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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Courts
Abortion, minors, authorization
House Bill 419
Abusive civil actions, dismissal
House Bill 704
House Bill 705
Administrative Office of the Courts, cannabis related expungement process, establishment
House Bill 106
Administrative Office of the Courts, data, petition for order of protection, coercive control
House Bill 96
Administrative Office of the Courts, development of mental health treatment brochure, jurors
House Bill 100
Administrative Office of the Courts, fines and fees, data submission, requirement
House Bill 774
Administrative Office of the Courts, protective orders, rescinded, reporting
Senate Bill 54
Administrative Office of the Courts, uniform civil citation form, creation
Senate Bill 21
Assault in the third degree, offense against a circuit clerk
House Bill 446: House Floor Amendment (1)
Assault in the third degree, offense against a judge
House Bill 446
Bench warrants, limitation, expiration
Senate Bill 236
Cannabis possession, personal use quantity, removal of penalties
House Bill 106
Changes in 24 RS HB 11, related to vaping and nicotine products, suspension until APRIL 15, 2026
Senate Bill 269
Child custody, gender-neutral language
House Bill 273
Child custody, gender-neutral language.
House Bill 275
Child custody, gender-neutral language
House Bill 325
Child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
House Bill 805
Child dependency, neglect, and abuse reports, accessibility
House Bill 242
Child support, gender-neutral language
House Bill 274
Civil cause of action, wrongful conviction, attorney's fees in excess of $25,000, contract rate
House Bill 206: House Committee Substitute (1)
Civil cause of action, wrongful conviction, concurrent sex offender registration, no recovery
House Bill 206: House Committee Substitute (1)
Civil cause of action, wrongful conviction, recovery of housing and health care costs, removal
House Bill 206: House Committee Substitute (1)
Coercive control, removal of sexual coercion, abusive litigation, and reports of immigration status
House Bill 96: House Committee Substitute (1)
Commercial driver's license, convictions, reporting requirement
House Bill 444
Court fees for indigent persons, Finance and Administration Cabinet payment, requirement
Senate Bill 44
Court fees for indigent persons, payment Finance and Administration Cabinet
Senate Bill 53
Dating violence and abuse, definition
House Bill 595
House Bill 705
Death penalty, life imprisonment without parole, replacement
House Bill 209
Death penalty, replacement with life imprisonment without parole
Senate Bill 98
Senate Bill 101
Defense to a criminal charge, gender-neutral language insertion, technical correction
House Bill 677
Dismissed or amended charges, expungement, allowance
House Bill 77
Domestic abuse convictions, firearms surrender, procedures
House Bill 330
Domestic violence and abuse, definition
House Bill 595
House Bill 705
Domestic violence orders, firearms surrender, procedures
House Bill 330
Eminent domain, blighted and abandoned property, proceedings
House Bill 353
Employees, telework, prohibition
Senate Bill 79: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Equal parenting time, presumption, removal
House Bill 597
House Bill 705
Exclusive jurisdiction, real estate, contractor dispute, establishment
House Bill 183
Federal immigration law compliance, requirement
House Bill 344
Felony expungement, automatic process
House Bill 257
Forcible entry or detainer, alternative minimum time of notice
House Bill 215
Gender-neutral language
Senate Bill 148
Senate Bill 149
Senate Bill 170
House Bill 620
House Bill 678
House Bill 766
Gender-neutral language, insertion
House Bill 676
House Bill 763
House Bill 764
Gender-neutral language insertion, technical correction
Senate Bill 147
House Bill 765
Gender-neutral language, technical correction
House Bill 512
Guardian ad litem, domestic proceedings, minor child, fee
Senate Bill 55
Incarcerated children, bill of rights
House Bill 228
Informed consent, medical examination or treatment
House Bill 795
Kentucky Center for Statistics, fines and fees reporting, collection, establishment
House Bill 774
Kentucky Tax Tribunal, adjudication for all tax related claims, creation
House Bill 650
Knowingly recording or disclosing grand jury information, crime, establishment
House Bill 623
Knowingly recording or disclosing grand jury information, misdemeanor, statute of limitation
House Bill 623
Marijuana convictions, expungement
Senate Bill 33
Master commissioner's sale, specified requirements, violation, fine, establishment
House Bill 347
Master's commissioner's sale, counties with land bank authority, requirements, establishment
House Bill 347
Money bail, restriction to certain high-risk defendants
House Bill 104
Orders of protection, coercive control
House Bill 96
Orders of protection, conviction of qualifying offense, issuance, duration
House Bill 366
Paid family leave, state employees
House Bill 771
Petition for domestic violence order, determination of paternity, authority
House Bill 307
Pilot project, artificial intelligence, court transcription services
House Bill 498
Primary caretaker, dependent child, alternative to confinement
Senate Bill 118
House Bill 291
Primary caretaker of a dependent child, conditions of sentence, counseling, treatment
House Bill 291: House Committee Substitute (1)
Primary caretaker of a dependent child, eligibility
House Bill 291: House Committee Substitute (1)
Primary caretaker of a dependent child, finding, effect on another proceeding
House Bill 291: House Committee Substitute (1)
Protective order, petition, filing
House Bill 596
House Bill 705
Protective orders, service of process, attorney's fees
Senate Bill 46
Rebuttable presumption related to child dependency, neglect, or abuse, establishment
House Bill 574
Red flag laws, enforcement, prohibition
House Bill 83
Relative and fictive kin care program, program reporting requirements
House Bill 792
House Bill 805: House Committee Substitute (1)
Religious freedom, violation, cause of action, establishment
Senate Bill 60
House Bill 177
Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment
Senate Bill 60: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Religious freedom, violation, remedy, establishment
House Bill 177
Safety plan, child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
House Bill 805
Smash and grab burglary, creation of offense
House Bill 351
State and local compliance with federal request for background checks
House Bill 340
U.S. Supreme Court, ruling on FDA's denial orders on vaping, suspension of 24 HB 11 pending decision
House Bill 62
World Health Organization directives, implementation by CHFS, prohibition, Class D felony
House Bill 84
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM