Senate Bill 60

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 03/07/25: to Judiciary (H)
Title AN ACT relating to restoring religious liberty.
Bill Documents Current
Bill Request Number 34
Sponsors S. Rawlings, L. Tichenor, D. Douglas, S. Funke Frommeyer, R. Mills, M. Nunn, A. Reed, G. Williams
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 446.350 to define terms; outline appropriate relief if the statute is violated; apply to laws adopted before or after the effective date; include severability clause; waive sovereign and governmental immunity.
Index Headings of Original Version Courts - Religious freedom, violation, cause of action, establishment
Local Government - Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Local Government - Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Religion - Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Religion - Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
State Agencies - Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
State Agencies - Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Consolidated Local Governments - Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Consolidated Local Governments - Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Unified Local Governments - Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Unified Local Governments - Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Cities - Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Cities - Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Counties - Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Counties - Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Counties, Urban - Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Counties, Urban - Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Charter County Government - Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Charter County Government - Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Jump to Proposed Amendments Senate Committee Substitute 1
Senate Floor Amendment 1
Votes Vote History


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Judiciary (S)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 25, 2025
  • passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day
  • 3rd reading
  • floor amendment defeated Floor Amendment (1)
  • passed 29-7 with Committee Substitute (1)
  • received in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Judiciary (H)

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment Senate Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, except remove claims for injunctive relief, declaratory relief, and compensatory damages; establish that exclusively for purposes of this Act, sovereign and governmental immunity are waived.
Index Headings Courts - Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment
Local Government - Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
Local Government - Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation
Religion - Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
Religion - Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment
State Agencies - Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
State Agencies - Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment
Consolidated Local Governments - Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
Consolidated Local Governments - Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment
Unified Local Governments - Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
Unified Local Governments - Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment
Cities - Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
Cities - Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment
Counties - Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
Counties - Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment
Counties, Urban - Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
Counties, Urban - Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment
Charter County Government - Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
Charter County Government - Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment

Amendment Senate Floor Amendment 1
Sponsor K. Herron
Summary Retain original provisions, except establish that the statute shall not apply to any provision or implementation of state or local laws, administrative regulations, or ordinances that require protections against discrimination.
Index Headings Charter County Government - Local laws, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
Local Government - Ordinances and regulations, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
Cities - Local laws, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
Counties - Local laws, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
Counties, Charter - Local laws, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
Counties, Urban - Local laws, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
Public Authorities - Local laws, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
Public Authorities - Administrative regulations, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
State Agencies - Administrative regulations, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
Unified Local Governments - Local laws, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)