Education, Elementary and Secondary

Advanced coursework, requirements

Advertisement for public notices, procedures and thresholds

Age-appropriate child sexual abuse instruction, fifth grade and below, authorization

Alternative publication procedures

Autonomous vehicles, student transport, prohibition

Center for School Safety, wearable panic alert system, grants

CERS, retiree health subsidies and employee contribution rates, increase

Chaplains, school districts, public charter schools, background check, requirement

Chaplains, school districts, public charter schools, employed or volunteer, requirement

Child labor laws poster, school building, display requirement

Choking prevention, anti-choking devices, emergencies

Choking prevention, anti-choking devices, Heimlich maneuver, emergencies

Classic Learning Test, KEES supplemental amount, inclusion

Complaint process, school materials, removal

Comprehensive school and district improvement plans, state mandate, deletion

Comprehensive school improvement plans, school criteria for requirement

Comprehensive support and improvement schools, identification

Comprehensive support and improvement schools, professional learning

Contiguous school districts, merger

Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance

Criminal background checks performed for federal agencies

Dual credit scholarship, eligibility

Dyslexia, local board of education, policy requirements

Education Professional Standards Board, membership

Education Professional Standards Board, public schools, authority

Education Professional Standards Board, teacher preparation programs

Employer contributions to Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust, income tax credit

English language learner students, SEEK add-on, establishment

Facilities use by students, individual privacy

Family impact statement, requirements

Feminine hygiene products, elementary and secondary students, provision

Financial literacy course, graduation requirement

Gender-appropriate pronouns, parental request, usage

Gender-neutral language, insertion

Government services, use of the word "free," prohibition

Graduation requirements, physical education, athletics participation alternative

Health course, organ donation program, benefits

Historical instruction, African and Native American history requirements

Home and hosptial instruction, inpatient facility, instruction eligibility

Human growth and development instruction, requirements, parental notification

Human sexuality instruction, parental right to opt student out of instruction

Human sexuality programs, parental rights, opt out

Independent school districts, establishment

Insolvent school districts, merger

Interscholastic athletics, administrators and coaches, child dependency, neglect, and abuse training

Interscholastic athletics participation consent forms, dependency, neglect, and abuse information

Interscholastic athletics, varsity eligibility rule, establishment

KEES base and supplemental awards, increase in amounts awarded

KEES supplemental amount, Cambridge Advanced International, inclusion

Kentucky Department of Education, instructional materials guide, development

Kentucky Department of Education, nonresident pupil data, appeals process

Kindergarten, additional year academic preparedness

Kindergarten, full day of instruction

Kindergarten, reading improvement plan, additional year, academic preparedness

Kindergarten, universal screener, within final 14 instructional days, requirement

Kindergarten, universal screener, within final ten instructional days, requirement

Learning pods, protections

Learning pods, teacher certification requirements, exemption

Local board of education, county district election divisions, reestablishing

Local board of education members, relatives, hiring

Local board of education, number of members, determination

Local boards of education, causes for removal

Local boards of education, code of ethics, requirement

Local boards of education, eligibility

Local boards of education, partisan requirement for office sought

Local boards of education, publication of budget, requirement

Local school board, student journalism protection, adoption of policies

Local school district, critical shortage, rehire requirement

Local school districts, salary increase for eligible employees

Maternity leave, school district employees, establishment

Menstrual discharge collection devices, distribution in schools

Misconduct involving minors, nondisclosure agreement, prohibition

Moments of silence and reflection, daily observation requirement

Music, education, honoring

New teacher induction programs, mandate, deletion

Noncertified school graduates, KEES base amount, inclusion

Noncertified school student, KEES award amounts, inclusion

Nonresident pupil policies, requirements, establishment

Open meeting requirements, substantial compliance, voidable actions

Option 9 teacher certification programs, substitute teaching employment

Part-time student enrollment in public schools, authorization

Personal telecommunications device, student use, prohibition

Preschool, eligible three and four-year-olds, school district to provide

Professional development, certified personnel, compensation

Professional development, creation of four-year reoccurring schedule

Professional development training schedule, Kentucky Department of Education, creation

Professional development training schedule, local board implementation

Psychological injuries for educators, workers' compensation

Puberty instruction, fifth grade and below, authorization

Public school buildings, single-user toilet facilities, requirement

Public schools, required learning capacities of Kentucky public students

Public schools, Ten Commandments, display, requirement

Race and protective hairstyles, discrimination in schools, prohibition in disciplinary codes

Restroom facilities privacy plan, students with privacy needs, requirement

School AED fund, super speeder, fees

School buildings, restroom facilities, gender-specific requirements

School bus safety instruction requirements, establishment

School bus sensors and interior cameras, consideration

School bus stop arm cameras, installation, civil penalty, enforcement

School bus stop cameras, placement and use

School calendar, professional development, additional day

School construction, Center for School Safety, consultation

School district applicants, disclosure of abusive conduct

School district applicants, employment history request, deadline

School districts, professional development training, report

School nutrition, community eligibility provision, reimbursement to school districts

Schools, authorization to carry concealed deadly weapons

Secondary schools, sexual extortion, notice to students and parents or guardians, principals

Secondary schools, sexual extortion, notice to students, poster

Sex discrimination, prohibition

Sex offenders, residing within 3,000 feet of specific locations, prohibitions

Sexual extortion, age appropriate notice to students, posters

Sexual extortion, age appropriate notice to students, principals

Sexual extortion, notice to students and parents or guardians, principals

Sexual extortion, notice to students, poster

Social media, student access, prohibition

Social studies, LGBT history, inclusion

Social studies, marginalized peoples in history, inclusion

Southern Regional Education Board, Crisis Recovery Support Network, recognition and support

State Instructional Materials Commission, establishment

Student attendance days, waiver, 2024-2025 school year

Student journalists and student media advisors, protections

Student lunch period, 30 minute minimum duration

Students, anaphylaxis treatment, possession and administration of intranasal epinephrine at schools

Success Sequence, instruction, requirements

Summative evaluations, reduction of frequency for tenured certified staff

Superintendent investigations, local board report, requirement

Superintendent removal process, requirements

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training program, awareness

Tax incentives, school employees

Teacher certification, assessment requirement, removal

Teacher employment eligibility, minimum assessment score

Teacher planning time, required supervision and instruction, compensation

Teachers, employment contracts, access

Teachers' Retirement System, designate WeLeadCS as a participating employer

Ten Commandments, reading or posting in public schools

Tuition, public school, prohibition

Ultra-processed foods, ban

Undesignated glucagon, administration

Urban agriculture, youth, promotion

Vital statistics, data collection, male and female, identification

Wearable panic alert system, implementation

Youth transportation network company services, regulation

Last updated: 2/12/2025 6:35 PM (EST)