Motor Vehicles

Accessible online insurance verification system, proof of insurance

Automated license plate reader, data usage and retention, 60-day limit, exceptions, restrictions

Automated license plate reader, permitted uses, data usage

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, flashing signage

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, pilot program

Automated speed enforcement in highway work zones pilot program, establishment

Automated speed enforcement, recorded images, retention and use

Autonomous vehicle, local government regulation

Autonomous vehicles, commercial driver's license, prohibition

Autonomous vehicles, insurance, minimum requirements

Autonomous vehicles, school buses, prohibition

Autonomous vehicles, school buses, student transport, commercial driver licenses, prohibitions

autonomous vehicles, school buses, student transport, prohibition

Child Care Assistance Partnership fund special license plate, creation

Dealers, all-terrain vehicles, assigned titles

Delinquent ad valorem taxes, prohibition of transfer, exemptions

Driveaway plate, fees

Driveaway plates

Driver testing pilot project, minimum required visits

Driving under the influence, driving on a suspended license

Driving under the influence, driving on a suspended license, aggravating circumstance

Driving under the influence, ignition interlock device, installation fee for EVs or hybrid vehicles

Driving under the influence, ignition interlock requirements, consecutive day requirements

Driving under the influence, list of controlled substances, expansion

Driving under the influence, list of controlled substances, removal of benzoylecgonine

Driving under the influence, third or subsequent offense, penalty enhancement, Class D felony

Driving under the influence under the age of 21, penalties, enhancement

Electronic lien filing, procedures

Friends of Kentucky agriculture special license plate, creation

Friends of Kentucky Agriculture special license plate, creation

Global positioning system, use by driver, allowance

Insurance, basic and added reparation benefits, allowable reimbursement, requirements

Insurance, basic and added reparation benefits, medical expense claims, requirements

Intrastate hazardous material endorsement, CDL holders under age of 21

Kentucky State Police, use for off-duty employment

Kentucky vehicle registration database, communication disorder designation

Marijuana intoxication, per se limit, creation

Motor vehicle racing, enhanced penalties

Motor vehicle racing, legislative intent

Motor vehicle racing, vehicle forfeiture, proceeds, Crime Victims Compensation Board

Motor vehicle registration, certain members of the Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves

Motor vehicle usage tax, purchases by military and National Guard members, exemption

Operator's license renewal, certain members of the Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves

Personal communication device, use by driver, prohibition

Racing, driver's license suspension, second or subsequent violation

Racing, enhanced penalties

Registration and reporting, gender-neutral language

Registration and reporting, gender-neutral language, insertion

Registration use of Social Security number

School bus stop arm cameras, civil penalty

School bus stop arm cameras, penalty increase

Special license plate, veterans and National Guard, fee exemptions

Speeding, super speeders, fees and penalties, establishment

Speeding, super speeders, fines and penalties

State property tax exemption

State property tax, rate reduction and exemption

Street-legal special purpose vehicle, requirements to operate on a highway

Temporary tags, motor vehicle dealers, application procedures

Temporary tags, motor vehicle dealers, prohibited activities

Title documents, electronic submission, county clerk approval

Titles, treatment of joint ownership

Titling procedures, omnibus bill

Toll relief credit, individual income tax

Towing companies and storage facilities, certification and requirements

Traffic control signal monitoring system, violation of KRS 189.231, civil penalty

Transportation Cabinet, medical review board, creation

United States Congress, AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act of 2025, support

Usage tax, vehicles purchased by active duty service members, exemption

Vehicle business licensees, insurance requirements

Vehicle forfeiture, motor vehicle racing, second or subsequent offense

Vehicle impoundment, motor vehicle racing, period of not less than six months

Voluntary travel ID, free association states, citizen eligibility

Wheels, rubber covering, requirement

Wreckers, use of blue lights

Last updated: 3/7/2025 4:31 PM (EST)