Last Action | 03/13/25: returned to State & Local Government (S) |
Title | AN ACT relating to property. |
Bill Documents |
Introduced |
Fiscal Impact Statements |
Local Mandate
Additional Fiscal Impact Statements Exist |
Bill Request Number | 297 |
Sponsor | J. Hodgson |
Summary of Original Version | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 100 to require certain development projects in zones that have traditionally been reserved for single-family homes to be treated as amendments to a zoning map and to meet the procedural requirements for approval set out in KRS Chapter 100; create a new section of KRS Chapter 383 that prohibits property owner's from leasing accessory dwelling units or multi-family housing units in zones that have traditionally been reserved for single-family homes unless the property owner primarily resides on the lot. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Local Mandate - Development in traditional single-family zones, additional requirements Local Mandate - Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension Land Use - Development in traditional single-family zones, additional requirements Landlord and Tenant - Multi-unit leasing, restrictions Local Government - Development in traditional single-family zones, additional requirements Planning and Zoning - Development in traditional single-family zones, additional requirements Property - Multi-unit leasing, restrictions |
Jump to Proposed Amendments |
House Committee Substitute 1 with Fiscal Impact Statements House Committee Amendment 1 House Floor Amendment 1 House Floor Amendment 2 House Floor Amendment 3 House Floor Amendment 4 House Floor Amendment 5 House Floor Amendment 6 House Floor Amendment 7 House Floor Amendment 8 |
Votes | Vote History |
01/07/25 |
02/04/25 |
02/25/25 |
02/26/25 |
03/04/25 |
03/05/25 |
03/07/25 |
03/11/25 |
03/12/25 |
03/13/25 |
Amendment | House Committee Substitute 1 |
Fiscal Impact Statement | Local Mandate to House Committee Substitute 1 |
Summary | Retain original provisions, except define "accessory dwelling unit" and redefine "density development project" as a project that both contains multifamily housing and results in an increase in emergency response times or traffic; include accessory dwelling units within the definition of multifamily housing; define "property owner" and apply restrictions to leases entered into after the effective date of the Act; require an owner to reside in either a single-family home, multifamily unit or an accessory dwelling unit, on the lot or single family home; amend KRS 154.30-050 and 154.30-060 to exempt from certain reports and certifications those projects that have a residential use that comprises at least 50 percent of the total finished square footage of the project; extend existing moratorium on certain changes to a consolidated local government's land development code until April 15, 2027; make technical corrections; EMERGENCY, in part. |
Index Headings |
Effective Dates, Emergency - Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension Land Use - Commonwealth participation program, qualified housing, exceptions to reports and certifications Land Use - Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension Land Use - Signature project program, qualified housing, exceptions to reports and certifications Local Government - Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension Planning and Zoning - Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension Planning and Zoning - Density development projects, definition Planning and Zoning - Leasing of residential units, restrictions Planning and Zoning - Leasing residential units, definitions Taxation - Commonwealth participation program, qualified housing, exceptions to reports and certifications Taxation - Signature project program, qualified housing, exceptions to reports and certifications Consolidated Local Governments - Moratorium on changes to land development code, extension Technical Corrections - HB 18/HCS 1 |
Amendment | House Committee Amendment 1 |
Sponsor | P. Flannery |
Summary | Make title amendment. |
Index Headings | Title Amendments - HB 18 |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 1 |
Piggyback? | Yes |
Sponsor | E. Callaway |
Summary | Retain original provisions; amend KRS 65.111 to prohibit collection of an emergency response fee from a landlord if the response was not the result of the landlord's failure to maintain the building; include authority to collect from the responsible party. |
Index Headings |
Piggybacked Bills - HB 478 Emergency Medical Services - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Firefighters and Fire Departments - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Landlord and Tenant - Emergency response fee, restriction on payment Local Government - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Police, City and County - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Special Districts - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 2 |
Sponsor | E. Callaway |
Summary | Make title amendment. |
Index Headings | Title Amendments - HB 18 |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 3 |
Sponsor | R. Roarx |
Summary | Delete Section 5 that would extend existing moratorium on certain changes to a consolidated local governments' land development code until April 15, 2027; delete Section 6 containing emergency clause. |
Index Headings |
Consolidated Local Governments - Moratorium on changes to land development code, extension, deletion of Effective Dates, Emergency - Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension, deletion Land Use - Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension, deletion Local Government - Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension, deletion Planning and Zoning - Consolidated local government, moratorium on changes to land development code, extension, deletion |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 4 |
Sponsor | R. Roarx |
Summary | Make title amendment. |
Index Headings | Title Amendments - HB 18 |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 5 |
Sponsor | J. Nemes |
Summary | Retain original provisions, except change Section 1 to require three-fifths of a legislative body to approve a change; add and amend KRS 65.111 to prohibit collection of an emergency response fee from a landlord if the response was not the result of the landlord's failure to maintain the building and include authority to collect from the responsible party; add and amend KRS 67C.147 to exclude the central business district from the requirements related to the urban services districts differential tax; add a new section of KRS Chapter 100.401 to 100.409 to prohibit a planning commission from waiving or amending binding elements without the approval of the legislative body; apply the two-year moratorium on changes to the land development code only to zones outside of an urban services district; renumber sections. |
Index Headings |
Emergency Medical Services - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Firefighters and Fire Departments - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Land Use - Density development project, restrictions Landlord and Tenant - Emergency response fee, restriction on payment Local Government - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Planning and Zoning - Density development project, restrictions Police, City and County - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Special Districts - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Consolidated Local Governments - Density development project, restrictions Consolidated Local Governments - Moratorium on changes to land development code, extension |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 6 |
Sponsor | J. Nemes |
Summary | Make title amendment. |
Index Headings | Title Amendments - HB 18 |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 7 |
Sponsor | J. Hodgson |
Summary | Retain original provisions, except change Sections 1 and 2 to apply only in a county containing a consolidated local government; add and amend KRS 65.111 to prohibit collection of an emergency response fee from a landlord if the response was not the result of the landlord's failure to maintain the building and include authority to collect from the responsible party; add and amend KRS 67C.147 to exclude the central business district from the requirements related to the urban services districts differential tax; add a new section of KRS Chapter 100.401 to 100.409 to prohibit a planning commission from waiving or amending binding elements without the approval of the legislative body; delete Section 5 containing a moratorium on changes to a land development code in a consolidated local government; and delete Section 6 declaring an emergency. |
Index Headings |
Emergency Medical Services - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Firefighters and Fire Departments - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Land Use - Density development project, restrictions Landlord and Tenant - Emergency response fee, restriction on payment Local Government - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Planning and Zoning - Density development project, restrictions Police, City and County - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Special Districts - Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment Consolidated Local Governments - Density development project, restrictions Consolidated Local Governments - Moratorium on changes to land development code, extension |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 8 |
Sponsor | J. Hodgson |
Summary | Make title amendment. |
Index Headings | Title Amendments - HB 18 |
Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)