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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Corrections Impact
Corrections Impact
Abortifacient, civil cause of action, establishment
House Bill 316
Abortifacient, procurement or provision, criminal act, establishment
Senate Bill 106
House Bill 203
Abortion, Hadley's Law
Senate Bill 35
Administrativer Office of the Courts, alternative sentencing of primary caretakers
Senate Bill 118
Aggravating circumstances, abuse of a corpse, establishment
House Bill 442
Assault, homicide, unborn child
House Bill 523
Assault in the third degree, offense against a justice or judge
House Bill 446
Assault in the third degree, offense against drivers of public transportation
House Bill 135
Assualt in the third degree
House Bill 101
Automated license plate reader, permitted uses, data usage
Senate Bill 185
Background checks, private firearms sales and transfers
House Bill 331
Campaign consultant, failure to register, Class D felony
House Bill 411
Campaign finance, prohibited sources, ballot measures, cause of action
House Bill 45
Cannabis, personal use quantity, decriminalization
House Bill 106
Cannabis, right to possess, use, or buy
House Bill 105
Casino gaming, fantasy contest, regulation, Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation
House Bill 33
Children, public offense, mental health, treatment plan, procedure, establishment
Senate Bill 111
Constitutional amendment, cannabis
Senate Bill 36
Criminal atmospheric pollution, prohibition, enforcement
House Bill 22
Senate Bill 62
Cruelty to animals in the first degree, additional elements, forfeiture of animals
Senate Bill 39
Cultured animal tissue, meat, meat product, prohibition
House Bill 374
Death penalty, life imprisonment without parole, replacement, juvenile offenders
House Bill 209
Death penalty, replacement with life imprisonment without parole
Senate Bill 98
Senate Bill 101
Deep fake, dissemination, unlawful, exception
House Bill 21
Department of Correction, administration of medroxyprogesterone acetate treatment
House Bill 23
Diego's Law
House Bill 375
Domestic violence, firearms possession, create crime
House Bill 330
Domestic violence shelter fund, amendment of marriage licenses, inclusion of fees in fund
House Bill 462
Driving under the influence, third or subsequent offense, penalty enhancement, Class D felony
House Bill 220
Earned wage access services, regulatory violations, Class A misdemeanor
Senate Bill 161
False statement to detain real property, creation of offense, squatters
House Bill 250
Federal firearm ban, enforcement prohibition
House Bill 82
Fees for lodging state prisoners in jails
House Bill 35
Firearm theft, reporting requirement
Senate Bill 105
House Bill 581
Firearms, ammunition capacity, possession
House Bill 410
Firearms, comprehensive regulation
House Bill 124
Firearms, transaction waiting period
House Bill 409
Foreign principals, ownership of real property, restrictions
House Bill 393
Gender reassignment surgery, prisoners, prohibition
Senate Bill 2
Gift cards, theft, tampering fraudulent use, prohibitions
Senate Bill 130
Hate crime, enhanced term of imprisonment, hate symbols to intimidate, creation of offense
House Bill 68
Hate crimes, damages, penalty
House Bill 349
Identification card, issuance to offender upon release from county jail or local facility
House Bill 333
Immigration law compliance, requirement
House Bill 344
Interference with a legislative proceeding, arrest requirement
House Bill 399
Kentucky Women's Bill of Rights
Senate Bill 116
License to carry concealed deadly weapons, age requirement
House Bill 139
Marijuana convictions
Senate Bill 33
Marijuana intoxication, per se limit, creation
House Bill 34
Money bail, restriction to certain high-risk defendants
House Bill 104
Motor vehicle racing, enhanced penalties
Senate Bill 96
House Bill 312
House Bill 465
Orders of protection, coercive control
House Bill 96
Orders of protection, conviction of qualifying offense, issuance, duration
House Bill 366
Orders of protection, repeated violations, penalty, enhancement
House Bill 38
Plastic convenience items, prohibition
House Bill 295
Possession or viewing of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor, parole eligibility
House Bill 92
Postincarceration supervision, attempted sex crimes, child pornography, human trafficking
House Bill 51
Primary caretaker, dependent child, alternative to confinement
House Bill 291
Property or casualty insurance claim, fraudulent insurance acts
Senate Bill 24
House Bill 493
Roofing contractors, licensing
House Bill 350
Schools, concealed deadly weapons
House Bill 204
Sepatate facilities, by sex
House Bill 5
Sex crimes against victim under 12 years old, capital offense
House Bill 199
Sex offenders, participation in Halloween-related activity involving minors, prohibition
House Bill 42
Sex offenders, residing within 3,000 feet of specific locations, prohibitions
House Bill 50
Sexual extortion, Class C and D felonies, elements
Senate Bill 73
Sexual extortion, Class C felony, elements
House Bill 47
Sexual offenses
House Bill 99
Smash and grab burglary, creation of offense
House Bill 351
Sodomy in the fourth degree, repeal
House Bill 227
Squatters, removal from premises, damages
House Bill 142
State historic battlefield sites, hunting, prohibition, exception
House Bill 328
Tampering with a prisoner monitoring device, video recording device, inclusion
House Bill 400
Target shooting, requirements, Class A misdemeanor for violation
House Bill 93
Telephone and broadband facilities, key infrastructure asset, inclusion
Senate Bill 64
Senate Bill 64: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Theft of services, rental agreements, property
House Bill 201
Trafficking or possession of controlled substance on hospital property, Class D felony
House Bill 320
Traveling into the Commonwealth to commit a sexual offense, creation of offense
House Bill 97
Unlawful release of balloons, creation of offense
House Bill 53
Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition
House Bill 332
Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition, affirmative defense
House Bill 120
Violent offender, conviction of kidnapping
House Bill 98
World Health Organization directives, implementation by CHFS, prohibition, Class D felony
House Bill 84
Last updated: 2/14/2025 2:22 PM