House Bill 102

Last Action 01/09/24: to Local Government (H)
Title AN ACT relating to housing opportunities.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statement Local Mandate
Bill Request Number 996
Sponsors S. Doan, J. Calloway, D. Grossberg, N. Tate
Summary of Original Version Create new sections of KRS Chapter 100, relating to local planning and zoning, to require local governments to prioritize housing within applicable zones by easing minimum square footage requirements and aesthetic design requirements; facilitating the location of multifamily housing, accessory dwelling units, tiny homes, and manufactured housing; facilitating the permitting and variance process; easing minimum parking requirements, and standards for home occupations; and requiring that zoning laws have a substantial connection to protection of public safety, health, and usage of property; provide legal remedies; set conditions for the construction of the Act; amend KRS 141.435 and 141.437 to conform; provide that the Act may be cited as the Housing Opportunities Made Easier Act or the HOME Act; repeal KRS 100.348, relating to standards for manufactured homes.
Index Headings of Original Version Housing, Building, and Construction - Facilitation of housing in areas with local planning and zoning regulations
Land Use - Facilitation of housing in areas with local planning and zoning regulations
Local Government - Planning and zoning, facilitation of housing
Planning and Zoning - Facilitation of housing
Planning and Zoning - Local planning and zoning regulations, limitations
Cities - Planning and zoning, facilitation of housing
Civil Actions - Planning and zoning, legal remedies for grievances
Counties - Planning and zoning, facilitation of housing
Short Titles and Popular Names - Housing Opportunities Made Easier Home Act
Local Mandate - Facilitation of housing in areas with local planning and zoning regulations


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Local Government (H)

Last updated: 9/26/2024 1:37 PM (EDT)