Special Districts

Advertisement for public notices, procedures and thresholds

Air pollution control boards, air quality monitoring, data collection standards

Air pollution control boards, air quality monitoring, emissions fees

Alternative publication procedures

Ambulance districts, emergency medical services personnel, disabled or killed, tuition benefits

Cigar bars, local government regulation, limitation

Cigar bars, local government regulation, liquor license optional

Cigar bars, operation permitted, conditions

Cigar bars, operation permitted, grandfather provisions

Conservation district, watershed conservancy district, audits

Emergency and fire districts, distilled spirits warehouses, fire protection measure fees

Emergency response fee, residential landlord and tenant, restriction on payment

Employees, duty to defend, exceptions, establishment

Fire, emergency medical services personnel, disabled or killed, tuition benefits

Government services, taxpayer funding, recognition

Government services, use of the word "free," prohibition

Local health boards, regulations, county containing consolidated local government, approval

Medical product, disclosure requirement, prohibition

Metropolitan sewer districts, board membership, adjoining counties served, representation

Metropolitan sewer districts, rate changes, additional revenue, local government approval

Open meeting requirements, substantial compliance, voidable actions

Property tax, emergency services, rate increases

Property tax, homestead exemption, disabled veterans

Property tax rate levy, recall process

Public hearings, rates beyond compensating rate, conduct within 21 days after advertisement

Religious freedom, violation, remedy, establishment

Sanitation districts, cause of action when service not provided, conditions

Sanitation districts, stormwater, charges

Sanitation districts, user charges, controls

Solid waste management boards, regulations, county with consolidated local government, approval

Special districts, technical correction

Special purpose governmental entities, financial reporting, thresholds increase

Tort claims, payment and legal fees, action to recover from employee, establishment

Waste management district boards, counties with consolidated local governments, service limitations

Water fluoridation programs, optional participation, determination by governing body

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)