
Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, flashing signage

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, pilot program

Automated speed enforcement in highway work zones pilot program establishment

Autonomous vehicles, authority and regulatory framework

Autonomous vehicles, human driver, requirement

Bouncers, training and certification, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

Child abuse and neglect, parental military status determination and notification

Department of Education, school bus sensors, consideration

Derelict vessel removal assistance fund, establishment

Dog or cat in vehicle, removal, civil immunity

Elections, voting places, safe and healthy conditions, requirement

Firearm safes, safety courses, and safety devices, sales and use tax, exemption

Firearm safety course, tax credit

Firearms, educational materials, display requirements

KentuckyCYBER, cybersecurity, protection

Kratom products, consumer protections, establishment

Occupational health and safety of employees, violation penalties, increase

Occupational safety and health, standards

Occupational Safety and Health, standards

Property insurance, requirements, FORTIFIED homes

Radon abatement, school district facilities, authorization

Railroads, crew size

Short-term rentals, building code compliance

Smoke detectors, in existing residential properties at time of sale or lease, requirement

Smoke detectors, in residential properties at time of sale or lease, requirement

Strengthen Kentucky Homes Program

Swimming pool, Class A and Class B, emergency shut-off, requirement

Uniform State Building Code, violation

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)