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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - State Agencies
State Agencies
Administrative Office of the Courts, cannabis related expungement process, establishment
House Bill 106
Administrative regulations, discrimination protections, application of statute, exclusion
Senate Bill 60: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Administrative regulations, filing requirements
House Bill 422
Administrative regulations, informational review
Senate Bill 23
House Bill 422: House Floor Amendment (1)
Administrative regulations, promulgating authority
House Bill 6: House Floor Amendment (1)
Administrative regulations, review notifications
Senate Bill 23: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Agency heads, oversight
House Bill 81
Agricultural commodity, gender-neutral language, addition
Senate Bill 238
Appeal, administrative body action, standard of review, establishment
Senate Bill 84: House Committee Substitute (1)
Appeal, agency interpretation, standard of review, establishment
Senate Bill 84
Senate Bill 84: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Artificial intelligence, approval, allowable use
Senate Bill 4
Artificial Intelligence, approval, allowable use
House Bill 672
Auditor of Public Accounts, Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman, abolishment
Senate Bill 85: House Floor Amendment (1)
Senate Bill 85: House Floor Amendment (3)
Auditor of Public Accounts, Commonwealth ombudsman, powers and duties, establishment
Senate Bill 85
Auditor of Public Accounts, Office of Government Efficiency, establishment
Senate Bill 257: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Senate Bill 257: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Auditor of Public Accounts, Office of Government Efficiency, July 1, 2026
Senate Bill 257
Autologous and directed blood transfusion, coverage
House Bill 140
House Bill 745
Automated license plate reader, permitted uses, data usage
Senate Bill 185
Autopsy by the state medical examiner, requirement
House Bill 432
Background checks, state and local compliance with federal requests
House Bill 340
Board of Cosmetology, mobile salons, licensure
House Bill 130
Board of Elections, candidate bona fides, requirements, notification
House Bill 699
Board of Elections, candidate filing forms, signatures, requirements
House Bill 341
Board of Elections, e-poll books, data, voting status
Senate Bill 233
Board of Elections, hand-to-eye audit, reporting deadline
House Bill 684
Board of Elections, Kentucky Restoration of Voting Rights Task Force, member
House Concurrent Resolution 67
Board of Elections, preclearance county, declaration
Senate Bill 233
Boxing and Wrestling Commission, exhibition, notice requirement
Senate Bill 133
Cabinet for Economic Development, Department for Business and Community Development, modification
House Bill 402
Cabinet for Economic Development, development area
House Bill 775
House Bill 775: House Committee Substitute (1)
Cabinet For Economic Development, gender-neutral language, insertion
Senate Bill 152
Cabinet for Economic Development, Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation Program
House Bill 605
House Bill 605: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 605: House Floor Amendment (1)
Cabinet for Economic Development, in-demand occupations and industry sectors, identification
House Bill 266
Cabinet for Economic Development, Kentucky Film Leadership Council, establishment
Senate Bill 1: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Cabinet for Economic Development, Office of Outdoor Recreation Industry, establishment
House Bill 32
Cabinet for Economic Development, promotion of program, requiring
House Bill 7
Cabinet for Economic Development, reporting requirement
House Bill 243
Cabinet for General Government, Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman, establishment
Senate Bill 85: House Floor Amendment (1)
Senate Bill 85: House Floor Amendment (3)
Cabinet for Health and Familly Services, mental health treatment, state facilities, responsibilities
House Bill 392
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, 340B Drug Pricing Program report, December 1, 2025
House Bill 685
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, addition of gender-neutral language
House Bill 283
House Bill 284
House Bill 286
House Bill 674
House Bill 675
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, administrative regulations, alcohol and drug counseling
House Bill 580
House Bill 580: House Committee Substitute (1)
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, administrative regulations, substance use treatment programs
House Bill 785
House Bill 785: House Committee Substitute (1)
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, adoption birth certificate form
House Bill 395
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, adoption, disabled applicant, services, requirement
Senate Bill 26
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, ambulance services, complaints
House Bill 406
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, cannabinoid beverages, regulation
Senate Bill 202: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Amendment (1)
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, certificate of need, applications and appeals
House Bill 354
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, certificate of need, exemptions
Senate Bill 217
House Bill 355
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, certificate of need, pilot program
House Bill 609
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Child Care Assistance Program, eligibility
House Bill 266
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Child Care Assistance Program, establishment
House Bill 749
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Child Care Assistance Program, income eligibility
House Bill 148
House Bill 651
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, child dependency, neglect, and abuse reports, accessibility
House Bill 242
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, child placement, disabled applicant, services, requirement
Senate Bill 26: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, child-care centers, square footage requirements
House Bill 221
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, collaboration with UK, cannabis report, permitted
Senate Bill 195
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, colorectal cancer screenings, coverage, approval and notice
House Bill 421
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, contraceptive coverage
House Bill 793
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, controlled substances, electronic monitoring
House Bill 389
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, conversion therapy, public funding, prohibition
Senate Bill 94
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, counseling interventions, perinatal depression, approval
House Bill 633
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Medicaid Services, family planning program
House Bill 357
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department of Law hearing officers, provision
Senate Bill 244
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, development of mental health treatment brochure, jurors
House Bill 100
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Employee Child Care Assistance Partnership Program
House Bill 508
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, federal approval, notice requirements
House Bill 748
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, gender-neutral language
House Bill 274
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, HANDS Program, expansion
House Bill 417
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, homelessness prevention fund, establishment
House Bill 583
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, hospital price transparency, oversight
Senate Bill 243
House Bill 309
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Kentucky Parkinson's Disease Research Registry
Senate Bill 27
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, liability shield products, outcomes
House Bill 648
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, long-term-care, staffing ratios, establishment
House Bill 810
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Make America Healthy Again Kentucky Task Force, members
House Concurrent Resolution 41
Senate Concurrent Resolution 61
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Medicaid and KCHIP, federal approval and notice requirement
House Bill 236
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Medicaid and KCHIP, federal approval and notice requirements
House Bill 244
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Medicaid and KCHIP, waiver
Senate Bill 93
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board, establishment
House Bill 9
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Medicaid, waiver application, mental health wellness exam
Senate Bill 74
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, nonemergency medical transportation
House Bill 61
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, parental and guardian screenings, federal approval
House Bill 627
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, perinatal palliative care, programs and services, list
House Bill 414
Cabinet for Health and Family services, pilot porgram, Schedule II prescription medication
House Joint Resolution 37
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, poultry sales
House Bill 144
House Bill 278
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, pregnancy resource centers, licensure
House Bill 794
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, recovery residences, regulation
Senate Bill 82
House Bill 587
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, residential waiver services, use of video recording devices
Senate Bill 30
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, secretary, gender-neutral language
Senate Bill 209
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, secretary, technical corrections
House Bill 285
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, sickle cell disease, hospital policies
Senate Bill 41
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, SNAP standards, waiver application
House Bill 279
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, awareness
Senate Resolution 18
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, transfer of resources, Commonwealth ombudsman, requirement
Senate Bill 85
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, unpasteurized milk, sale to consumers, allow
House Bill 86
Center for School Safety, school construction, consultation
House Bill 433
Center for School Safety, School Mapping Data Program, administration requirement, removal
House Bill 777
Center for School Safety, wearable panic alert system, grants
House Bill 14
Central bank digital currency, payment, prohibition
House Bill 377
Ceremonial checks, requirements
House Bill 624
Classified employees of certain constitutional officers, salary increases
House Bill 738
Commissioner of education, nontraditional instruction plan, removal of authorization
House Bill 737
Commonwealth Artificial Intelligence Consortium Task Force, establishment
Senate Concurrent Resolution 142
Commonwealth of Technology, Geographic Information Advisory Council, membership
House Bill 550
Commonwealth Office of Technology, accessible online insurance verification system, support
House Bill 390
Commonwealth Office of Technology, Artificial intelligence, inventory, registry, reporting
Senate Bill 4
House Bill 672
Commonwealth Office of Technology, artificial intelligence, policy standards, creation
Senate Bill 4
House Bill 672
Commonwealth Office of Technology, regulation notification website
House Bill 422
Council on Postsecondary Education, antisemitism, report, requirement
Senate Joint Resolution 55
Council on Postsecondary Education, appropriation, General Assembly consideration
House Joint Resolution 34
Council on Postsecondary Education, Board of Student Body Presidents, administration
House Bill 711
Council on Postsecondary Education, diversity, equity, and inclusion activities, prohibition
House Bill 4
Council on Postsecondary Education, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, elimination
House Bill 4
