Firefighters and Fire Departments

City and urban-county firefighter work schedules

City and urban-county governments, firefighter work schedules

Emergency and fire districts, distilled spirits warehouses, fire protection measure fees

Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment

Fire chief and state fire marshal final orders, appeals to Circuit Court

Fire chiefs, gender-neutral language

Firefighters, spouse or children of disabled or killed, tuition benefits

Gender-neutral language, insertion

Kentucky Fire Commission, local fire department grants

Line of duty death benefits payable to firefighter, eligibility

Professional development and wellness program, rescue squad members, expansion

Property tax exemption, primary residence, proposed constitutional amendment

Property tax, rate increases

Retirement, Tier 2 benefits for KERS/CERS members in hazardous positions

Smoke, CO1, gas detectors in existing residence at time of sale or lease, requirement

Special purpose governmental entities, financial reporting, thresholds increase

Volunteer firefighters, income tax credit

Workers' compensation, psychological injuries

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)