House Bill 298

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 03/12/25: floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
Title AN ACT relating to schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement in schools.
Bill Documents Current
Fiscal Impact Statement Additional Fiscal Impact Statements Exist
Bill Request Number 461
Sponsors J. Tipton, K. Fleming
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 160.346 to require the Kentucky Department of Education to annually identify schools for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI); require the audit of a CSI school to include an assessment and recommendation regarding the principal's capacity to lead the turnaround effort; remove the required use of a turnaround vendor by a CSI school; require the department to establish professional learning for teachers in a CSI school; require the superintendent of the district in which the CSI school is located to adopt evidence-based curriculum and select high-quality instructional materials for the school.
Index Headings of Original Version Teachers - Comprehensive support and improvement schools, professional learning
Textbooks - Comprehensive support and improvement schools, high-quality instructional resources
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Comprehensive support and improvement schools, identification
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Comprehensive support and improvement schools, professional learning
State Agencies - Department of Education, comprehensive support and improvement schools, identification
Jump to Proposed Amendments House Committee Substitute 1 with Fiscal Impact Statements
Senate Committee Substitute 1
Senate Committee Amendment 1
Senate Floor Amendment 1
Votes Vote History


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Primary and Secondary Education (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 27, 2025
  • 3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Committee Substitute (1)
  • received in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Education (S)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1) and Committee Amendment (1-title)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 13, 2025
  • floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment House Committee Substitute 1
Fiscal Impact Statement Fiscal Note to House Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, except require the superintendent and principal of a school identified for comprehensive support and improvement to collaborate with the Department of Education to create a turnaround training and support team; require a local board of education to approve the turnaround team.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Comprehensive support and improvement schools, turnaround team
State Agencies - Department of Education, comprehensive support and improvement schools, turnaround team
Fiscal Note - Department of Education, comprehensive support and improvement schools, turnaround team

Amendment Senate Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions; allow a school district with multiple schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement to contract with a turnaround vendor subject to approval of the commissioner of education; create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to prohibit a public school district or public charter school from entering into a nondisclosure agreement relating to misconduct involving a minor or student; amend KRS 160.380 to define "abusive conduct"; require school district applicants to disclose being the subject of any disciplinary actions in the previous 12 months relating to abusive conduct and consent to a reference check; require school districts to conduct reference checks; require nonpublic schools and public school districts to disclose any disciplinary actions related to abusive conduct of applicants; provide immunity for disclosures made about school employee conduct; require school districts to request all related information from public and nonpublic schools and the Education Professional Standards Board (ESPB); require schools and EPSB to provide the records; require requests for information to be satisfied in 10 working days; require EPSB to create and implement procedures for information requests; require all school district applicants to list all schools of previous and current employment on the application; require a school district to internally report and investigate to completion all allegations of abusive conduct; require all records relating to an allegation of abusive conduct to be retained in an employee's personnel file unless the allegation is proven false; provide that certain requirements apply to public charter schools; amend KRS 156.160 to direct the Kentucky Board of Education to include employment standards in the voluntary certification standards for private schools; make technical corrections; amend KRS 160.151 to define "certified nonpublic school"; require employees of certified nonpublic schools to submit to a national and state criminal background check and a CA/N check; require certified nonpublic school personnel to have a state criminal background check every five years; prohibit a certified nonpublic school from hiring a violent or felony sex crime offender; require a certified nonpublic school to conduct reference checks on all applicants; prohibit a certified nonpublic school from entering into a nondisclosure agreement related to misconduct involving a minor or student; make technical corrections; amend KRS 156.095 to require the Kentucky Department of Education to develop a training related to sexual misconduct and inappropriate relationships for employees to undergo every five years; make technical corrections; amend KRS 161.151 to conform; require that an allegation of abusive conduct be reported pursuant to KRS 620.030; amend KRS 158.4431 and 156.492 to make conforming changes.
Index Headings Education, Elementary and Secondary - Misconduct involving minors, nondisclosure agreement, prohibition
Education, Elementary and Secondary - School district applicants, disclosure of abusive conduct
Education, Elementary and Secondary - School district applicants, employment history request, deadline
State Agencies - Department of Education, certified nonpublic schools, requirements
State Agencies - Department of Education, development of training for school employees, appropriate conduct
Teachers - Background check, requirement
Teachers - Felony charge, disclosure
Teachers - Misconduct involving minors, nondisclosure agreement, prohibition
Teachers - Misconduct involving minors, reporting requirement
Boards and Commissions - Education Professional Standards Board, records
Background Checks - School district applicants, disclosure statement

Amendment Senate Committee Amendment 1
Sponsor S. West
Summary Make title amendment.
Index Headings Drugs and Medicines - 340B covered entities, discrimination against, prohibition
Effective Dates, Emergency - Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board of the General Assembly, establishment
Health and Medical Services - 340B covered entities, discrimination against, prohibition
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - 340B covered entities, discrimination against, prohibition
Pharmacists - 340B covered entities, discrimination against, prohibition
Public Medical Assistance - Medicaid managed care contracts, procurement by January 1, 2027, requirement
State Agencies - Department for Medicaid Services, managed care contract, procurement by January 1, 2027, requirement
State Agencies - Office of the Attorney General, 340B covered entities, discrimination against, prohibition
Medicaid - Medicaid managed care contracts, procurement by January 1, 2027, requirement
Attorney General - 340B covered entities, discrimination against, prohibition
Contracts - Medicaid managed care contracts, procurement by January 1, 2027, requirement

Amendment Senate Floor Amendment 1
Sponsor S. West
Summary Retain original provisions; allow the Cabinet for Health and Family Services or law enforcement officials to cease a school district's investigation into abusive conduct.
Index Headings State Agencies - Cabinet for Health and Family Services, school districts, investigation
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Misconduct involving minors, investigation authority
Police, City and County - School districts, misconduct involving minors, investigation
Police, State - School districts, misconduct involving minors, investigation
Sheriffs - School districts, misconduct involving minors, investigation
Teachers - Misconduct involving minors, school districts, investigation
Children and Minors - Misconduct involving minors, school districts, investigation

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)