Local Mandate

Administrative Office of the Courts, alternative sentencing of primary caretakers

Administrative Office of the Courts, data, petition for order of protection, coercive control

Air pollution control boards, air quality monitoring, data collection standards

Air quality monitoring, emissions, fees

animal control officers, recognition of child abuse, training programs, Kyan's Law

Animal cruelty, penalties, enhancement

Assault in the third degree, offense against a justice or judge

Assault in the third degree, offense against drivers of public transportation

Assualt in the third degree

Background checks, private firearms sales and transfers

Benefits for workers displaced by domestic or dating violence and abuse, sexual assault, or stalking

Blood donations, testing

Burial or cremation of a dead body, facilitation

Cabinet for Economic Development, ownership of real property, regulation

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, ambulance services, complaints

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, pperinatal palliative care, programs and services, list

Cannabis, constitutional amendment, guarantee of rights, establishment

Cannabis possession, personal use quantity, removal of penalties

Cannabis, right to possess, use, or buy

Casino gaming, fantasy contest, regulation, Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation

Centralized reporting, collection, and distribution system or occupational license fees

Code enforcement officers, hazardous duty retirement

Constitutional amendment, ballot initiatives, establishment of right of the people to propose

Constitutional amendment, eligibility to vote, mentally incompetent, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, excise, sales, or use tax exemption ballot language

Constitutional amendment, pardons and commutations, Governor's ability, limitation

Constitutional amendment, pardons and commutations, limitation, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, preconviction pardons, limitation, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, homeowners 65 years of older, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, veterans and first responders, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, slavery and involuntary servitude, prohibition, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, term limits of members, ballot language

Conversion therapy, minors, public funding, prohibition, licensees, disciplinary action

Cruelty to animals in the first degree, additional elements, forfeiture of animals

Cultured animal tissue, meat, meat product, prohibition

Damage resulting from defective roadway, local government liability

Dental services, insurance, assignment of benefits

Department of Revenue, certificates of delinquency sale, tax delinquency diversion program

Department of Vehicle Regulation, accessible online insurance verification system, effectuation

Development in traditional single-family zones, additional requirements

Diego's Law

Domestic abuse convictions, firearms surrender, procedures

Driveway authority, driveway plate, fees, Transportation Cabinet

Driving under the influence, third or subsequent offense, penalty enhancement, Class D felony

Duty to intervene, reporting requirements, legal and administrative protections

Earned paid sick leave provided by employers, requirement

Emergency ground ambulance services, coverage and payment requirements

Emergency shelter operation, requirement

EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation

Epinephrine devices, coverage requirement

Feeding or eating disorders, coverage requirements

Fees for lodging state prisoners in jails

Finance and Administration Cabinet, Jefferson County Youth Detention Center transfer, requirement

Firearm ban, enforcement by state and local government, prohibition

Firearm storage, requirement

Firearms, ammunition capacity, possession

Firearms, local regulation

Firearms, transaction waiting period

Gender transition services, KCHIP payment or coverage, prohibition

Government services, use of the word, "free," prohibition

Grant database, requirements

Hate crime, enhanced term of imprisonment, hate symbols to intimidate, creation of offense

Health plan, prescription drug coverage, cost-sharing and rebate requirements

Hearing loss, coverage requirements

Heat illness prevention, outdoor employees

Heirs property research fund, county clerk fee increase, recording and indexing

Immigration law compliance, requirement

Independent school district, board of education, establishment

Insurance fraud, prohibited acts

Interference with a legislative proceeding, arrest requirement

Kentucky Emergency Volunteer Corps, use during emergencies, authorizing

Kentucky Law Enforcement Council, peace officer revocation, nonfeasance and malfeasance, procedure

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, CERS retiree health subsidies and contribution rates, increase

Kentucky Women's Bill of Rights

Leave from employment for court appearances

License to carry concealed deadly weapons, age requirement

Local boards of education, candidates for office, partisan requirement for office sought

Local planning and zoning officers, training

Manufactured housing, zoning regulation, restrictions

Manufacturing, preferences for materials made in the United States

Marriage licenses and applications, county clerks, authority to correct

Master's commissioner's sale, counties with land bank authority, requirements, establishment

Medical debt, maximum rate of interest

Medical treatment, discrimination, acts of conscience

Minimum wage, authority to establish, state minimum wage increase

Money bail, restriction to certain high-risk defendants

Motor vehicle racing, enhanced penalties

Motor vehicle usage, vehicles purchased by active duty service members, exemption

Offender employment and licensure, requirements

Orders of protection, repeated violations, penalty, enhancement

Peace officer certification, minimum qualifications, physical agility test

PFAS chemicals, reporting requirements

Possession or viewing of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor, parole eligibility

Postincarceration supervision, attempted sex crimes, child pornography, human trafficking

Prescription drug coverage, cost-sharing and rebate requirements

Primary caretaker, dependent child, alternative to confinement

Property tax, exemption, homeowners 65 years old or older, proposed constitutional amendment

Property tax, homestead exemption, owners who are 65 or older, proposed constitutional amendment

Property tax, motor vehicles, state rate reduction and exemption

Property tax, motor vehicles, state tax exemption

Proposed constitutional amendment, healthy environment, inherent and inalienable right

Psychiatric collaborative care model, coverage requirement

Psychological injuries for educators, workers' compensation

Rapid whole genome sequencing, Kentucky Employee Health Plan, coverage requirement

Real estate, marketable title, protected exceptions, establishment

Rental property registry by local government, prohibition

Replacement of roofing materials, uniformity of appearance, insurance coverage

Retirement, legislatively authorized of funded raises from pension spiking provisions, exemption

Sancturay policies, prohibition

School bus stop cameras, placement and use

School district establishment, merger, transfer, redivision, financial oversight, taxation, appeals

Schools, concealed deadly weapons

Seized or recovered firearms, reporting procedures

Self-insured employer group health plan, mental health wellness examination, coverage requirement

Sepatate facilities, by sex

Sex offenders, participation in Halloween-related activity involving minors, prohibition

Sex offenders, residing within 3,000 feet of specific locations, prohibitions

Sexual extortion, class C felony, elements, notice to students

Sexual extortion, Class C felony, elements, notice to students

Sexual offenses

Sexual orientation and gender identity, prohibition of discrimination

Short-term rental restrictions, prohibition

Slavery and involuntary servitude, prohibition, constitutional amendment

Smoke, CO1, gas detectors in all existing sold and leased residences, requirement

Smoking, cigar bars, local government regulation, limitation

Solid waste management plans, residual waste generators


Squatters, removal from premises, damages

State and local compliance with federal request for background checks

State historic battlefield sites, hunting, prohibition, exception

State minimum wage, increase

Street-legal special purpose vehicle, requirements to operate on a highway, registration requirement

Target shooting, requirements, Class A misdemeanor for violation

Telephone and broadband facilities, key infrastructure asset, inclusion

Theft of services, rental agreements, property

Traveling into the Commonwealth to commit a sexual offense, creation of offense

Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition

Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition, affirmative defense

Violent offender, conviction of kidnapping

Wages, requirement to pay living wage

Last updated: 2/12/2025 6:35 PM (EST)