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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Education, Vocational
Education, Vocational
Academic standards and materials, alignment
House Bill 8
Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, creation
House Bill 302
Antisemitism combating policies, public postsecondary education institutions, requirement
Senate Joint Resolution 55
Antisemitism combating policies, antisemitism definition, guidance
Senate Joint Resolution 55: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Antisemitism combating policies, antisemitism definition, requirement
Senate Joint Resolution 55: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Antisemitism combating policies, Jewish organization recognition, requirement
Senate Joint Resolution 55: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Career and Technical Education Month, recognition
Senate Resolution 48
Career and technical education programs, funding
House Bill 758
Career and Technical Education Student Leadership Day, recognition
Senate Resolution 48
Child labor laws poster, school building, display requirement
Senate Bill 52
Senate Bill 120: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 457
Chinese government, funding, prohibition
House Bill 554
Civil actions related to the enrolling aliens illegally present
House Bill 352
Comprehensive support and improvement, state intervention schools, establishment
Senate Bill 5
Compulsory school attendance, exemption
Senate Bill 213
Senate Bill 213: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Council on Postsecondary Education, dissolution
House Bill 197
Council on Postsecondary Education, immigration data, collection and report
House Bill 352
Districts of innovation, repeal
Senate Bill 5
Senate Bill 207
Dual credit scholarship, eligibility
House Bill 193
Senate Bill 253
Efficient and Effective Districts Task Force, creation
Senate Concurrent Resolution 131
Electrician, plumber, and HVAC students, on-the-job training, licensure credit
House Bill 54
English language learner students, SEEK add-on, establishment
Senate Bill 142
Foreign source funding, report, requirements
House Bill 554
Foreign terrorist organizations, student organization support, definition
Senate Joint Resolution 55: House Floor Amendment (1)
Healthcare professions, accelerated bridge program for military healthcare personnel
House Bill 303
House Bill 303: House Committee Substitute (1)
High quality instructional materials, requirements
Senate Bill 207: House Committee Substitute (1)
Independent school districts, establishment
House Bill 162
House Bill 297
In-state tuition, aliens illegally present, ineligibility
House Bill 352
Kentucky guardian program, delay effective date, 2026-2027 school year
Senate Bill 68: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, reorganization
House Bill 197
Kentucky School for the Deaf Governance Task Force, study of governance models
House Concurrent Resolution 28
Senate Concurrent Resolution 76
Kentucky School for the Deaf, superintendent, appointment
Senate Bill 214
House Bill 532
Limited English proficiency students, enhanced support program
House Bill 494
Local health department partnership, public school health programming, authorization
House Bill 809
Local health department partnership, public school health programs, modification
House Bill 809: House Floor Amendment (1)
Moral instruction, public schools, requirements
House Bill 607
National Guard, call to active duty, permission to withdraw without penalty
Senate Bill 32
Non-certified teacher waiver, authorization, removal
Senate Bill 207: House Floor Amendment (2)
Nontraditional instruction plan, removal of authorization
House Bill 737
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, community rehabilitation services, service fee memoranda
Senate Bill 103
Senate Bill 103: House Committee Substitute (1)
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, community rehabilitation services, service fee memorandum
Senate Bill 103: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Postsecondary education institutions, foster and adopted students, requirements
House Bill 568
Postsecondary education institutions, housing unstable students, requirements
House Bill 568
Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity and inclusion activities, omnibus prohibitions
House Bill 4
Public postsecondary education institution, student-on-student harassment policies, notification
Senate Joint Resolution 55: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Public school buildings, single-user toilet facilities, requirement
House Bill 270
Public school virtual programs, temporary enrollment cap, establishment
House Bill 784
Public schools, statute and administrative regulation waiver process, establishment
Senate Bill 5
Senate Bill 207
Restroom facilities privacy plan, students with privacy needs, requirement
House Bill 270
Sanctuary policies, prohibition
House Bill 352
School buildings, restroom facilities, gender-specific requirements
House Bill 163
School construction, Center for School Safety, consultation
House Bill 433
School Supplies for Kentucky Teachers Program, establishment
House Bill 732
Schools of innovation, contract with education service provider, removal
Senate Bill 207: House Floor Amendment (1)
Schools of innovation status, establishment
Senate Bill 5
Senate Bill 207
SEEK funding adjustment, nonresident pupil enrollment, virtual programs
Senate Bill 268: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Sexual extortion, notice to students, poster
House Bill 47
Senate Bill 73
State Instructional Materials Commission, establishment
House Bill 156
State-operated secondary area vocational education and technology centers, purchasing and contracts
House Bill 491: House Floor Amendment (1)
Statewide assessments, requirements
House Bill 8: House Floor Amendment (1)
Student attendance days waiver, criminal activity dangers, establishment
House Bill 669
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training program, awareness
Senate Resolution 18
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, fringe benefit costs, inclusion
Senate Bill 6: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, on-behalf costs, establishment
Senate Bill 6
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, total costs, establishment
Senate Bill 6
Ultra-processed foods, ban
House Bill 439
Veterans, academic credit for military training
Senate Bill 32
Veterans, access to early course registration
Senate Bill 32
Virtual program, enrollment cap, prohibition
Senate Bill 268
Virtual program, nonresident pupil enrollment, establish guidelines
Senate Bill 268: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Virtual program, nonresident pupil enrollment, establishment of guidelines
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (2)
Virtual program, SEEK fund withholding, prohibition
Senate Bill 268
Virtual program, teacher class size load cap, exclusion
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (2)
Senate Bill 268: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Work Ready Scholarship, eligibility
House Bill 529
Youth organizations, provision of information
House Bill 603
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM