Personnel and Employment

Classified employees of certain constitutional officers, salary increases

Covenant not to compete, restrictions

COVID-19, modRNA, and mRNA vaccine, prohibition on requirement

Crime victims, leave from employment

Department of Kentucky State Police, Trooper R and CVE R Classes, benefits

Discrimination, protections against, weight

Earned paid sick leave provided by employers, requirement

Employees, independent contractors, classification and misclassification

Employees, schedules

Employers, mandatory posting of veterans' benefits document

Employment discrimination, requirement of criminal history on job applications, prohibition

Ghost job posting, prohibition

Hospitals, treatment, discrimination for acts of conscience

Maternity leave, school district employees, establishment

Mental health care service, discrimination, protected counseling services

Mental health service, discrimination, protected counseling service

Non-compete clause, unenforceablility

Occupational safety and health, standards

Paid family leave, state employees

Paid parental leave for employees, employers with 50 or more employees

Personnel Board, confirmation, Lisa Haydon

Personnel Board, confirmation, Michelle Snodgrass-Diemling

Public employment, prior conviction, application, criteria

Reemployment of retired officers at public universities, exemption from retirement contributions

State and local governments, diversity, equity, and inclusion, prohibition

State employee health plan, omnibus bill

State legislators and candidates for legislative office, employment , protection

State minimum wage, increase

Superintendent investigations, local board report, requirement

Unclassified employees of constitutional officers, employment

Unlawful employment practice, inquiry about previous salary

Wages or wage range, employers to include in any job posting, transparency

Workers' compensation, exemption for agricultural employers and employees, removal

Workers' compensation, exemption for domestic servant employees, removal

Workplace policy, right to disconnect during nonworking hours, penalty for violation

Workplace, right to refuse meetings or communications, political or religious matters

Wrongful discharge, collection of lost wages

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)