Last Action | 02/26/25: to Health Services (H) |
Title | AN ACT relating to liability shield products and declaring an emergency. |
Bill Documents | Introduced |
Bill Request Number | 1831 |
Sponsors | S. Maddox, T. Roberts |
Summary of Original Version | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 217 to define terms; require a manufacturer of a liability shield product to subject the product to a placebo-controlled study before it is manufactured, marketed, distributed, or administered in Kentucky; establish requirements for the placebo-controlled study; require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to monitor and track adverse outcomes of liability shield products; require manufacturers of liability shield products to submit documentation to the cabinet of the placebo-controlled study and results of the study; provide that an individual has right to refuse a liability shield product; permit the Attorney General to bring actions for violations; permit individuals to bring actions for injuries; EMERGENCY. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Drugs and Medicines - Liability shield products, requirements Effective Dates, Emergency - Liability shield products, requirements Health and Medical Services - Liability shield products, use Labor and Industry - Liability shield products, requirements Pharmacists - Liability shield products, use Physicians and Practitioners - Liability shield products, use Public Health - Liability shield products, requirements Research and Methods - Liability shield products, placebo-controlled study State Agencies - Cabinet for Health and Family Services, liability shield products, outcomes Public Safety - Liability shield products, requirements Attorney General - Liability shield products, violations, actions Civil Actions - Liability shield products, injuries, actions Civil Rights - Liability shield products, refusal Reports Mandated - Cabinet for Health and Family Services, liability shield products, outcomes |
02/18/25 |
02/26/25 |
Last updated: 3/31/2025 10:56 AM (EDT)