House Bill 653

Last Action 02/26/25: to Primary and Secondary Education (H)
Title AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 1207
Sponsor J. Calloway
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 158.192 to change the definition of "harmful to minors" and define terms; deem material, performances, events, or programs that are obscene, harmful to minors, or contain obscene imagery representing minors as educationally unsuitable and not age appropriate; require principals to remove student access to materials, programs, or events deemed educationally unsuitable or not age appropriate; modify complaint and appeals timelines; require that principal or local board of education report that a material, program, or event was educationally unsuitable and age appropriate to the educational materials review committee; provide that willful violation be a basis for employee disciplinary action; require local boards of education to adopt policies to prevent educationally unsuitable and not age appropriate material from being introduced into the school library or made accessible on school property; require the Kentucky Department of Education to provide a model policy for excluding matter that is educationally unsuitable and not age appropriate from school libraries; require the Kentucky Board of Education to establish an educational materials review committee to evaluate decisions made locally and provide recommendations to the Kentucky Board of Education on the usage of reported materials, programs, and events; EMERGENCY.
Index Headings of Original Version Education, Elementary and Secondary - Educationally unsuitable and age inappropriate materials, complaint and appeal process
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Educationally unsuitable and age inappropriate materials, limiting access
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Educationally unsuitable materials, employees, willful violation, disciplinary action
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Local boards of education, educationally unsuitable materials, policy, require
Effective Dates, Emergency - Educationally unsuitable and age inappropriate materials, limiting access
Obscenity and Pornography - Educationally unsuitable and age inappropriate materials, limiting access
State Agencies - Department of Education, educationally unsuitable materials, model policy, require
Teachers - Educationally unsuitable and age inappropriate materials, willful violation, disciplinary action
Children and Minors - Educationally unsuitable and age inappropriate materials, limiting access
Boards and Commissions - Kentucky Board of Education, educational materials review committee, creation


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Primary and Secondary Education (H)

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)