Last Action | 03/12/25: posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 13, 2025 |
Title | AN ACT relating to the film industry. |
Bill Documents |
Introduced |
Bill Request Number | 1350 |
Sponsors | P. Wheeler, R. Stivers, D. Carroll, S. Funke Frommeyer, G. Neal, B. Storm, L. Tichenor, D. Yates |
Summary of Original Version | Create new sections of subchapter 12 of KRS Chapter 154 to establish the Kentucky Film Office within the Cabinet for Economic Development for administrative purposes only; establish duties of the office; establish the Kentucky Film Leadership Council to be administratively attached to the Kentucky Film Office; establish duties and membership of the council; amend KRS 12.020 to conform; EFFECTIVE July 1, 2025. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Effective Dates, Delayed - Kentucky Film Office, Kentucky Film Leadership Council, July 1, 2025 Economic Development - Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Leadership Council, establishment Economic Development - Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Office, establishment Labor and Industry - Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Office, establishment State Agencies - Kentucky Film Leadership Council, Cabinet for Economic Development, establishment State Agencies - Kentucky Film Office, Cabinet for Economic Development, establishment Workforce - Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Office, establishment |
Jump to Proposed Amendments |
Senate Committee Substitute 1 House Committee Substitute 1 |
Votes | Vote History |
02/18/25 |
02/20/25 |
02/26/25 |
02/27/25 |
03/04/25 |
03/05/25 |
03/07/25 |
03/11/25 |
03/12/25 |
Amendment | Senate Committee Substitute 1 |
Summary | Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 141.383 and Subchapter 61 of KRS Chapter 154 to conform. |
Index Headings |
Economic Development - Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Leadership Council, incentive, approval Labor and Industry - Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Leadership Council, establishment State Agencies - Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Leadership Council, establishment Workforce - Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Leadership Council, establishment |
Amendment | House Committee Substitute 1 |
Summary | Retain original provisions, except amend to provide a salary cap for the executive director of the Kentucky Film Office; amend KRS 141.383 to change the date when any unused balance allocated for all approved companies with a continuous film production shall be made available for all approved companies with a motion picture or entertainment from the first day of July to the first day of April. |
Index Headings |
Economic Development - Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Office, executive director, salary cap Labor and Industry - Cabinet for Economic Development, continuous film production, tax incentive, reallocation date State Agencies - Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Office, executive director, salary cap Workforce - Cabinet for Economic Development, continuous film production, tax incentive, reallocation date |
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)