Boards and Commissions

Agricultural commodity, gender-neutral language, addition

Allied animal health professionals, advisory board, establishment

Animal Control Advisory Board, membership, dissolution, reconstitution

Animal Control Advisory Board, training programs, child abuse

Board of Auctioneers, alcoholic beverage auctions, auctioneer licensing

Board of Cosmetology, mobile salons, licensure

Board of dentistry, licensed dental hygienists practice locations, expansion

Board of Education, academic standards for African and Native American instruction

Board of Education, health course, requirements

Board of Education, healthy relationship instruction, administrative regulations

Board of Emergency Medical Services, ambulance services, licensure

Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, licensing

Board of Medical Licensure, buprenorphine products, dosage regimen

Board of Medical Licensure, physicians, provisional license, international medical graduates

Board of Medical Licensure, recognition of military training in licensure, report

Board of Nursing, application approval

Board of Nursing, buprenorphine products, dosage regimen

Board of Nursing, licensing

Board of Social Work, social worker licensure, telehealth, requirements

Board of Tax Appeals, abolishment

Boxing and Wrestling Commission, exhibition, notice requirement

Commission on Military Affairs, job training for veterans, report

Commission on Military Affairs, occupational licenses for veterans, report

Conversion therapy, licensees, disciplinary action

Council on Postsecondary Education, dissolution

Dentistry, controlled substances felony conviction, required permanent licensure ban, removal

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, reappointments, term expirations

Department of Workers' Claims, Workers' Compensation Board, terms, appointment

Dietitian Licensure Compact, establishment

Diversity, equity, and inclusion, prohibition

Division of Tobacco, Nicotine, and Vapor Product Licensing, creation

Dream Big Burnside Development Authority, board, creation

Dyslexia, local boards of education, policy requirements

Economic Development Finance Authority, business loans, preference for veteran-owned businesses

Education Professional Standards Board, membership

Education Professional Standards Board, records

Elections, candidates, certification, requirements

Elections, e-poll books, data, voting status

Elections, hand-to-eye audit, reporting deadline

Elections, preclearance county, declaration

Electric Generation and Transmission Siting Board, solar merchant facilities, setbacks, deviations

Eligible veterans, discharged LGBTQ veterans, inclusion

Financial Empowerment Commission, financial literacy course, requirements

Fire prevention and protection, local appeals board, creation

Geographic Information Advisory Council, membership

Healthcare professions, bridge program for military healthcare personnel for licensure

Housing, Buildings, and Construction, Kentucky Building Code, single exit

Interstate Dental and Dental Hygiene Licensure Compact Commission

Kentucky Board of Barbering, mobile barber shops, licensure

Kentucky Board of Cosmetology, executive director

Kentucky Board of Cosmetology, licensure

Kentucky Board of Cosmetology, mobile salons, regulation

Kentucky Board of Cosmetology, reciprocal licensing

Kentucky Board of Education, educational materials review committee, creation

Kentucky Board of Education, interscholastic athletics consent forms, requirement

Kentucky Board of Education, interscholastic athletics trainings, requirement

Kentucky Board of Education, interscholastic varsity sports eligibility rule, establishment

Kentucky Board of Education, local board membership numbers, determination

Kentucky Board of Education, new independent school districts, appeals

Kentucky Board of Education, nonresident pupils, appeals process

Kentucky Board of Education, qualifying apprenticeship

Kentucky Board of Education, school and district reporting requirement, prohibition of adoption

Kentucky Board of Education, school building requirements, single-user toilet facilities

Kentucky Board of Education, school bus safety instruction requirements, establishment

Kentucky Board of Education, school district passenger vehicles, regulation

Kentucky Board of Education, School Supplies for Kentucky Teachers Program, establishment

Kentucky Board of Education, state intervention schools, establishment

Kentucky Board of Education, statute and administrative regulation waiver process, establishment

Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation

Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology, membership and activities

Kentucky Board of Licensure and Certification for Dietitians and Nutritionists, compact

Kentucky Board of Licensure for Professional Music Therapists, creation

Kentucky Board of Licensure of Marriage and Family Therapists, licensure and renewal, applications

Kentucky Board of Licensure of Marriage and Family Therapists, reciprocal agreements

Kentucky Board of Pharmacy, pilot program, Schedule II drug disposal

Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy, licensing

Kentucky Board of Radon Safety

Kentucky Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, consultation, hearing aid coverage minimum

Kentucky Fire Commission, joint agreement with Division of Emergency Management, requirement

Kentucky Group Health Insurance Board, membership

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, reorganization

Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, responsible gambling

Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, technical changes

Kentucky Infrastructure Authority board, Kentucky WWATERS program, eligibility evaluations

Kentucky Infrastructure Authority board, Kentucky WWATERS program, eligibility, funding, conditions

Kentucky Lottery Corporation, restrictions, identification of lottery winners

Kentucky Real Estate Commission, license reciprocity

Legislative Ethic Commission, monetary penalty, increase

Licensing authorities, data collection, workforce participation, employment information

Licensing boards, adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation for licensees, query

Licensure and Certification for Dietitians and Nutritionists, member

Local board of education, chaplains, employed or volunteer, requirement

Local boards of education, advanced coursework for designated subjects, requirements

Local boards of education, chaplains, background check, requirement

Local boards of education, electronic communication policy, traceable communication system

Local boards of education, publication of budget, requirement

Local boards of education, publication of budget, restore original language

Local boards of education, publication of budget, website, requirement

Local boards of education, student attendance days, waiver

Local boards of education, student attendance days, waiver denial

Local boards of education, traceable communication systems, notification to parents

Local school boards, student representative, requirement

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board of the General Assembly, establishment

Medical licensure, controlled substances felony conviction, required permanent ban, removal

Metropolitan sewer districts, board membership, adjoining counties served, representation

Nursing, controlled substances felony conviction, required permanent licensure ban, removal

Offender employment and licensure, requirements

Optometric examiners, controlled substances felony conviction, required permanent ban, removal

Personnel Board, administrative regulations, employee fines and layoffs, eliminate requirement

Personnel Board, member vacancies

PFAS Working Group, establishment, duties, reporting requirements

Podiatry licensure, controlled substances felony conviction, required permanent ban, removal

Public charter school board of directors, chaplains, background check, requirement

Public charter school board of directors, chaplains, employ, volunteer, requirement

Public library district boards, appointments by county judge/executive

Public postsecondary governing boards, limitation of authority to increase tuition and fees

Public postsecondary governing boards, qualified official immunity, waiver for non-law enforcement

Public Service Commission, membership, qualifications, appointments

Public universities, uniform boards of trustees

Sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts for minors, prohibition

Soil and water conservation, gender neutral language, addition

State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, administrative regulations

State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers, requirement for licensure

State college and university boards of regents and trustees, faculty evaluation process, creation

State Instructional Materials Commission, establishment

State personnel, classified employees, hiring

Transportation Cabinet, medical review board, creation

Universal recognition of occupational licenses and government certifications

Waste management district boards, counties with consolidated local governments, service limitations

Last updated: 3/11/2025 9:25 PM (EDT)