House Bill 139

Last Action 01/03/24: to Committee on Committees (H)
Title AN ACT relating to the KentuckyCYBER Program and making an appropriation therefor.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statement Local Mandate
Bill Request Number 301
Sponsors W. Thomas, M. Imes
Summary of Original Version Create new sections of KRS Chapter 164 to establish the Kentucky Cybersecurity (KentuckyCYBER) Program and governing board within the Council on Postsecondary Education; establish the purpose and duties of KentuckyCYBER Governing Board; create the KentuckyCYBER fund, APPROPRIATION.
Index Headings of Original Version Economic Development - KentuckyCYBER, cybersecurity
Education, Higher - KentuckyCYBER, Council on Postsecondary Education, creation
Local Government - KentuckyCYBER, cybersecurity, protection
Safety - KentuckyCYBER, cybersecurity, protection
State Agencies - Council on Postsecondary Education, KentuckyCYBER, cybersecurity, protection
Information Technology - KentuckyCYBER, cybersecurity, protection
Telecommunications - KentuckyCYBER, cybersecurity, protection
Technology - KentuckyCYBER, cybersecurity
Public Protection - KentuckyCYBER, cybersecurity, protection
Workforce - KentuckyCYBER, workforce training
Appropriations - KentuckyCYBER fund, creation
Local Mandate - KentuckyCYBER, cybersecurity, protection


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)

Last updated: 9/26/2024 1:37 PM (EDT)