House Bill 326

Last Action 02/07/25: to Natural Resources & Energy (H)
Title AN ACT relating to utility disconnection protections.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 234
Sponsors L. Willner, B. Chester-Burton, R. Roarx, S. Stalker
Summary of Original Version Create a new section of KRS Chapter 278 to create winter and summer temperature standards for disconnection of service by retail electric and gas utilities; allow resumption of disconnection only after a 72-hour period during which the temperature standard is exceeded; establish a certificate of need for persons who are at risk if utility service is disconnected that can be provided by a physician, physician assistant, community-based service organization, or faith-based service organization; prohibit disconnection of service on holidays and weekends, including Friday, and before 8 a.m. and after 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday; allow for reconnection of service for partial payment with a payment plan; require waiver of termination fees, reconnection fees, and late fees for customers having obtained a certificate of need; require utility to make reasonable effort towards reestablishing service for a customer terminated after having obtained a certificate of need but no more than 24 hours after repayment is commenced; require separate, written notice 14 days prior to a disconnection to residential household; require that notice be distinguishable from the regular billing notices; establish font size and typeset for material to be printed on the notice; require a hardship reconnection order for persons at risk who have had service terminated by the utility after meeting specific repayment requirements; require the Public Service Commission to promulgate administrative regulations and issue an order setting forth any applicable rules and procedures.
Index Headings of Original Version Energy - Utility disconnection requirements, electric and gas utilities
Fuel - Utility disconnection requirements, electric and gas utilities
Physicians and Practitioners - Utility disconnection requirements, certificate of need, persons at risk
Public Assistance - Utility disconnection requirements, electric and gas utilities
Public Health - Utility disconnection requirements, certificate of need, persons at risk
Public Utilities - Utility disconnection requirements, electric and gas utilities
State Agencies - Public Service Commission, utility disconnection, rules and procedures
Charitable Organizations and Institutions - Utility disconnection requirements, certificate of need, community and faith-based services


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Natural Resources & Energy (H)

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)