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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Taxation
Accessible housing, new construction, income tax credit
House Bill 383
Alternative jet fuel, income tax credit
House Bill 296
Apprenticeship tax credit, eligible employers
House Bill 590
Board of Tax Appeals, confirmation, Frederick A. Higdon
Senate Resolution 184
Cannabis-infused beverages, imposition
House Bill 775: House Committee Substitute (2)
Casino gaming, excise and admissions taxes, imposition
House Bill 33
Commonwealth participation program, qualified housing, exceptions to reports and certifications
House Bill 18: House Committee Substitute (1)
Constitiional amendment, limits on taxation and spending, proposed constitional amendment
House Bill 756
Conversion of condemned property into a domestic violence shelter, tax credit
Senate Bill 34
Department of Revenue, publication of local taxing authority information, requirement
Senate Bill 218
Department of Revenue, tax bills, allowable payment methods
House Bill 376
Employer contributions to Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust, income tax credit
House Bill 189
Employer contributions to STABLE Kentucky account, income tax credit
House Bill 189
Exclusion from income, tax credit, school employees
House Bill 1: House Floor Amendment (1)
Exclusion of income from individual income tax, state employee
House Bill 1: House Floor Amendment (3)
Fantasy contests, monthly taxes
House Bill 742
Farmland Retention Tax Credit Program
House Bill 703
Financial Incentive Review Committee, establishment, duties
House Bill 243
First-time home buyer, tax incentives
House Bill 195
Graduated tax rates, individual income tax
House Bill 1: House Floor Amendment (8)
Income of veterans, income tax exclusion
House Bill 1: House Floor Amendment (6)
Income tax, affordable housing credit
House Bill 583
Income tax credit, qualified home modification
House Bill 378
Income tax credits, ENERGY STAR and energy efficiency
House Bill 583
Income tax, employer student loan repayment credit, establishment
House Bill 361
Income tax exclusions, tips and overtime compensation
House Bill 26
Income tax, extension of time, returns, payments
House Bill 2: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
House Joint Resolution 5: Senate Committee Amendment (1)
Income tax incentives, metropolitan college, tourism development, employee wage assessments
House Bill 775: House Committee Substitute (2)
Individual income, retirement distribution exclusion
House Bill 146
Individual income tax adjustment, capital gains and losses from the sale of currency or bullion
House Bill 625
Individual income tax, eligible caregiver tax credit, establishment
House Bill 226
Individual income tax, exclusion, minors
House Bill 471
Individual income tax, exclusion, wages of state service employee
House Bill 338
Individual income tax rate
House Bill 1: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 775: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 775: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Individual income tax rate, reduction
House Bill 1: House Floor Amendment (5)
House Bill 1: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Individual income tax rate, taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2026
House Bill 425
Individual income tax, refundable child credit, establishment
Senate Bill 47
Individual income tax, refundable home installation credit, establishment
House Bill 364
Individual income tax, tax rate reduction conditions
House Bill 775: House Committee Substitute (2)
Individual, military pensions, income tax exclusion
House Bill 192
Inheritance tax, Class B beneficiary, exemption
House Bill 726
Inheritance tax, foster child, Class A beneficiary
House Bill 264
Kentucky Tax Tribunal, adjudication for all tax related claims, creation
House Bill 650
Limited liability entity tax, exemption, gross receipts less than $100,000
House Bill 721
Local government insurance premium tax, group health insurance, exemption
House Bill 644
Local transient room taxes, electronic filing, requirement
House Bill 490
Local transient room taxes, electronic payment, requirement
House Bill 490
Local transient room taxes, standard form, requirement
House Bill 490
Metropolitan College, income tax credit, sunset extension
House Bill 474
Motor vehicle usage tax, purchases by military and National Guard members, exemption
House Bill 776
Motor vehicle usage, vehicles purchased by active duty service members, exemption
House Bill 113
New Markets Development Program tax credit, limitation increase
House Bill 372
Occupational license fees, centralized reporting, collection, and distribution system
House Bill 253
Occupational license fees, special ad valorem taxes, regional industrial taxing districts
House Bill 707
House Bill 775: House Floor Amendment (1)
Organ donation, income tax credit, establishment
House Bill 311
Pari-mutuel racing tax distribution, local government fund, establishment
House Bill 782
