Civil Actions

Abortifacient, pregnant woman, establishment

Abusive civil actions, dismissal

Actions for forcible entry and detainer, expungement and sealing of records

Actions for forcible entry and detainer, expungement of records

Actions for forcible entry and detainer, sealing of records

Campaign finance, prohibited sources, ballot measures, cause of action

Civil action, judicial officers, protected information, disclosure, prohibition

Civil actions related to the enforcement of sanctuary policies

Civil actions related to the enrolling aliens illegally present

Civil and criminal liabilty, food donation exemption, nonprofit, home-based processor

Civil cause of action, wrongful conviction, attorney's fees in excess of $25,000, contract rate

Civil cause of action, wrongful conviction, concurrent sex offender registration, no recovery

Civil cause of action, wrongful conviction, recovery of housing and health care costs, removal

Civil immunity, undesignated glucagon, good faith administration in schools

Civil immunity, undesignated glucagon, good faith administration, schools

Covenant not to compete, civil action, establishment

Currency and bullion currency, collection of tax

Damage resulting from defective roadway, local government liability

Damage resulting from riot, local government liability

Dating violence and abuse, definition

Deep fake, dissemination, unlawful, exceptions

Derivative actions, attorney's fees and costs

Derivative actions, business judgment rule, limitation

Divorce, parties with minor children, 60-day waiting period, basis for waiver, establishment

Dog bite or dog attack damages, written request, insurance disclosures

Domestic violence and abuse, definition

Eminent domain, adjoining owner of property, cause of action, establishment

Eminent domain, blighted and abandoned property, proceedings

Employer vaccine mandate, injury, violation liability

Equal parenting time, presumption, removal

Federal government actions, executive branch, expenditure of funds to challenge, prohibition

Final actions, planning and zoning, standing

Governor and Lieutenant Governor, litigation, limitation

Hate crimes, damages, penalty

Heirs property, partition

Human trafficking, third-party standing, establishment

Human trafficking, victims, damages, distribution

Identification device, introduction into human body, cause of action, statute of limitations

Kentucky Law Enforcement Council, peace officer certification, false report, establishment

Kentucky Tax Tribunal, adjudication for all tax related claims, creation

Landlord and tenant, code violation, failure to repair

Liability, anti-choking treatment, schools, limitation

Liability shield products, injuries, actions

Local governments, employees, duty to defend, exceptions, establishment

Local governments, tort claims, payment and legal fees, action to recover, establishment

Loss of parental consortium, establishment

Medical debt, judgment, maximum rate of interest

Medical product, manufacturer liability, disclosure exception

Medical treatment, discrimination, acts of conscience

Mental health care service, discrimination, protected counseling services

Mental health parity, private cause of action

Opioids, liability, manufacturers and distributors, proceedings, provision

Orders of protection, coercive control

Parental liability, personal injury, weapons and destructive devices, establishment

Pilot project, artificial intelligence, court transcription services

Planning and zoning, final actions, appeals, standing

Property rights, images of unclothed body, enforcement, consent

Property rights, images of unclothed body, liability, exemptions

Protective order, petition, filing

Protective orders, continuance, court proceedings, excusal of petitioner

Protective orders, court proceedings, continuance, petitioner excused

Protective orders, expiration, 12 months

Protective orders, service of process, attorney's fees

Providing alcohol or controlled substances to underage persons, cause of action

Public education agencies, differential treatment or benefits on the basis of protected class

Public education agencies, use of resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion

Public entity, required political contact, violations

Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity, and inclusion, private civil action, removal

Public postsecondary institution, differential treatment or benefits on the basis of protected class

Public postsecondary institution, use of resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion, civil action

Qualified official immunity, public postsecondary employees, waiver for non-law enforcement

Real estate licensees, liability exemption, detectors in residential properties

Real property, contractor dispute, exclusive jurisdiction, establishment

Recreational land use, landowner liability, rock climbing, bouldering, rappelling

Religious freedom, violation, cause of action, establishment

Reproductive health care, protections, violations, cause of action

Retaliatory personnel action, peace officer, duty to intervene

Seized animal cost of care petition

Settlement agreement, terms harassment, prohibition

Social media platforms, app stores, app developers, duties to minors, enforcement

Spousal notification, abortion, civil cause of action, elimination

Squatters, wrongful removal, cause of action

Statute of limitations, childhood sexual assault or abuse

Suits against the Commonwealth, Governor participation, limitation

Synthetic media, electioneering communication, remove

Synthetic media, electioneering communication, use

Uniform Residential and Landlord Tenant Act

Unmanned aircraft system, use, restrictions

Violation of public question advocacy, cause of action, establishment

Wrongful conviction, civil cause of action, recovery

Youth in state custody, extension or reentry to age 21, request, flexibility

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)