Physicians and Practitioners

Abortion, incompatible with life outside the womb, prohibition exception

Abortion, lethal fetal anomaly, prohibition exception

Abortion, pregnancy, rape or incest, prohibition exception

Birthing centers, freestanding, licensing and certificate of need

Blood donations, testing

Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition

Health care practitioner, prescriptive authority

Magnetic resonance imaging technologists and diagnostic medical sonographers, licensing

Maternal health disparity training, requirement

Maternal mortality and morbidity, prevention

Medicaid managed care contracts, limit on number awarded

Occupational diseases, evaluations in workers' compensation, physicians eligible to perform

Parkinson's disease, state registry, patient data, reporting requirement

Physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, licensing

Psychologists, licensing examination

Rebuttable presumption, compliance, establishment

Sickle cell disease, hospital policies

Last updated: 1/9/2025 6:56 PM (EST)