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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Children and Minors
Children and Minors
Abortion, lethal fetal anomaly, prohibition exception
Senate Bill 35
Abortion, prohibitions, removal
House Bill 419
Abortion, rape or incest, pregnancy, prohibition exception
Senate Bill 35
Abortion, unborn child incompatible with life outside the womb, prohibition exception
Senate Bill 35
Administrative subpoena, crimes against children, cloud storage service, inclusion
Senate Bill 169
Administrative subpoena, crimes against children, mobile payment service, inclusion
Senate Bill 169
Administrative subpoena, crimes against children, social networking company, inclusion
Senate Bill 169
Adoption, applicant with a disability, denial prohibition, establishment
Senate Bill 26
Adoption, preadoptive sibling, addition of gender-neutral language
Senate Bill 210
Advanced coursework and accelerated learning, district plan, requirements and permissive components
House Bill 190: House Committee Substitute (1)
Advanced coursework, requirements
House Bill 190
Age-appropriate child sexual abuse instruction, fifth grade and below, authorization
House Bill 382
At-home private school, transfer, restriction
House Bill 621
Baby-related and menstrual products, diapers, sales and use tax, exemption
House Bill 122
Boy, definition
Senate Bill 116
Cause of action, loss of parental consortium, establishment
Senate Bill 199
Chaplains in schools, background check, requirement
House Bill 454
Child abuse, mandatory reporting, animal control officers
House Bill 194
Child Abuse Prevention Month, recognition
House Resolution 68
Senate Resolution 99
Child Care Assistance Program, eligibility
House Bill 266
Child Care Assistance Program, establishment
House Bill 749
Child Care Assistance Program, income eligibility
House Bill 148
House Bill 651
Child credit against taxes imposed for qualifying children under six years, refundable
Senate Bill 47
Child custody, gender-neutral language
House Bill 273
Child custody, gender-neutral language.
House Bill 275
Child custody, gender-neutral language
House Bill 325
Child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
House Bill 805
Child dependency, neglect, and abuse reports, accessibility
House Bill 242
Child labor laws poster, school building, display requirement
Senate Bill 52
Senate Bill 120: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 457
Child placement, prospective caregiver, disability, denial prohibition, establishment
Senate Bill 26: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Child support, gender-neutral language
House Bill 274
Child tax credit for qualifying children under six years, refundable
House Bill 1: House Floor Amendment (11)
Child-care centers, square footage requirements, establishment
House Bill 221
Children's Advocacy Day, Blueprint for Kentucky's Children, honor
House Resolution 29
Children's Advocacy Day, Blueprint for Kentucky's Children, honoring
Senate Resolution 46
Choking prevention in schools, anti-choking devices, emergencies
House Resolution 6
Choking prevention in schools, anti-choking devices, Heimlich maneuver, emergencies
House Bill 44
Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman, authority and powers, duties
Senate Bill 85
Compulsory school attendance, exemption
Senate Bill 213
Senate Bill 213: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Constitutional amendment, child pornography and racketeering, prohibition, creation
House Bill 753
Conversion therapy, public funding, prohibition
Senate Bill 94
COVID-19, modRNA, and mRNA vaccine, prohibition on administering
Senate Bill 177
Department for Libraries and Archives, Kids Love to Read Program, creation
House Bill 557
Department of Child Support Services, Department of Law, establishment
Senate Bill 244
Diabetes, prescribed medication
House Bill 75
House Bill 174
House Bill 688
Diapers, sales and use tax, exemption
Senate Bill 78
Divorce, parties with minor children, 60-day waiting period, basis for waiver, establishment
House Bill 549
Education, inpatient facility, home and hospital instruction, eligibility
House Bill 132
Education, youth, urban agriculture, promotion
House Bill 356
House Bill 356: House Committee Substitute (1)
Educational benefits, veterans and their families, expansion
House Bill 560
Educationally unsuitable and age inappropriate materials, limiting access
House Bill 653
Electronic communication by school district personnel with students, restrictions
Senate Bill 181
Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program, application requirements
House Bill 508
Equal parenting time, presumption, removal
House Bill 597
House Bill 705
Facilities use by students, individual privacy
Senate Bill 90
Family child-care homes, access to the Child Care Assistance Program, requirements
House Bill 749
Family impact statement, requirements
House Bill 248
Feminine hygiene products, elementary and secondary students, provision
House Bill 74
First graders, reading improvement plan, additional year, academic preparedness
House Bill 240: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
