Senate Bill 176

Last Action 02/08/24: to Economic Development, Tourism, & Labor (S)
Title AN ACT relating to worker fairness in the construction industry.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 1526
Sponsors P. Wheeler, J. Turner
Summary of Original Version Create new sections of KRS Chapter 337 to define terms; establish a procedure for classifying workers as employees or independent contractors; amend KRS 337.990 to establish penalties for violations; amend KRS 45A.145 to prohibit contractors with multiple violations from contracting with the state for five years; create new sections of KRS Chapters 341 and 342, and amend KRS 131.190, to require the Department of Revenue, Office of Unemployment Insurance, and the Department of Workers' Claims to provide one another with any assessment or orders arising out of the misclassification of an employee; create a new section of KRS Chapter 337 to require the secretary of the Education and Labor Cabinet to develop a training program relating to employee misclassification; provide that Sections 1 to 10, 14 and 15 of this Act may be cited as the Kentucky Workers Fairness Act; EFFECTIVE, in part, January 1, 2025.
Index Headings of Original Version Effective Dates, Delayed - Worker fairness in the construction industry, January 1, 2025
Labor and Industry - Misclassification of employees, construction industry
Occupations and Professions - Construction industry, misclassification of employees
Personnel and Employment - Construction industry, misclassification of employees
State Agencies - Revenue Department, Unemployment Insurance, Workers' Claims Department, information
Unemployment Compensation - Construction industry, misclassification of employees
Wages and Hours - Construction industry, misclassification of employees
Workers' Compensation - Misclassification of employees, information sharing
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Labor, employee misclassification
Short Titles and Popular Names - Kentucky Workers Fairness Act


  • introduced in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Economic Development, Tourism, & Labor (S)

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)