Council on Postsecondary Education, equal educational opportunity goals, nullification
House Bill 711
Council on Postsecondary Education, foreign source funding report, requirement
House Bill 554
Council on Postsecondary Education, immigration data, collection and report
House Bill 352
Council on Postsecondary Education, limitation of authority to increase tuition and fees
House Bill 434
Council on Postsecondary Education, program approval restrictions, indoctrination
House Bill 4: House Floor Amendment (7)
Council on Postsecondary Education, public postsecondary institutions, immunity from claims, removal
Senate Bill 107
Council on Postsecondary Education, public postsecondary institutions, program approval
House Bill 66
Council on Postsecondary Education, statewide transfer pathways, creation
House Bill 427
Council on Postsecondary Education, teachers preparation programs
House Bill 251
Council on Postsecondary Education, Transportation Cabinet, air traffic programs, study
Senate Bill 87: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Deadly weapons, power to regulate concealed carry in buildings, repeal
House Bill 204
Department for Community Based Services, dementia training
House Bill 28
House Bill 479
Department for Libraries and Archives, Kids Love to Read Program and fund, administration
House Bill 557
Department for Local Government, coroner and duty coroner, compensation requirements
House Bill 712
Department for Local Government, local governments, required financial reporting
House Bill 555
Department for Local Government, pass-through funding for Graves County Jail replacement
House Bill 727
Department for Local Government, special purpose governmental entity financial reporting
House Bill 171
Department for Medicaid Series, pharmaceutical rebates, sequestration of funds
House Bill 695
Department for Medicaid Services, annual report, requirement
House Bill 785: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 787
Department for Medicaid Services, behavioral health, administrative regulation nullification
Senate Bill 65
Department for Medicaid Services, certified professional midwifery services, coverage
Senate Bill 16
Department for Medicaid Services, colorectal cancer screenings, coverage, approval and notice
House Bill 421
Department for Medicaid Services, counseling interventions, perinatal depression, approval
House Bill 633
Department for Medicaid Services, coverage of pharmacist clinical services, report mandated
Senate Joint Resolution 26
Department for Medicaid Services, doula services
House Bill 553
House Bill 814
Department for Medicaid Services, federal approval, notice requirement
House Bill 691
Department for Medicaid Services, federal approval, notice requirements
House Bill 748
Department for Medicaid Services, managed care contract, procurement by January 1, 2027, requirement
Senate Bill 13: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Medicaid Services, managed care contracts, procurement required
Senate Bill 13: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Senate Bill 13: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Department for Medicaid Services, Medicaid and KCHIP, federal approval and notice requirement
House Bill 236
Department for Medicaid Services, Medicaid and KCHIP, federal approval and notice requirements
House Bill 244
Department for Medicaid Services, Medicaid managed care contracts, limit on number awarded
Senate Bill 13
Department for Medicaid Services, Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
House Bill 19: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 423
House Bill 423: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Medicaid Services, mental health parity, annual reports
House Bill 748
Department for Medicaid Services, nonemergency medical transportation services, report mandated
House Bill 61: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Medicaid Services, pharmaceutical rebates, sequestration of funds
House Bill 695: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Medicaid Services, pharmacist services, reimbursement requirement, establishment
House Bill 3
Department for Medicaid Services, prior authorization report, reasons for denials
House Bill 423: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Medicaid Services, procurement of managed care contracts, requirement
House Bill 695
House Bill 695: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Medicaid Services, program changes, General Assembly authorization requirement
House Bill 695
House Bill 695: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Medicaid Services, promulgation of administrative regulations, authorization
House Bill 785: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 787
Department for Medicaid Services, rapid whole genome sequencing, coverage
House Bill 217
Department for Medicaid Services, record retention, requirements
House Bill 695
House Bill 695: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Medicaid Services, third-party payor claims and inquiries
House Bill 687
Department for Medicaid Services, transportation services, contract extension, prohibition
House Bill 61: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department for Public Health, 7-hydroxymitragynine products, safety standards, establishment
House Bill 481
Department for Public Health, cannabis-infused beverages, regulation
House Bill 734
Department for Public Health, maternal mortality and morbidity, data collection
House Bill 43
Department for Public Health, sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts, education
House Bill 426
Department for Public Health, undesignated glucagon, storage
House Bill 688
Department of Agriculture employees, ethics exemption, program participation
House Bill 216
Department of Agriculture, General Assembly consideration
House Joint Resolution 31
Department of Agriculture, Ibogaine research fund, establishment
Senate Bill 240
Department of Agriculture, moneys from the budget reserve trust fund account, authorization
House Joint Resolution 31: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department of Agriculture, Office of Attorney General, agricultural land, foreign ownership
Senate Bill 167
Department of Agriculture, Office of the Attorney General, agricultural land, foreign ownership
