Last Action | 03/12/25: floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute |
Title | AN ACT relating to public school innovation. |
Bill Documents |
Introduced |
Fiscal Impact Statement | Fiscal Note |
Bill Request Number | 1398 |
Sponsors | S. West, S. Funke Frommeyer, M. Nunn, S. Rawlings, L. Tichenor, G. Williams |
Summary of Original Version | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to establish a procedure for a local board of education to submit a waiver request to the Kentucky Board of Education to waive a statute or administrative regulation; set the terms and limitations of a waivers; authorize the identification of schools of innovation and establish parameters for the status; establish procedures for the renewal of approved waivers; provide the conditions and procedure for rescinding waivers by the state board; authorize the promulgation of administrative regulations to adopt necessary forms and procedures to process waiver requests; amend various sections to conform; repeal KRS 156.108 and 160.107; provide that the Act may be cited as the School Innovation Act. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Districts of innovation, repeal Education, Elementary and Secondary - Public schools, statute and administrative regulation waiver process, establishment Education, Elementary and Secondary - Schools of innovation status, establishment Education, Vocational - Districts of innovation, repeal Education, Vocational - Public schools, statute and administrative regulation waiver process, establishment Education, Vocational - Schools of innovation status, establishment State Agencies - KDE, statute and administrative regulation waiver process, establishment Teachers - Public schools, statute and administrative regulation waiver process, establishment Boards and Commissions - Kentucky Board of Education, statute and administrative regulation waiver process, establishment Short Titles and Popular Names - School Innovation Act Fiscal Note - School Innovation Act |
Jump to Proposed Amendments |
House Committee Substitute 1 House Committee Amendment 1 House Floor Amendment 1 House Floor Amendment 2 |
Votes | Vote History |
02/18/25 |
02/20/25 |
02/27/25 |
02/28/25 |
03/04/25 |
03/05/25 |
03/07/25 |
03/12/25 |
Amendment | House Committee Substitute 1 |
Summary | Retain original provisions; create a new section of KRS 156.395 to 156.476 to direct KDE to create an instructional materials depository and outline requirements; define terms; establish the State Quality Curriculum Task Force; set membership and responsibilities of task force and instructional materials reviewers; require school districts to adopt and use high quality instructional materials and programs from the state-approved list; permit chief state school officer to purchase instructional materials for distribution to public school students; require the Education Professional Standards Board to require teacher preparation programs to align curriculum with state's academic standards; make conforming amendments and repeals; EFFECTIVE, in part, July 1, 2026. |
Index Headings |
Education, Elementary and Secondary - High quality instructional materials, requirements Education, Higher - Educator preparation programs, requirements Education, Vocational - High quality instructional materials, requirements Effective Dates, Delayed - High quality instructional materials requirements, effective July 1, 2026 State Agencies - Education Professional Standards Board, program approval, requirements State Agencies - Kentucky Department of Education, instructional materials depository, creation State Agencies - Kentucky Department of Education, instructional materials, requirements State Agencies - State Quality Curriculum Task Force, membership State Agencies - State Quality Curriculum Task Force, requirements Teachers - Educator preparation programs, requirements Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Kentucky Board of Education, requirements Blind or Deaf Persons - Instructional materials and programs, requirements |
Amendment | House Committee Amendment 1 |
Sponsor | S. Lewis |
Summary | Make title amendment. |
Index Headings | Title Amendments - SB 207/GA |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 1 |
Sponsor | T. Bojanowski |
Summary | Retain all provisions, except delete provision permitting waiver for district to enter into an agreement with an education service provider to assist in the management and operation of a school or program. |
Index Headings |
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Schools of innovation, contract with education service provider, removal Education, Vocational - Schools of innovation, contract with education service provider, removal |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 2 |
Sponsor | A. Camuel |
Summary | Delete provision allowing a waiver to permit up to 25% of the teaching staff in a school to be employed without teacher certification under specific conditions. |
Index Headings |
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Non-certified teacher waiver, authorization, removal Education, Vocational - Non-certified teacher waiver, authorization, removal Teachers - Non-certified teacher waiver, authorization, removal |
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)