First graders, universal screener, within final 14 instructional days, requirement
House Bill 240: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Gender dysphoria, treatment, children
Senate Bill 90
Gender transition services, KCHIP payment or coverage, prohibition
Senate Bill 2: House Floor Amendment (1)
Senate Bill 2: House Floor Amendment (4)
House Bill 154
Gender-appropriate pronouns, parental request, usage
Senate Bill 90
Girl, definition
Senate Bill 116
Grieving Children and Families Month in Kentucky, recognition
Senate Resolution 98
Grieving Children and Families Month, recognition
House Resolution 71
Guardian ad litem, domestic proceedings, minor child, fee
Senate Bill 55
Habitual truancy, transfers to at-home private school, removal of prohibition
House Bill 621: House Committee Substitute (1)
Health and Family Services, Early Childhood Education Delivery Grant Program, non-authorization
House Joint Resolution 33
Health services related to human sexuality, parental rights, modification
House Bill 513
Hearing aids, coverage requirements
Senate Bill 93: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Historical instruction, African and Native American history, requirements
House Bill 119
Human growth and development instruction, requirements
House Bill 809: House Floor Amendment (1)
Human growth and development instruction, requirements, parental notification
House Bill 397
Human sexuality instruction, parental right to opt student out of instruction
House Bill 380
Human sexuality programs, parental rights, modification
House Bill 513
Human sexuality programs, parental rights, opt out
Senate Bill 90
Incarcerated children, bill of rights
House Bill 228
Individual income tax, exclusion
House Bill 471
Inheritance tax, foster child, Class A beneficiary
House Bill 264
Instructional programs for school-age children, exemptions
House Bill 679
Interrogation of children, requirements
Senate Bill 264
House Bill 516
Interscholastic athletics, administrators and coaches, child dependency, neglect, and abuse training
Senate Bill 120
Interscholastic athletics, boys and coed lacrosse, pupils in grades seven and eight, prohibition
Senate Bill 120: House Committee Substitute (1)
Interscholastic athletics participation consent forms, dependency, neglect, and abuse information
Senate Bill 120
Involuntary termination of parental rights, parental disability, prerequisites, establishment
Senate Bill 26
Juvenile convictions, life imprisonment without parole for capital offense, prohibition
House Bill 209
Juvenile detention, female-only facilities, required number, removal
Senate Bill 111: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
KCHIP, annual mental health wellness examination, coverage requirement
Senate Bill 74
KCHIP, contraceptive coverage
House Bill 793
KCHIP, counseling interventions, perinatal depression, coverage requirement
House Bill 633
KCHIP, coverage of pharmacist clinical services, report mandated
Senate Joint Resolution 26
KCHIP, epinephrine devices, coverage requirement
House Bill 236
KCHIP, feeding or eating disorders, coverage requirements
House Bill 244
KCHIP, formulas, coverage requirement
House Bill 691
KCHIP, hearing loss, coverage requirements
Senate Bill 93
KCHIP, pharmacist services, reimbursement requirement, establishment
House Bill 3
KCHIP, prescription drugs, postpartum mood disorders, coverage requirement
House Bill 683
Kentucky School for the Deaf Governance Task Force, study of governance models
House Concurrent Resolution 28
Senate Concurrent Resolution 76
Kindergarten, additional year, academic preparedness
House Bill 240: House Committee Substitute (1)
Kindergarten, full day of attendance
House Bill 300
House Bill 460
Kindergarten, full day of instruction
House Bill 530
Kindergarten, reading improvement plan, additional year, academic preparedness
House Bill 240
Learning pods, child-care center, exclusion
House Bill 91
Learning pods, family child-care home, exclusion
House Bill 91
Leisure, recreational, and athletic instruction, sales and use tax imposition, removal
House Bill 247
Limited English proficiency students, enhanced support program
House Bill 494
Maternal and infant mortality and disparities awareness month, recognition
House Resolution 58
Maternal and postpartum depression, HANDS Program, expansion
House Bill 417
Medicaid, coverage of pharmacist clinical services, report mandated
Senate Joint Resolution 26
Medicaid residential waiver services, use of video recording devices, permission
Senate Bill 30
Medical treatments inconsistent with student's sex, repeal prohibition
House Bill 513
Misconduct involving minors, school districts, investigation
House Bill 298: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Moral instruction, public schools, requirements
House Bill 607
Name change of child, legal relationship with parent, requirement
House Bill 592
Paid family leave, state employees
House Bill 771
Parentage fraud, Class B misdemeanor, elements
Senate Bill 239
Parental consent, child health and mental healthcare
Senate Bill 90
Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders screenings, coverage requirement
House Bill 627
