Highways, Streets, and Bridges

2024-26 Transportation Cabinet Budget, amendments

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, flashing signage

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, pilot program

Automated speed enforcement in highway work zones pilot program, establishment

Automated speed enforcement, recorded images, retention and use

Cable operators and broadband facilities, relocation, reimbursement

Cable operators and broadband providers, relocation, reimbursement

Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance

Hal Rogers Parkway, inclusion of KY 80 in Perry, Knott, and Floyd Counties

Highway pavement markings, highway paint, quality assurance test requirement

Highway welcome signs, language, restrictions

Highway work zones, camera enforcement, procedures

Home building material overweight exemption, limitations

Key infrastructure assets, electrical highway infrastructure

Limited access facilities, recovery of increased property value, prohibition

Local Assistance Road Program, creation

Motor vehicle instruction permits, age eligibility and length of validity

Motor vehicle operator's license, age eligibility

POW/MIA Trail, Ky 117, Christian County

School and church bus, stop requirement

School bus stop arm cameras, civil penalty

School bus stop arm cameras, penalty increase

School bus stop cameras, placement and use

Street-legal special purpose vehicle, requirements to operate on a highway

Traffic control signal monitoring system, violation of KRS 189.231, civil penalty

Transportation Cabinet, Six-Year Road Plan, county priority projects

United States Highway 111, urge designation

Welcome center and rest areas, sponsorship agreement, acknowledgment signs

Wheels, rubber covering, requirement

Wreckers, use of blue lights

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)