House Bill 165

Last Action 01/05/24: to Committee on Committees (H)
Title AN ACT relating to security requirements at retail establishments licensed to sell alcohol for on-premises consumption.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 811
Sponsors K. Moser, L. Willner, B. Chester-Burton, R. Duvall, S. Heavrin
Summary of Original Version Create new sections of KRS Chapter 244 to define terms; establish preemployment requirements for bouncers; create bouncer training standards; establish agency oversight; amend KRS 244.120 to prohibit consumption of alcohol by a bouncer during work hours; amend KRS 243.500 to allow revocation or suspension of a license for failure to comply with bouncer restrictions; cite this Act as Christopher's Law; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2025.
Index Headings of Original Version Effective Dates, Delayed - Bouncer training and certification, January 1, 2025
Occupations and Professions - Bouncers, training and certification, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Safety - Bouncers, training and certification, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Public Safety - Bouncers, training and certification, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Bouncers, training and certification, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Alcoholic Beverages - Bouncers, training and certification, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Short Titles and Popular Names - Christopher's Law
Occupational Safety and Health - Bouncers, training and certification, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)

Last updated: 9/26/2024 1:37 PM (EDT)