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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Administrative Regulations and Proceedings
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings
Administrative regulation, authority to promulgate, restrictions
House Bill 6
Senate Bill 20
Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee, appointments and terms
Senate Bill 176
Administrative regulations, technical corrections
Senate Bill 202
Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, creation
House Bill 302
Appeal, administrative body action, standard of review, establishment
Senate Bill 84: House Committee Substitute (1)
Appeal, executive action, standard of review, establishment
Senate Bill 84
Senate Bill 84: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Attorney General, mental health parity, enforcement
House Bill 748
Attorney General, procedures, authority
House Bill 81
Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, pilot program
House Bill 664
Automated speed enforcement in highway work zones pilot program, establishment
Senate Bill 227
Board of Cosmetology, mobile salons, inspections
House Bill 130
Board of Education, academic standards for African and Native American instruction
House Bill 119
Board of Education, healthy relationship instruction
House Bill 706
Board of Education, Success Sequence, academic standards
House Bill 294
Board of Elections, e-poll books, data, voting status
Senate Bill 233
Board of Emergency Medical Services, ambulance services, licensure
House Bill 305: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Board of Emergency Medical Services, competitive grants
House Bill 406
Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, licensing
House Bill 40
Board of Medical Licensure, buprenorphine products, dosage regimen
House Bill 788
Board of Medical Licensure, occupational licenses for veterans
Senate Bill 32
Board of Medical Licensure, physicians, provisional license, international medical graduates
House Bill 786
Board of Nursing, buprenorphine products, dosage regimen
House Bill 788
Board of Veterinary Examiners, allied animal health professionals
Senate Bill 69
Boxing and Wrestling Commission, exhibition, notice requirement
Senate Bill 133
Cabinet for Economic Development, in-demand occupations and industry sectors, identification
House Bill 266
Cabinet for Economic Development, ownership of real property, regulation
House Bill 393
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, accreditation and licensing, substance use treatment
House Bill 785
House Bill 785: House Committee Substitute (1)
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, adverse drug reaction reporting system, reports, penalties
House Bill 572
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, alcohol and drug counseling
House Bill 580
House Bill 580: House Committee Substitute (1)
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, birth certificate form, adoption
House Bill 395
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, cannabinoid beverages, regulation
Senate Bill 202: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Amendment (1)
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, certificate of need, pilot program
House Bill 609
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Child Care Assistance Program, eligibility
House Bill 266
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, child-care centers, square footage requirements
House Bill 221
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, emergency shelter operation
House Bill 299
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, family child-care homes, requirements
House Bill 749
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, freestanding birthing centers, licensure
Senate Bill 17
House Bill 90
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, hospital price transparency, compliance
Senate Bill 243
House Bill 309
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, patient-directed care, end of life
House Bill 408
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, poultry sales
House Bill 144
House Bill 278
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, pregnancy resource centers, licensure
House Bill 794
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, residential waiver services, use of video recording devices
Senate Bill 30
Casino gaming, fantasy contests, regulation, Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation
House Bill 33
Child Care Assistance Program, establishment
House Bill 749
Child Care Assistance Program, income eligibility
House Bill 148
Commissioner, Department of Insurance, coverage for hearing aids, consultation
Senate Bill 93: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Commonwealth Office of Technology, artificial intelligence, policy standards, establishment
Senate Bill 4
House Bill 672
Dentists, dental hygienists, interstate compact
House Bill 762
Department for Medicaid Services, behavioral health, nullification
Senate Bill 65
Department for Medicaid Services, certified professional midwifery services, coverage
Senate Bill 16
Department for Medicaid Services, doula services
House Bill 553
House Bill 814
Department for Medicaid Services, family planning program, promulgation
House Bill 357
Department for Medicaid Services, prepayment claims review
Senate Bill 153
Senate Bill 153: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Medicaid Services, provider audits, authorization
House Bill 785: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Medicaid Services, provider audits, authorizaton
House Bill 787
Department for Medicaid Services, rapid whole genome sequencing, coverage
House Bill 217
Department for Natural Resources, Healthy Soils Program establishment
House Bill 111
Department for Public Health, 7-hydroxymitragynine products, safety standards, establishment
House Bill 481
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
House Bill 694: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, whiskey fungus, cleaning costs
House Bill 608
Department of Corrections, data reporting
House Bill 136
Department of Education, English learner enhanced support program, standards, administration
House Bill 494
Department of Education, school bus sensors and interior cameras, design
Senate Bill 31
Department of Financial Institutions, commercial financing provider registration form
House Bill 680
Department of Financial Institutions, earned income access transactions
House Bill 645
Department of Financial Institutions, earned wage access services, regulatory requirements
Senate Bill 161
Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, chronic wasting disease, captive cervids
House Bill 700: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction, swimming pools, approved safety pool cover
House Bill 265
Department of Insurance, application of health insurance subtitles
House Bill 145
Department of Insurance, application of KRS Chapter 304.17A
House Bill 415
Department of Insurance, hearing aids and cochlear implants, minimum coverage amount
Senate Bill 93
Department of Kentucky State Police, Trooper R and CVE R Classes, benefits
House Bill 30: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 30: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Department of Revenue, certificates of delinquency sale, tax delinquency diversion program
Senate Bill 129
Department of Vehicle Regulation, accessible online insurance verification system, effectuation
House Bill 390
Department of Workers' Claims, administrative law judges, terms, appointment
Senate Bill 201
Senate Bill 201: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Department of Workplace Standards, heat injury prevention
Senate Bill 49
Education and Labor Cabinet, occupational safety and health, standards
House Bill 398
House Bill 398: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (2)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (3)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (4)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (5)
Education Professional Standards Board, reading curriculum
House Bill 528
Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program, application requirements
House Bill 508
EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation
House Bill 343
Fantasy contests, regulation, Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation
House Bill 742
Filing requirements, state agencies
House Bill 422
Finance and Administration Cabinet, contracts, timely payment, procedures, establish
House Bill 622
Fiscal note, rename
House Bill 178
Hiring or licensing authority, prior conviction, application; criteria
House Bill 87
House Bill 87: House Committee Substitute (1)
Informational review, legislative committees
Senate Bill 23
House Bill 422: House Floor Amendment (1)
Invasive plant species control, Energy and Environment Cabinet
House Bill 640
KCTCS and Department of Revenue, property valuation administrator exam, registration and fees
House Bill 450
Kentucky Board of Cosmetology, mobile salons, regulation
Senate Bill 265
Kentucky Board of Education, career and technical education, funding formula and distribution
House Bill 758
Kentucky Board of Education, injury or death, investigations, requirements
House Bill 589
Kentucky Board of Education, interscholastic varsity sports eligibility rule, establishment
House Bill 292
Kentucky Board of Education, Kentucky Proud School Match Program
Senate Bill 48
Kentucky Board of Education, merger of school districts
House Bill 297
Kentucky Board of Education, minimum requirements for advanced coursework
House Bill 190
House Bill 190: House Committee Substitute (1)
Kentucky Board of Education, nonresident pupils, appeals process
House Bill 440
Kentucky Board of Education, physical education graduation requirements, athletics alternative
House Bill 301
Kentucky Board of Education, qualifying apprenticeship
Senate Bill 213: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Kentucky Board of Education, requirements
House Bill 8
Kentucky Board of Education, school and district reporting requirement, prohibition of adoption
House Bill 48: House Committee Substitute (2)
Kentucky Board of Education, school building requirements, single-user toilet facilities
House Bill 270
Kentucky Board of Education, school district passenger vehicles
House Bill 661
Kentucky Board of Education, School Supplies for Kentucky Teachers Program, administration
House Bill 732
Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, grant fund
Senate Bill 57
Kentucky Board of Licensure for Professional Music Therapists, licensing
Senate Bill 42
Kentucky Board of Pharmacy, hormonal contraceptives
House Bill 793
Kentucky Center for Statistics
House Bill 774
Kentucky Fire Commission, distilled spirits warehouses, fire protection fees
House Bill 608
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, scholarship ineligibility, specific convictions
House Bill 750
Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, jurisdiction
House Bill 566
Kentucky Housing Corporation, abandoned home pool fund, application criteria
House Bill 260
Kentucky Office of Homeland Security, promulgation authority
Senate Bill 151
House Bill 492
Kentucky Parkinson's Disease Research Registry, data points, collection and dissemination procedure
Senate Bill 27
Kentucky Real Estate Authority, heirs property research fund
Senate Bill 70
Kentucky Tax Tribunal, creation
House Bill 650
KHSAA transfer and eligibility process, report
House Joint Resolution 49
Law enforcement records, public inspection, exception, risk of harm to the agency or investigation
House Bill 520
Legislative committees, review notifications
Senate Bill 23: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Mobile barber shops, licensure, operation, inspection criteria
Senate Bill 265
Motor vehicle valuation for insurance purposes, manual
Senate Bill 136: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Office of Attorney General, veterans' benefits
Senate Bill 198: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, service fee memoranda, requirement
Senate Bill 103
Senate Bill 103: House Committee Substitute (1)
Senate Bill 103: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Paid parental leave for employees, employers with 50 or more employees
House Bill 598
Personnel Board, employee fines and layoffs, eliminate requirement
Senate Bill 79
Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Senate Bill 60
House Bill 177
Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Senate Bill 60
House Bill 177
Roofing contractors, Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction
House Bill 350
School bus safety instruction requirements, Kentucky Board of Education, establishment
House Bill 430
Settlement agreement, terms harassment, prohibition
House Bill 594
Social media platforms, app stores, app developers, age verification methods, Attorney General
House Bill 12
Social workers, licensure, telehealth, requirements
House Bill 658
State agencies, administrative regulations, nullification
Senate Bill 65: House Floor Amendment (1)
State agencies, promulgating authority
House Bill 6: House Floor Amendment (1)
State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, licensure requirements
House Bill 306: House Floor Amendment (1)
State Investment Commission, investment authority
House Bill 376
State Police, firearm registration and sales
House Bill 124
Technical corrections
House Bill 500
Transportation Cabinet, automated speed enforcement, highway work zones
House Bill 664: House Committee Substitute (1)
Transportation Cabinet, driveaway plates, fees
House Bill 188
Transportation Cabinet, identity documents, third-party application
Senate Bill 43: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 161
Transportation Cabinet, street-legal special purpose vehicle, regulation
Senate Bill 63
Transportation Cabinet, super speeders, penalties
Senate Bill 57
Transportation Cabinet, youth transportation network company services, regulation
House Bill 438
Unemployment compensation, domestic or dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking
House Bill 107
Veteran-Owned Small Business and Entrepreneur Loan Program, creation, fund
House Bill 505
Last updated: 3/11/2025 9:25 PM