Housing, Building, and Construction

Abandoned home pool fund, establishment

Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction, articulation agreements

Emergency shelter operation, requirement

Facilitation of housing in areas with local planning and zoning regulations

Governor's recommended State/Executive Branch Budget

Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation

Housing discrimination, source of income, prohibition

Jail construction, moratorium

Jail construction, prohibition

Kentucky Housing Task Force, establishment

Off-site construction or demolition waste disposal, permitted area, increase

Planned communities, receivership for maintenance failures

Property insurance, requirements, FORTIFIED homes

Property owners' associations, removal from bill

Public contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance

Real estate improvements, retained amount, escrow account

Roofing contractors, licensing

School building plans, chief state school officer, submission

School buildings, teacher housing, affordable housing, allowable uses

School district facilities plans, development process, establishment

School facilities construction, prior approval

School property purchase and disposal, prior approval

Short-term rentals, authorization subject to permitting

Short-term rentals, building code compliance

Smoke detectors in existing or new residential structure at time of sale or lease, requirement

Smoke detectors in existing residential structure at time of sale or lease, requirement

State/Executive Branch Budget

Statutorily created housing programs, exempt from limitations

Strengthen Kentucky Homes Program, creation

Temporary governmental structures, building code compliance, exemptions

Temporary governmental structures, building code compliance, six month inspection

Uniform Residential and Landlord Tenant Act

Uniform State Building Code, violation

Veteran homelessness, Department of Veterans' Affairs, initiative to end

Workforce housing loan pool fund, establishment

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)