House Bill 464

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 02/21/24: recommitted to Appropriations & Revenue (H)
Title AN ACT relating to school district property and declaring an emergency.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statement Fiscal Note
Bill Request Number 487
Sponsor K. Timoney
Summary of Original Version Repeal and reenact KRS 162.060 to establish that local boards of education submit all plans for new public school buildings or additions or alterations of old buildings to the chief state school officer; prohibit the Kentucky Department of Education from requiring prior approval of the district's plans; prohibit a project for new school buildings from spending more than 10 percent of the project on the acquisition and improvement of land; provide a waiver process; amend KRS 156.160 to require the administrative regulation promulgated by the Kentucky Board of Education on the construction of school buildings be subject to a review and update process; provide for the approval and appeal process for a district's purchase or disposal of real property; provide a waiver and appeal process from standards for plans and specifications of buildings; amend KRS 156.095 to update language and require the department to establish a professional development program and a list of similar professional development offerings for district personnel on facilities management, construction, and management; require districts to use the professional development program; amend KRS 157.420 conform and authorize a district to use capital outlay funds to employ facility related personnel as defined by the department; establish the requirements for a district facilities plan; establish dangerous levels of radon within a school facility as an emergency that may be addressed outside the district facilities plan process and the funds that may be used to mitigate radon; amend KRS 157.440, 157.615, 157.620, 157.621, 157.622, 158.814, and 160.105 to conform; amend KRS 160.160 to remove the requirement for a district to obtain prior approval from the department for a mortgage or lien on a school building or for leasing a building; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2024; EMERGENCY.
Index Headings of Original Version Education, Elementary and Secondary - Capital outlay funds uses, facilities employees, authorization
Education, Elementary and Secondary - District facilities plans, development process, establishment
Education, Elementary and Secondary - School building plans, chief state school officer, submission
Education, Elementary and Secondary - School construction project, land costs limitation, establishment
Education, Elementary and Secondary - School district land purchase and disposal, Kentucky Board of Education, approval
Education, Elementary and Secondary - School district mortgages and liens, prior approval, removal
Education, Elementary and Secondary - School district real property, acquisition and disposal process, establishment
Education, Elementary and Secondary - School facilities staff, professional development program, establishment
Education, Finance - Capital outlay funds uses, facilities employees, authorization
Education, Finance - School building plans, chief state school officer, submission
Education, Finance - School construction project, land costs limitation, establishment
Education, Finance - School district land purchase and disposal, Kentucky Board of Education, approval
Education, Finance - School district mortgages and liens, prior approval, removal
Education, Vocational - Capital outlay funds uses, facilities employees, authorization
Education, Vocational - District facilities plans, development process, establishment
Education, Vocational - School building plans, chief state school officer, submission
Education, Vocational - School construction project, land costs limitation, establishment
Education, Vocational - School district land purchase and disposal, Kentucky Board of Education, approval
Education, Vocational - School district mortgages and liens, prior approval, removal
Education, Vocational - School district real property, acquisition and disposal process, establishment
Education, Vocational - School facilities staff, professional development program, establishment
Effective Dates, Emergency - School district properties and procedures and requirements, July 1, 2024
Housing, Building, and Construction - School building plans, chief state school officer, submission
Housing, Building, and Construction - School district facilities plans, development process, establishment
Liens - School district mortgages and liens, prior approval, removal
Pollution - Radon abatement, school district facilities, authorization
Property - School district land purchase and disposal, Kentucky Board of Education, approval
Property - School district real property, acquisition and disposal process, establishment
Public Buildings and Grounds - School district facilities plans, development process, establishment
Public Buildings and Grounds - School district land purchase and disposal, Kentucky Board of Education, approval
Public Buildings and Grounds - School district real property, acquisition and disposal process, establishment
Safety - Radon abatement, school district facilities, authorization
State Agencies - Kentucky Department of Education, facilities staff, professional development program, establishing
Public Safety - Radon abatement, school district facilities, authorization
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Kentucky Board of Education, school district land purchase and disposal, approval
Capital Construction - School building plans, chief state school officer, submission
Contracts - School district mortgages and liens, prior approval, removal
Jump to Proposed Amendments House Committee Substitute 1


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Education (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • recommitted to Appropriations & Revenue (H)

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment House Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, except require school districts to conduct the review and categorization of school facilities instead of the Kentucky Department of Education, with a regular review thereof to be conducted by the department; provide that any project where the majority of the cost is for an extracurricular facility shall not receive or use state funds but may use restricted local funds; make technical corrections.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Extracurricular facilities, state funds, limitation on use
Education, Elementary and Secondary - School district facilities, review and evaluation procedure, modification
Education, Finance - Extracurricular facilities, state funds, limitation on use
Public Buildings and Grounds - School district extracurricular facilities, state funds, limitation on use
Public Buildings and Grounds - School district facilities, review and evaluation procedure, modification
Technical Corrections - HB 464

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)