplace violence, requirements, establishment

Overtime exception, sheriff's offices, county police

Paid family leave insurance

Paid parental leave, state employees

Portable benefit plans, self-employed workers, employer contributions, determination of liability

Portable benefits, worker classification, sole criterion

Public employment, occupational license, prior conviction

Teachers, alternative certification

Unemployment insurance, appeal deadline

Unemployment insurance, appeal deadline, extension

Unemployment insurance, tax audit, information requests

Universal recognition of occupational licenses and government certifications

Unlawful employment practice, inquiry about previous salary

Wage and hour enforcement, damages, statute of limitations

Wages, requirement to pay living wage

Work opportunity tax credit

Work program, minors aged 12 or 13

Workers' compensation, gender-neutral language

Workers' compensation, illegal substances, proximate cause of injury

Workers' Compensation, medical professional, modification

Workers' compensation, physicians, license issued by other states

Workforce Attraction and Retention Task Force, Cabinet for Economic Development, study directed

Workforce Growth and Solutions Task Force, establishment

Workforce Innovation Task Force, establishment

Workforce needs projections, Cabinet for Economic Development, report

Wrongful discharge, collection of lost wages

Youth work program, nonprofit, establishment

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)