Administrative Regulations and Proceedings

Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, creation

Appeal, executive action, standard of review, establishment

Attorney General, procedures, authority

Board of Cosmetology, mobile salons, inspections

Board of Education, academic standards for African and Native American instruction

Board of Education, Success Sequence, academic standards

Board of Emergency Medical Services, competitive grants

Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, licensing

Board of Medical Licensure, occupational licenses for veterans

Board of Veterinary Examiners, allied animal health professionals

Cabinet for Economic Development, in-demand occupations and industry sectors, identification

Cabinet for Economic Development, ownership of real property, regulation

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, birth certificate form, adoption

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Child Care Assistance Program, eligibility

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, child-care centers, square footage requirements

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, emergency shelter operation

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, freestanding birthing centers, licensure

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, hospital price transparency, compliance

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, patient-directed care, end of life

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, poultry sales

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, residential waiver services, use of video recording devices

Casino gaming, fantasy contests, regulation, Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation

Child Care Assistance Program, income eligibility

Department for Medicaid Services, behavioral health, nullification

Department for Medicaid Services, certified professional midwifery services, coverage

Department for Medicaid Services, family planning program, promulgation

Department for Medicaid Services, rapid whole genome sequencing, coverage

Department for Natural Resources, Healthy Soils Program establishment

Department of Corrections, data reporting

Department of Education, school bus sensors and interior cameras, design

Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction, swimming pools, approved safety pool cover

Department of Insurance, application of health insurance subtitles

Department of Insurance, hearing aids and cochlear implants, minimum coverage amount

Department of Vehicle Regulation, accessible online insurance verification system, effectuation

Department of Workplace Standards, heat injury prevention

Education and Labor Cabinet, occupational safety and health, standards

EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation

Fiscal note, rename

Hiring or licensing authority, prior conviction, application; criteria

Informational review, legislative committees

Kentucky Board of Education, interscholastic varsity sports eligibility rule, establishment

Kentucky Board of Education, Kentucky Proud School Match Program

Kentucky Board of Education, merger of school districts

Kentucky Board of Education, minimum requirements for advanced coursework

Kentucky Board of Education, physical education graduation requirements, athletics alternative

Kentucky Board of Education, school building requirements, single-user toilet facilities

Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, grant fund

Kentucky Board of Licensure for Professional Music Therapists, licensing

Kentucky Housing Corporation, abandoned home pool fund, application criteria

Kentucky Parkinson's Disease Research Registry, data points, collection and dissemination procedure

Kentucky Real Estate Authority, heirs property research fund

Legislative committees, review notifications

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, service fee memoranda, requirement

Personnel Board, employee fines and layoffs, eliminate requirement

Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment

Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition

Roofing contractors, Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction

State Investment Commission, investment authority

State Police, firearm registration and sales

Transportation Cabinet, driveaway plates, fees

Transportation Cabinet, identity documents, third-party application

Transportation Cabinet, street-legal special purpose vehicle, regulation

Transportation Cabinet, super speeders, penalties

Unemployment compensation, domestic or dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking

Last updated: 2/7/2025 3:52 PM (EST)