Property tax, assessment or reassessment moratorium expansion, proposed constitutional amendment
House Bill 797
Property tax, certificate of delinquency sale, tax delinquency diversion program
Senate Bill 129
Property tax, certificates of delinquency, mass foreclosure process, counties
House Bill 159
Property tax, emergency services, rate increases
House Bill 604
Property tax, exemption, active-duty military and veterans, proposed constitutional amendment
House Bill 503
Property tax, exemption, homeowners 65 years old or older, proposed constitutional amendment
House Bill 94
House Bill 134
Property tax, exemption or elimination, proposed constitutional amendment
House Bill 198
Property tax, exemption, veterans and first responders, proposed constitutional amendment
House Bill 158
Property tax, federally documented boats, exemption
House Bill 696
Property tax, homestead exemption, cost of living adjustment
House Bill 52
House Bill 583
Property tax, homestead exemption, disabled veterans
House Bill 639
Property tax, homestead exemption, owners who are 65 or older, proposed constitutional amendment
Senate Bill 67
Property tax, motor vehicles, state rate reduction and exemption
House Bill 108
Property tax, motor vehicles, state tax exemption
House Bill 60
Property tax, pipelines, distilled spirits
House Bill 775: House Committee Substitute (2)
Property tax, real property definition, mains, pipes, pipelines, and conduits
House Bill 612
Property tax, tax rate levy, recall process
Senate Bill 186
Property tax, technical corrections
House Bill 610
Property tax, vacant and abandoned property, tax delinquency diversion program
Senate Bill 129: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Protected tenant, income tax credit for landlord
Senate Bill 34
Public hearings, rates beyond compensating rate, conduct within 21 days after advertisement
House Bill 368: House Floor Amendment (1)
Public service company, property tax, real property definition
House Bill 612
Qualified contributions, income tax credit
Senate Bill 34
Qualified rent payments, income tax credit
House Bill 559
Refundable child tax credit, income tax
House Bill 1: House Floor Amendment (11)
Refundable credit, firearm safety course
House Bill 214
Refundable income tax credit, federal firearm taxes
House Bill 176
Sales and ues tax, religious institutions, exemption
House Bill 453
Sales and use, currency and bullion currency, tax relief
House Bill 2
House Bill 2: House Committee Substitute (1)
Sales and use, currency and bullion, exemption
House Bill 179
Sales and use, diapers, exemption
Senate Bill 78
House Bill 282
Sales and use, firearms and firearm-related items, exemption
House Bill 281
Sales and use, leisure, recreational, and athletic instructional services, imposition removal
House Bill 247
Sales and use, nonprofit educational, charitable, and religious organizations, exemption
House Bill 37
Sales and use, on-farm facilities, electricity, exemption
House Bill 247
Sales and use, recreational camp tuition fees, imposition removal
House Bill 247
Sales and use tax, baby-related and menstrual products, diapers, exemption
House Bill 122
Sales and use tax, breast pumps and related supplies, exemption
House Bill 642
Sales and use tax, document and lien fees, insurance, exclusion from gross receipts
House Bill 613
Sales and use tax, holiday, firearm safety and storage devices, April 5-15
House Bill 804
Sales and use tax, holiday, various items, first weekend in August
House Bill 649
Sales and use tax, manufactured homes, exemption
House Bill 583
Sales and use tax, menstrual discharge collection devices, exemption
House Bill 123
House Bill 231
Sales and use tax, modular homes, exemption
House Bill 583
Sales tax, certain services, removal
House Bill 1: House Floor Amendment (9)
Sales tax, venue, qualifying attraction, sales tax rebate
House Bill 739
Sanitation districts, cause of action when service not provided, conditions
House Bill 85: House Floor Amendment (1)
Sanitation districts, user charges, controls
House Bill 85
School districts, new independent districts, taxation
House Bill 162
House Bill 297
Signature project program, qualified housing, exceptions to reports and certifications
House Bill 18: House Committee Substitute (1)
State and local, excise, sales, and use, food, prescription drugs, certain utilities, exemption
House Bill 729
State and local, excise, sales, and use, food, prescription drugs, residential utilities, exemption
House Bill 267
Statewide transient room surtax, imposition
House Bill 583
Tax increment financing incentives
House Bill 775: House Committee Substitute (2)
Tax rate reduction, individual income tax
House Bill 1
Taxable activity, cannabis possession, personal use quantity, exemption
House Bill 106
Technical corrections
House Bill 13
Toll relief credit, individual income tax
House Bill 802
Union and professional membership dues, individual income tax deduction
House Bill 363
House Bill 575
Volunteer firefighters, income tax credit
House Bill 151
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM