Last Action | 03/12/25: to Rules (H) |
Title | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation and declaring an emergency. |
Bill Documents |
Introduced |
Bill Request Number | 387 |
Sponsors | M. Koch, D. Osborne, S. Bratcher, B. Chester-Burton, P. Flannery |
Summary of Original Version | Amend various sections of KRS Chapters 230 and 238, relating to the Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, to define "Kentucky quarter horse purse fund," "proof of wagers," "unclaimed pari-mutuel winning ticket," and "unredeemed pari-mutuel voucher"; confirm the corporation's jurisdiction over racing and gaming entities; require an annual audit of the corporation by a qualified auditing entity and reduce audits by the Auditor of Public Accounts to once every four years; grant the corporation flexibility in promulgating administrative regulations; authorize the corporation to participate in state agency master agreements; prohibit banning or reducing charitable games or charitable gaming activities approved as of July 1, 2025; create staggered initial terms for members of the corporation's board of directors; add two board members, one representing charitable gaming and the other representing the quarter horse industry; appoint all three charitable gaming board members immediately; make those associated with the corporation subject to KRS Chapter 11A, but state that KRS Chapter 230 will control if there is a conflict; permit the board to remove the corporation president; establish qualifications of the corporation's chief financial officer; require the Office of Charitable Gaming to make formal recommendations to the president on charitable gaming matters; combine racing and charitable gaming security and investigators into one group; allow investigators to acquire criminal justice training certification under KRS Chapter 15; establish to corporation's authority over all aspects of charitable gaming, including its employees, agency structure, licensing, and administrative regulations; create a new section of KRS Chapter 230 to direct state financial officers to transfer existing moneys and future receipts to designated accounts; create a new section of KRS Chapter 230 to allow the corporation to control the disbursement of unredeemed pari-mutuel voucher funds held by tracks; create new sections of KRS Chapter 230 to set up quarter horse development and purse funds; amend KRS 230.400, 230.445, 230.446, 230.770, 230.800, 230.802, and 230.804 to modify all equine development, breeder incentive, and purse funds into corporation accounts, with at least 90% of each fund going directly to the fund's primary purpose; allow the corporation to use up to 10% from each fund for its administration and operation; remove quarter horses from all paint horse, Appaloosa, and Arabian funds; amend KRS 230.811 to pay sports wagering license fees directly to the corporation; amend KRS 230.817 to allow the corporation to use up to 10% from the sports wagering administration fund for its administration and operation; require quarterly and annual reports on the status of the sports wagering administration fund; distribute sports wagering funds as they are received; create a new section of KRS Chapter 238 to maintain existing excess charitable gaming licenses; revoke excess licenses after the licensee's commission of listed offenses; amend KRS 238.535 to exempt public or private elementary and secondary schools from charitable gaming licensure; maintain reporting, records retention, and net receipt requirements; amend KRS 238.570 to remove the corporation's ability to adjust the charitable gaming fee; amend KRS 18A.115 to exempt all corporation employees from the classified service; amend KRS 238.550 to allow charitable organizations to make bank deposits up to five days after a charitable event; make technical corrections; amend KRS 68.182, 91.202, 92.282, 138.510, 230.374, 230.3771, 238.536, and 238.540 to conform; repeal KRS 230.270, 238.520, and 238.522; direct the corporation to evaluate and propose its licensing structure to the Interim Joint Committee on Licensing and Occupations by October 1, 2025; make sections relating to the corporation board and funds effective immediately and all other sections effective July 1, 2025; EMERGENCY. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Effective Dates, Delayed - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, charitable gaming Effective Dates, Emergency - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, structure and funding Gambling - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, jurisdiction Licensing - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, racing and gaming Racing - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, jurisdiction State Agencies - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, jurisdiction Treasurer - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, fund transfers Wagering - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, jurisdiction Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, jurisdiction Amusements and Recreation - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, jurisdiction Auditor of Public Accounts - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, quadrennial audits Charitable Organizations and Institutions - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, charitable gaming Public Protection - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, jurisdiction Advisory Boards, Commissions, and Committees - Charitable Gaming Advisory Council, dissolution Horses and Horse Racing - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, breed funds |
Jump to Proposed Amendments |
House Committee Substitute 1 Senate Committee Substitute 1 Senate Floor Amendment 1 |
Votes | Vote History |
02/14/25 |
02/18/25 |
02/19/25 |
02/20/25 |
02/21/25 |
02/25/25 |
02/27/25 |
02/28/25 |
03/04/25 |
03/06/25 |
03/11/25 |
03/12/25 |
Amendment | House Committee Substitute 1 |
Summary | Retain original provisions, except modify the process to use and distribute funds from unredeemed pari-mutuel vouchers; remove the charitable gaming licensing exemption for public and private elementary and secondary schools; allow a local school district to become licensed to conduct charitable gaming; authorize any common schools or organizations affiliated with those schools within a local school district to conduct charitable gaming under the local school district's license; make technical changes to conform. |
Index Headings |
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Charitable gaming, local school districts, licensing Gambling - Racing and gaming, regulation Licensing - Charitable gaming, local school districts, licensing Racing - Unredeemed pari-mutuel vouchers, funds, distribution Wagering - Unredeemed pari-mutuel vouchers, funds, distribution Amusements and Recreation - Racing and gaming, regulation Charitable Organizations and Institutions - Charitable gaming, local school districts, licensing Horses and Horse Racing - Unredeemed pari-mutuel vouchers, funds, distribution Technical Corrections - HB 566/HCS 1 |
Amendment | Senate Committee Substitute 1 |
Summary | Retain original provisions, except direct the first audit of the corporation to cover fiscal year 2026-2027; supersede any other laws relating to unclaimed pari-mutuel winning tickets and unredeemed pari-mutuel vouchers; amend KRS 393A.040, relating to unclaimed property, to remove references to unclaimed pari-mutuel winning tickets. |
Index Headings |
Gambling - Unclaimed pari-mutuel tickets and unredeemed pari-mutuel vouchers, disposition Property - Unclaimed pari-mutuel tickets and unredeemed pari-mutuel vouchers, disposition Racing - Unclaimed pari-mutuel tickets and unredeemed pari-mutuel vouchers, disposition Wagering - Unclaimed pari-mutuel tickets and unredeemed pari-mutuel vouchers, disposition Audits and Auditors - Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, initial audit, fiscal year 2026-2027 Horses and Horse Racing - Unclaimed pari-mutuel tickets and unredeemed pari-mutuel vouchers, disposition |
Amendment | Senate Floor Amendment 1 |
Sponsor | J. Higdon |
Summary | Remove closures due to acts of God from the list of reasons a charitable gaming licensee may lose its excess licenses. |
Index Headings |
Charitable Organizations and Institutions - Charitable gaming locations, acts of God, loss of license Disasters - Charitable gaming locations, acts of God, loss of license Licensing - Charitable gaming locations, acts of God, loss of license |
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)