House Bill 390

Last Action 02/20/25: posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 21, 2025
Title AN ACT relating to motor vehicle insurance.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statement Local Mandate
Bill Request Number 300
Sponsors M. Meredith, E. Hancock, M. Pollock
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 186A.040 to define terms; require the Department of Vehicle Regulation to establish an accessible online insurance verification system; establish requirements and timelines for making the system accessible and promulgating administrative regulations; establish requirements and guidelines for the department and the system; establish requirements for insurers to cooperate with the department and to submit insurance information relating to personal motor vehicles; provide option for insurers to submit insurance status information for commercial motor vehicles; create a technical advisory committee to make recommendations to department; establish duties and other requirements for the committee; require the department to submit certain drafts to the committee and to publish a final detailed guide; prohibit civil or administrative liability for insurers complying with information submission and access requirements; require the department to make certain notifications and to revoke an owner's motor vehicle registration if proof of insurance is not indicated; establish requirements for submitting proof of insurance to the department; amend confidentiality requirements for information obtained by the department; require the Commonwealth Office of Technology and the Department of Insurance to provide support and assistance to the department; amend KRS 186.040 to apply motor vehicle registration reinstatement fee to revocations by the department for failure to maintain insurance; direct reinstatement fee for failure to maintain insurance into an agency fund for accessible online insurance verification system; amend KRS 186.180 to make technical amendments and conform; provide that a revoked registration for failure to maintain insurance may be reinstated if the owner pays reinstatement fee and submits proof of insurance; amend KRS 304.39-117 to make technical amendments and conform; require insurance cards for commercial motor vehicles to clearly indicate commercial or fleet coverage; amend KRS 304.39-087 to conform; provide for expiration of existing reporting system for personal motor vehicles; amend KRS 186A.042, 186A.100, 186.021, 186.190, 186.990, and 304.39-085 to conform and make technical amendments; establish requirements for the Department of Insurance and the Department of Vehicle Regulation relating to technical advisory committee appointments and first meeting; EFFECTIVE, in part, January 1, 2027.
Index Headings of Original Version County Clerks - Accessible online insurance verification system, proof of motor vehicle insurance
Fees - Reinstatement, motor vehicle registration, failure to maintain motor vehicle insurance
Insurance, Motor Vehicle - Accessible online insurance verification system, establishment
Insurance, Motor Vehicle - Motor vehicle insurers, accessible online insurance verification system, reporting
Motor Vehicles - Accessible online insurance verification system, proof of insurance
State Agencies - Commonwealth Office of Technology, accessible online insurance verification system, support
State Agencies - Department of Insurance, accessible online insurance verification system, support
State Agencies - Department of Insurance, accessible online system, technical advisory committee, appointments
Transportation - Accessible online insurance verification system, proof of motor vehicle insurance
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Department of Vehicle Regulation, accessible online insurance verification system, effectuation
Circuit Clerks - Accessible online insurance verification system, proof of motor vehicle insurance
Advisory Boards, Commissions, and Committees - Technical advisory committee, accessible online insurance verification system
Local Mandate - Department of Vehicle Regulation, accessible online insurance verification system, effectuation


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Banking & Insurance (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 21, 2025

Last updated: 2/21/2025 4:29 PM (EST)