House Bill 737

Last Action 02/26/24: to Committee on Committees (H)
Title AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statement Local Mandate
Bill Request Number 2109
Sponsors R. Roarx, K. Banta, B. Chester-Burton, C. Freeland, K. Herron, K. King, M. Meredith, P. Pratt, S. Rawlings, S. Stalker, K. Timoney, J. Tipton
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 241.065 to limit the number of quota retail package licenses in each council district of a consolidated local government to 16 licenses; require each quota retail package premises within a consolidated local government to be at least 700 feet from any other quota retail package premises; exempt any quota retail package licenses issued by a home rule city within a county containing a consolidated local government; grandfather existing quota retail package licenses within the consolidated local government; prohibit the renewal of a grandfathered license if the license is revoked, allowed to lapse, changes ownership, or otherwise ceases to be in effect.
Index Headings of Original Version Distilled Spirits - Alcoholic beverages, quota retail package licenses, limits
Licensing - Alcoholic beverages, quota retail package licenses, consolidated local governments, limits
Local Government - Alcoholic beverages, quota retail package licenses, consolidated local governments, limits
Consolidated Local Governments - Alcoholic beverages, quota retail package licenses, limits
Wines and Wineries - Alcoholic beverages, quota retail package licenses, limits
Alcoholic Beverages - Quota retail package licenses, consolidated local governments, limits
Cities, First Class - Alcoholic beverages, quota retail package licenses, limits
Cities, Home Rule Class - Alcoholic beverages, quota retail package licenses, consolidated local governments, limits
Counties with Cities of the First Class - Alcoholic beverages, quota retail package licenses, limits
Local Mandate - Alcoholic beverages, quota retail package licenses, limits


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)

Last updated: 9/26/2024 1:37 PM (EDT)