Petition for domestic violence order, determination of paternity, authority
House Bill 307
Possession or viewing of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor, computer-generated image
House Bill 92
Possession or viewing of matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor, parole eligibility
House Bill 92
Posthumous adoption, financial benefit, prohibition
House Bill 164: House Committee Substitute (1)
Posthumous adoption, judgment
House Bill 164
House Bill 164: House Floor Amendment (1)
Postincarceration supervision, child pornography offenses
House Bill 51
Postsecondary students, foster and adopted, institutional liaison
House Bill 568
Postsecondary students, housing unstable, institutional liaison
House Bill 568
Preschool, eligible three and four-year-olds, school districts to provide
House Bill 300
House Bill 460
Primary caretaker, dependent child, alternative to confinement
Senate Bill 118
House Bill 291
Primary caretaker of a dependent child, conditions of sentence, counseling, treatment
House Bill 291: House Committee Substitute (1)
Primary caretaker of a dependent child, eligibility
House Bill 291: House Committee Substitute (1)
Primary caretaker of a dependent child, finding, effect on another proceeding
House Bill 291: House Committee Substitute (1)
Providing alcohol or controlled substances, liability
Senate Bill 182
Psychotropic drugs, adverse drug reaction reporting system, Medicaid
House Bill 572
Public education, diversity, equity and inclusion activities, prohibition
Senate Bill 165
Public offense, mental health, treatment facility, establishment
Senate Bill 111
Public offense, mental health, treatment plan, establishment
Senate Bill 111
Public schools, healthy relationship instruction, age-appropriate, requirement for all grades
House Bill 706
Public schools, required learning capacities of Kentucky public students
Senate Bill 68
Public schools, ultra-processed foods, ban
House Bill 439
Rapid whole genome sequencing, KCHIP coverage requirement
House Bill 217
Rapid whole genome sequencing, Kentucky Employee Health Plan, coverage requirement
House Bill 401
Rapid whole genome sequencing, Medicaid coverage requirement
House Bill 217
Read Across America Day, participation
House Resolution 72
Senate Resolution 158
Rebuttable presumption related to child dependency, neglect, or abuse, establishment
House Bill 574
Recreational camp tuition fees, sales and use tax imposition, removal
House Bill 247
Relative and fictive kin care program, program reporting requirements
House Bill 792
House Bill 805: House Committee Substitute (1)
Safety plan, child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
House Bill 805
Sales and use tax, diapers, exemption
House Bill 282
School bathroom use by students of opposite biological sex, modification
House Bill 513
School discipline, assaults at school, employee leave benefits and rights, mandatory reporting
House Bill 779
School nutrition, community eligibility provision, reimbursement to school districts
Senate Bill 48
Serious physical injury or death, investigation, requirements
House Bill 589
Sex crimes against victim under 12 years old, capital offense
House Bill 199
Sex offender registry, registration requirements and restrictions
House Bill 716
Sex offenders, participation in Halloween-related activity involving minors, prohibition
House Bill 42
Sex offenders, residing within 3,000 feet of specific locations, prohibitions
House Bill 50
Social media platforms, app stores, app developers, duties to minors
House Bill 12
Statute of limitations, civil actions, childhood sexual assault or abuse
House Bill 232
Student attendance days, waiver, 2024-2025 school year
House Bill 241
Student lunch period, 30 minute minimum duration
House Bill 167
Student representative, local school boards, requirement
House Bill 626
Students, anaphylaxis treatment, possession and administration of intranasal epinephrine at schools
House Bill 384
Subject to search, incarcerated youth
Senate Bill 2: House Floor Amendment (3)
House Bill 5
Success Sequence, instruction, requirements
House Bill 294
Terroristic threatening, additional penalties
House Bill 621
Terroristic threatening, schools
House Bill 621: House Floor Amendment (1)
Tracible communication system, notice and instructions to parents within 10 days of school year
Senate Bill 181: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Treatment inconsistent with minor's sex. prohibition, repeal
House Bill 495: House Floor Amendment (1)
Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition
House Bill 332
Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition, affirmative defense
House Bill 120
Visitation, siblings, petition
House Bill 702
Vital statistics, data collection, boy and girl, identification
Senate Bill 116
Weapons and destructive devices, personal injury, parental liability, establishment
House Bill 55
Youth in state custody, extension or reentry to age 21, request, flexibility
House Bill 718
Youth organizations, provision of information
House Bill 603
Youth transportation network company services, regulation
House Bill 438
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM