Counties, Charter

Coroner and deputy coroner, compensation requirements

Damage resulting from defective roadway, liability

Damage resulting from riot, liability

Employees, duty to defend, exceptions, establishment

Government services, taxpayer funding, recognition

Government services, use of the word "free," prohibition

Legislative council members and candidates for legislative office, employment, protection

Local laws, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion

Malt beverages, Sunday sales

Master's commissioner's sale, counties with land bank authority, requirements, residential

Per diem rate, juvenile detention, method to set, establishment

Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment

Religious freedom, violation, remedy, establishment

Requirements, master commissioner's sale, violation, fine, establishment

Sanctuary policies, prohibition

Small farms, home-based processors, rules, regulations, laws, exemption

Tort claims, payment and legal fees, action to recover from employee, establishment

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)