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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Drugs and Medicines
Drugs and Medicines
340B covered entities, discrimination against, prohibition
House Bill 9: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 9: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 9: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Senate Bill 14
House Bill 24: Senate Committee Amendment (1)
House Bill 298: Senate Committee Amendment (1)
340B Drug Pricing Program, nonprofit hospitals, annual report, requirement
House Bill 685
Abortifacient, controlled substance classification, Schedule IV
Senate Bill 106
House Bill 316
Abortifacient, procurement or provision, prohibition
Senate Bill 106
House Bill 316
Abortion-inducing drugs, prohibitions, removal
House Bill 419
Alternative treatments, chronic pain
House Bill 506
Blood donation, COVID-19 vaccine, donor
House Bill 601
Blood donations, testing
House Bill 140
House Bill 745
Buprenorphine products, dosage regimen
House Bill 788
Cannabinoid beverages, regulation
Senate Bill 202: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Amendment (1)
Cannabis, constitutional amendment, guarantee of rights
House Bill 105
House Bill 105: House Floor Amendment (1)
Cannabis, constitutional amendment, guarantee of rights, establishment
Senate Bill 36
Cannabis, personal use quantity, decriminalization
House Bill 106
Cannabis-infused beverages, distribution and retail sale
Senate Bill 202: House Committee Substitute (1)
Senate Bill 202: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Cannabis-infused beverages, intoxicating adult-use cannabinoids, maximum concentration
Senate Bill 202: House Floor Amendment (1)
Senate Bill 202: House Floor Amendment (2)
Senate Bill 202: House Floor Amendment (3)
Chemical dependency treatment, certificate of need, exemption
House Bill 531
Contraceptive coverage
House Bill 793
Controlled substances, electronic monitoring
House Bill 389
Controlled substances, licensure, controlled substances conviction, required permanent ban, removal
Senate Bill 132: House Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 710: House Committee Substitute (1)
Controlled substances, providing to underage persons, liability
Senate Bill 182
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, workers' compensation, drug test, allowable levels
House Bill 570
Department for Public Health, cannabis-infused beverages, regulation
House Bill 734
Driving under the influence, driving on a suspended license
House Bill 456: House Committee Substitute (1)
Driving under the influence, ignition interlock device, installation fee for EVs or hybrid vehicles
House Bill 456: House Committee Substitute (1)
Driving under the influence, list of controlled substances, expansion
House Bill 456
Driving under the influence, list of controlled substances, removal of benzoylecgonine
House Bill 456: House Committee Substitute (1)
Epinephrine devices, coverage requirement
House Bill 236
Family planning program and services, prenatal and postnatal services, Medicaid
House Bill 357
FDA-approved bowel preparation, colorectal cancer screenings, coverage requirement
House Bill 421
Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Senate Bill 2: House Floor Amendment (1)
Senate Bill 2: House Floor Amendment (4)
House Bill 154
Health services, provision, vaccination status
House Bill 629
Hormonal contraceptives, provisions
House Bill 793
Hormone treatment, continuation, allowing
Senate Bill 2: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Hormone treatment, prohibition, remove
Senate Bill 2: House Floor Amendment (5)
Hospitals, trafficking or possession of controlled substance, Class D felony
House Bill 320
Ibogaine research fund, establishment
Senate Bill 240
Informed consent, medical examination or treatment
House Bill 795
Intranasal epinephrine for anaphylaxis treatment at schools, possession and administration
House Bill 384
Ivermectin without a prescription, authorization
House Bill 668
Liability shield products, requirements
House Bill 648
Marijuana intoxication, per se limit, creation
House Bill 34
Senate Bill 230
Medicaid managed care contracts, limit on number awarded
Senate Bill 13
Medicaid, utilization controls, nonopioid analgesics
Senate Bill 128
Medical product, manufacturer liability, disclosure exception
House Bill 646
Medicinal cannabis, at-home cultivation
House Bill 571
Medicinal cannabis, consumption by smoking
House Bill 571
Medicinal cannabis, qualifying medical conditions
House Bill 571
Medroxyprogesterone ocetate treatment. sex crime against victim under 12 years old
House Bill 23
Nonprofit hospitals, 340B drug program, report required
Senate Bill 14: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Opioid antagonists, access, public postsecondary educational institutions
House Bill 547
Patient-directed care, end of life, self-administered medication
House Bill 408
Pharmaceutical manufacturers, requirements
House Bill 772
Pilot program, Schedule II prescription medication, in-home drug disposal, education materials
House Joint Resolution 37
Postpartum mood disorders, coverage requirement
House Bill 683
Prescribed, administer, schools
House Bill 688
Prescription drug coverage, cost-sharing and rebate requirements
Senate Bill 12
House Bill 413
Prescription drug dispensing, pharmacists, requirement
House Bill 501: House Floor Amendment (1)
Prescription drug dispensing, pharmacists, requirements
House Bill 501
Psychotropic drugs, adverse drug reaction reporting system, Medicaid
House Bill 572
Schedule II narcotics, physician assistants, prescription, limit
Senate Bill 88
Undesignated glucagon, administration, schools
House Bill 688
Undesignated glucagon, diabetes, administration, prescriptive authority
House Bill 75
House Bill 174
Vapor products, sales, penalties, enforcement
Senate Bill 100
Workers' compensation, illegal substances, proximate cause of injury
House Bill 569
Workers' compensation, presumption of nonwork-relatedness, exception
House Bill 570
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM