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2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Labor and Industry
Labor and Industry
Agricultural employers and employees, exemptions, removal
House Bill 780
Cabinet for Economic Development, continuous film production, tax incentive, reallocation date
Senate Bill 1: House Committee Substitute (1)
Cabinet for Economic Development, industry recruitment
House Bill 402
Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Leadership Council, establishment
Senate Bill 1: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Office, establishment
Senate Bill 1
Certified living wage, establishment
House Bill 757
City ordinance, prevailing wage, permissive establishment
House Bill 215
City, union, project labor agreement, wages, local ordinance
House Bill 215
Covenant not to compete, restrictions
House Bill 690
COVID-19, modRNA, and mRNA vaccine, prohibition on requirement
Senate Bill 177
Crime victims, leave from employment
House Bill 287
House Bill 632
Department of Workers' Claims, administrative law judge, confirmation, Amanda Perkins
Senate Resolution 123
Department of Workers' Claims, Workers' Compensation Board, administrative law judges, appointment
Senate Bill 201
Senate Bill 201: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Earned paid sick leave provided by employers, requirement
House Bill 138
Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program, application requirements
House Bill 508
House Bill 508: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Employees, independent contractors, classification and misclassification
House Bill 791
Employees, schedules
House Bill 631
Employer vaccination mandate, medical contraindication, exception
House Bill 647
Employer vaccine mandate, medical or religious exception, notice of exemptions
Senate Bill 246
Employers, ghost job posting, prohibition
House Bill 57
Employers, mandatory posting of veterans' benefits document
House Bill 551
Employment discrimination, protections against weight
House Bill 656
Employment discrimination, requirement of criminal history on job applications, prohibition
House Bill 128
Employment, unlawful acts, settlement agreements, prohibition
House Bill 594
Essential employees, minimum wage
House Bill 593
Firefighters, work schedules, collective bargaining
House Bill 131
House Bill 131: House Committee Substitute (1)
Heat illness prevention, outdoor employees
Senate Bill 49
Income tax exclusions, tips and overtime compensation
House Bill 26
Labor organizations, limitations on membership, removal
Senate Bill 154
House Bill 224
House Bill 225
House Bill 602
Liability shield products, requirements
House Bill 648
Manufacturing, preferences for materials made in the United States
House Bill 345
Medical product, manufacturer liability, disclosure exception
House Bill 646
Minimum wage, baseball players, exemption, collective bargaining
Senate Bill 15
Minimum wage for all employees, workers with a disability, requirements
House Bill 599
Occupational health and safety of employees, violation, penalties, increase
House Bill 466
Occupational health and safety of employees, violation penalties, increase
House Bill 778
Occupational safety and health, standards
House Bill 398
House Bill 398: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (2)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (3)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (4)
House Bill 398: House Floor Amendment (5)
House Bill 803
Occupational safety and health, standards, attorneys' fees, litigation
House Bill 398: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Offender employment and licensure, requirements
House Bill 103
Paid parental leave for employees, employers with 50 or more employees
House Bill 598
Sexual orientation and gender identity, prohibition of discrimination
Senate Bill 102
House Bill 235
State minimum wage, increase
Senate Bill 11
House Bill 67
House Bill 564
State procurement, contracts, award, prohibition, workplace violation
House Bill 269
House Bill 760
Unauthorized alien, employment, prohibition
House Bill 673
Unemployment compensation, workers displaced by domestic violence, abuse, sexual assault, stalking
House Bill 107
Unemployment insurance, fraud
Senate Bill 162
Senate Bill 162: House Floor Amendment (1)
Senate Bill 162: House Floor Amendment (2)
Senate Bill 162: House Floor Amendment (3)
Senate Bill 162: House Floor Amendment (4)
Senate Bill 162: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Senate Bill 162: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Unemployment insurance, work search activities
Senate Bill 263
Union and professional membership dues, individual income tax deduction
House Bill 363
House Bill 575
Unlawful employment practice, inquiry about previous salary
House Bill 289
Wages and hours, exemption for agricultural employers and employees, removal
House Bill 780
Wages or wage range, employers to include in any job posting, transparency
House Bill 362
Wages, requirement to pay living wage
House Bill 129
Workers' compensation, evaluations for occupational disease
House Bill 166
Workers' Compensation, evaluations for occupational disease
Senate Bill 191
Workers' compensation, exemption for employers and employees, removal
House Bill 780
Workers' compensation, illegal substances, proximate cause of injury
House Bill 569
Workers compensation, payment for services, submission of statements, compensability determination
House Bill 502
Workers' compensation, presumption of nonwork-relatedness, exception
House Bill 570
Workers' compensation, psychological injuries to teachers
House Bill 467
Workers' compensation, requirements to reopen an occupational disease claim
House Bill 165
Workers' compensation, specified employees, psychological injuries
House Bill 420
Workforce needs projections, Cabinet for Economic Development, report
Senate Bill 32
Workplace policy, right to disconnect during nonworking hours, penalty for violation
House Bill 229
Workplace, right to refuse meetings or communications, political or religious matters
Senate Bill 51
Workplace safety, emergency action plan
House Bill 536
Wrongful discharge, collection of lost wages
House Bill 692
Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM