Senate Bill 2

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 03/12/25: floor amendments (4) and (5) filed
Title AN ACT relating to correctional facilities.
Bill Documents Current
Fiscal Impact Statement Corrections Impact
Bill Request Number 1254
Sponsors M. Wilson, M. Deneen, J. Adams, G. Boswell, J. Carpenter, D. Carroll, D. Douglas, G. Elkins, S. Funke Frommeyer, R. Girdler, D. Givens, J. Higdon, J. Howell, S. Madon, A. Mays Bledsoe, C. McDaniel, S. Meredith, R. Mills, M. Nemes, M. Nunn, S. Rawlings, A. Reed, C. Richardson, B. Smith, R. Stivers, B. Storm, L. Tichenor, S. West, P. Wheeler, G. Williams, M. Wise
Summary of Original Version Create new section of KRS Chapter 197 to define terms; prohibit hormone treatment or elective surgery for gender reassignment.
Index Headings of Original Version Crimes and Punishments - Gender reassignment surgery, prisoners, prohibition
Crimes and Punishments - Hormone replacement, prisoners, prohibition
Criminal Procedure - Gender reassignment surgery, prisoners, prohibition
Criminal Procedure - Hormone replacement, prisoners, prohibition
Health and Medical Services - Gender reassignment surgery, prisoners, prohibition
Health and Medical Services - Hormone replacement, prisoners, prohibition
Corrections and Correctional Facilities, State - Gender reassignment surgery, prisoners, prohibition
Corrections and Correctional Facilities, State - Hormone replacement, prisoners, prohibition
Corrections Impact - Gender reassignment surgery, prisoners, prohibition
Jump to Proposed Amendments Senate Floor Amendment 1
House Floor Amendment 1
House Floor Amendment 2
House Floor Amendment 3
House Floor Amendment 4
House Floor Amendment 5
Votes Vote History


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Judiciary (S)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, February 18, 2025
  • 3rd reading, passed 31-6
  • floor amendment (1) filed
  • received in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • floor amendments (1) and (2-title) filed
  • to Judiciary (H)
  • floor amendment (3) filed
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar
  • floor amendments (4) and (5) filed

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment Senate Floor Amendment 1
Sponsor K. Berg
Summary Amend to allow a person to continue existing treatment using cross-sex hormones while incarcerated if the person was undergoing that treatment upon admission to the correctional facility.
Index Headings Corrections and Correctional Facilities, State - Hormone treatment, continuation, allowing
Criminal Procedure - Hormone treatment, continuation, allowing
Drugs and Medicines - Hormone treatment, continuation, allowing

Amendment House Floor Amendment 1
Sponsor J. Calloway
Summary Create a new section of KRS Chapter 311 to define terms;prohibit health care providers from accepting payment or reimbursement for gender transition services from a state or local government or Medicare, except when specific conditions exist; require licensing or certifying agencies to revoke a health care provider's license for a violation; create new sections of KRS Chapter 205 and Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304, and amend KRS 18A.225, 164.2871, and 304.17C-125 to require Medicaid, the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program (KCHIP), state or local government health plans and limited health service benefit plans, health plans and limited health service benefit plans that provide Medicare benefits that are publicly funded or subsidized, the state employee health plan, and state postsecondary education institution self-insured health plans to comply with the prohibition on payment or coverage for gender transition services; state findings of the General Assembly relating to the purpose of the Act; apply certain provisions to health plans issued or renewed on or after the effective date of Act.
Index Headings Drugs and Medicines - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Health and Medical Services - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Insurance, Health - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Licensing - Gender transition services, prohibited payment, health care license revocation
Local Mandate - Gender transition services, KCHIP payment or coverage, prohibition
Mental Health - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Physicians and Practitioners - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Public Medical Assistance - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Medicaid - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Children and Minors - Gender transition services, KCHIP payment or coverage, prohibition
Piggybacked Bills - HB 154

Amendment House Floor Amendment 2
Sponsor J. Calloway
Summary Make title amendment.
Index Headings Title Amendments - SB 2/GA

Amendment House Floor Amendment 3
Piggyback? Yes
Sponsor C. Massaroni
Summary Delete original provisions;
Index Headings Children and Minors - Subject to search, incarcerated youth
Corrections and Correctional Facilities, State - Subject to search, prisoners
Corrections and Correctional Facilities, State - Elective procedures, prisoners, prohibition
Corrections and Correctional Facilities, State - Separate facilities, by sex
Health and Medical Services - Elective procedures, prisoners, prohibition
Jails and Jailers - Separate facilities, by sex
Jails and Jailers - Subject to search, jail inmates
Piggybacked Bills - HB 5

Amendment House Floor Amendment 4
Sponsor J. Calloway
Summary Create a new section of KRS Chapter 311 to define terms; prohibit payment or coverage for gender transition services.
Index Headings Drugs and Medicines - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Health and Medical Services - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Insurance, Health - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Mental Health - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Physicians and Practitioners - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Public Medical Assistance - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Medicaid - Gender transition services, payment or coverage, prohibition
Children and Minors - Gender transition services, KCHIP payment or coverage, prohibition

Amendment House Floor Amendment 5
Sponsor A. Donworth
Summary Remove prohibition on hormone treatments.
Index Headings Corrections and Correctional Facilities, State - Hormone treatment, prohibition, remove
Drugs and Medicines - Hormone treatment, prohibition, remove
Health and Medical Services - Hormone treatment, prohibition, remove

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)