Last Action | 02/27/25: to Health Services (H) |
Title | AN ACT relating to pregnancy resource centers. |
Bill Documents | Introduced |
Bill Request Number | 54 |
Sponsor | S. Stalker |
Summary of Original Version | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 216B to define "pregnancy resource center"; require pregnancy resource centers to be licensed; require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to promulgate administrative regulations to establish licensure standards for pregnancy resource centers; provide that operation or advertisement of a pregnancy resource center without a license is a Class A misdemeanor; provide that a pregnancy resource center's or health care provider's liability is neither limited nor expanded by the licensure requirement; amend KRS 216B.990 to establish penalties for violations by pregnancy resource centers. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Health and Medical Services - Pregnancy resource centers, licensure Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Pregnancy resource centers, licensure Licensing - Pregnancy resource centers, requirement Nurses - Cabinet for Health and Family Services, pregnancy resource centers, licensure Nurses - Pregnancy resource centers, licensure Physicians and Practitioners - Pregnancy resource centers, licensure State Agencies - Cabinet for Health and Family Services, pregnancy resource centers, licensure Women - Pregnancy resource centers, licensure Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Cabinet for Health and Family Services, pregnancy resource centers, licensure |
02/19/25 |
02/27/25 |
Last updated: 3/31/2025 10:56 AM (EDT)