House Bill 500

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 03/27/24: recommitted to Appropriations & Revenue (H)
Title AN ACT relating to wages and hours.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 1905
Sponsor P. Pratt
Summary of Original Version Create new sections of KRS Chapter 337 to provide for certain employment activities to be exempt from minimum wage and overtime wage requirements; specify activities and instances that do not require an employer to pay minimum wage or overtime wage; provide for employer requirements regarding lunch periods; amend KRS 337.010 to change the definitions of "employee" and "agriculture"; amend KRS 337.385 to specify instances of employer liability for employee causes of action regarding unpaid wages; specify statute of limitations for employee causes of action for unpaid wages; bar punitive damages; amend KRS 337.990 to remove penalties for repealed statutes; repeal KRS 337.050, 337.355, and 337.365; amend KRS 95A.250, 337.020, 337.420, 337.423, 337.425, 337.427, 337.430, and 337.433 to conform.
Index Headings of Original Version Labor and Industry - Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer requirements
Personnel and Employment - Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer requirements
Wages and Hours - Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer requirements
Civil Actions - Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer liability
Workforce - Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer requirements
Jump to Proposed Amendments House Committee Substitute 1
House Floor Amendment 1


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Small Business & Information Technology (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
  • taken from the Orders of the Day
  • recommitted to Appropriations & Revenue (H)

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment House Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 337.385 to provide that a court shall award an employee liquidated damages if a court finds that the employer has subjected the employee to forced labor or services; specify a three year statute of limitations period rather than a two year period.
Index Headings Labor and Industry - Wage and hour enforcement, damages, statute of limitations
Personnel and Employment - Wage and hour enforcement, damages, statute of limitations
Wages and Hours - Enforcement, damages, statute of limitations
Civil Actions - Wage and hour enforcement, damages, statute of limitations
Workforce - Wage and hour enforcement, damages, statute of limitations

Amendment House Floor Amendment 1
Sponsor P. Pratt
Summary Retain original provisions, except create new sections of KRS Chapter 337 to provide for certain employment activities to be exempt from minimum wage and overtime wage requirements; specify activities and instances that do not require an employer to pay minimum wage or overtime wage; define terms; delete section related to employer requirements regarding lunch periods; remove repeal of statutes regarding lunch and rest periods for employees.
Index Headings Labor and Industry - Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer requirements
Personnel and Employment - Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer requirements
Wages and Hours - Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer requirements
Civil Actions - Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer requirements
Workforce - Minimum wage, overtime wage, employer requirements

Last updated: 9/26/2024 1:37 PM (EDT)