Mental Health

Alcohol and drug counseling, temporary alcohol and drug peer support specialist, limitations

Behavioral health and substance use disorder treatment, parity, requirement

Chemical dependency treatment program, accreditation, Medicaid reimbursement, requirement

Children, public offense, treatment facility, establishment

Conversion therapy, minors, public funding, prohibition

Counseling interventions, perinatal depression, coverage requirement

Discrimination, protected counseling services

Feeding or eating disorders, coverage requirements

Gender dysphoria, treatment, children

Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition

Grieving Children and Families Month in Kentucky, recognition

Grieving Children and Families Month, recognition

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, post-traumatic stress disorder, eligibility for treatment, inclusion

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, post-traumatic stress disorder, informed consent for treatment, inclusion

Interscholastic athletics, coach training requirement, student athlete psychological concerns

Kentucky Child Mental Health Services Access Program, establishment

Marriage and family therapists, licensure and renewal, reciprocity

Marriage and family therapy, reciprocal agreements

Maternal and postpartum depression, HANDS Program, expansion

Medicaid managed care organizations, behavioral health and substance use scorecard, requirement

Medicaid, prior authorizations

Mental health parity, requirements

Mental health treatment, state facilities, responsibilities

Music therapy, Kentucky Board of Licensure for Professional Music Therapists

Parity, annual report, insurers

Patient-directed care, end of life, self-administered medication

Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders screenings, coverage requirement

Perinatal palliative care, pregnant women

Postpartum Depression Awareness Week, May 5 to 11, 2025

Postpartum mood disorders, prescription drugs, coverage requirement

Post-traumatic stress disorder, eligibility as compensable injury

Psychiatric collaborative care model, coverage requirement

Psychoeducational services, Medicaid coverage, requirement

Psychologists, licensing examination

Rescue squad members, professional development and wellness program

Risk protection orders, firearms prohibitions

Sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts for minors, prohibition

Social workers, licensure, telehealth, requirements

Southern Regional Education Board, Crisis Recovery Support Network, recognition and support

Termination of lease, mental health emergency

Treatment brochures, jurors, traumatizing trials

Veterans, access to mental healthcare

Veterans, access to suicide prevention resources

Wellness examination, coverage requirement

Workers' compensation, psychological injuries

Last updated: 3/6/2025 8:52 PM (EST)