House Bill 315
Department of Agriculture, reporting requirement
House Bill 243
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, alcoholic beverage auctions
House Bill 618: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 735
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, whiskey fungus, cleaning costs
House Bill 608
Department of Criminal Justice Training, deputy coroner training extensions
House Bill 403
Department of Criminal Justice Training, state school security marshal, duties
House Bill 589
Department of Education, certified nonpublic schools, requirements
House Bill 36
Department of Education, chief state school officer, approval of building plans
House Bill 270
Department of Education, Cognia software interface for school and district planning, October 1, 2025
House Bill 48: House Committee Substitute (2)
Department of Education, community eligibility provision, state match for paid rate meals
Senate Bill 48
Department of Education, comprehensive support and improvement schools, identification
House Bill 298
Department of Education, comprehensive support and improvement schools, turnaround team
House Bill 298: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department of Education, development of training for school employees, appropriate conduct
House Bill 36
Department of Education, diversity, equity, and inclusion activities, prohibition
Senate Bill 165
Department of Education, Division of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, elimination
Senate Bill 165
Department of Education, dyslexia, school districts, data, annual reporting requirement
House Bill 272
Department of Education, dyslexia toolkit, annual review and update, requirement
House Bill 272
Department of Education, educationally unsuitable materials, model policy, require
House Bill 653
Department of Education, elective course offerings in African and Native American history
House Bill 119
Department of Education, English language learner SEEK add-on, establishment
Senate Bill 142
Department of Education, English learner enhanced support program, administration
House Bill 494
Department of Education, financial literacy course, graduation requirements
House Bill 342
Department of Education, healthy relationship curricula and materials, listing
House Bill 706
Department of Education, improvement plans and Cognia software, August 1, 2025
House Bill 48: House Committee Substitute (2)
Department of Education, instructional materials guide, development
House Bill 156
Department of Education, Kentucky School for the Deaf, superintendent
Senate Bill 214
House Bill 532
Department of Education, Make America Healthy Again Kentucky Task Force, members
House Concurrent Resolution 41
Senate Concurrent Resolution 61
Department of Education, mandated reports, school breakfast, physical activity, elimination
Senate Bill 68
Department of Education, new independent school districts, assistance, financial oversight
House Bill 162
House Bill 297
Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Education, programs, funding
House Bill 758
Department of Education, professional development, creation of four-year reoccurring schedule
House Bill 48
Department of Education, recommended curricula for African and Native American instruction
House Bill 119
Department of Education, school counselors, appropriation
House Bill 719
Department of Education, school district reporting requirements, review and report
House Bill 48
Department of Education, SEEK Program funding
House Bill 600
Department of Education, sexual extortion, development of notice guidelines
House Bill 47
Senate Bill 73
Department of Education, Success Sequence, curriculum guidelines
House Bill 294
Department of Financial Institutions, commercial financing regulation
House Bill 680
Department of Financial Institutions, earned wage access services, regulatory requirements
Senate Bill 161
Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, game wardens, private open land, entry requirements
House Bill 767
Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Great Crossing Dam, study
House Joint Resolution 51
Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction, swimming pools, approved safety pool cover
House Bill 265
Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction, Uniform State Building Code, electrical standards
House Bill 29
Department of Insurance, accessible online insurance verification system, support
House Bill 390
Department of Insurance, accessible online system, technical advisory committee, appointments
House Bill 390
Department of Insurance, certificate of authority managed care, revocation or suspension, authorized
House Bill 785
House Bill 785: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department of Insurance, colorectal cancer screenings, coverage
House Bill 421
Department of Insurance, commissioner, hearing aids, coverage, administrative regulation
Senate Bill 93: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Department of Insurance, commissioner, prescription drug coverage, cost sharing and rebates
Senate Bill 12
House Bill 413
Department of Insurance, commissioner, reinsurance treaties and contracts, gender-neutral language
Senate Bill 254
House Bill 522
Department of Insurance, coverage of pharmacist services, report, assistance required
Senate Joint Resolution 26
Department of Insurance, epinephrine devices, federal approval
House Bill 236
Department of Insurance, executive director, removal of reference
Senate Bill 256
Department of Insurance, fiscal impact statements, additional requirements
House Bill 800
Department of Insurance, hearing loss coverage, waiver
Senate Bill 93
Department of Insurance, insurance regulatory sandbox program, report
House Bill 184
Department of Insurance, mental health parity, annual report, insurers
House Bill 725
Department of Insurance, mental health parity, annual reports, publishing
House Bill 748
Department of Insurance, parental and guardian screenings, federal waiver, application requirement
House Bill 627
Department of Insurance, prior authorization, report, reasons for denials
House Bill 423: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Department of Juvenile Justice, female-only facilities, required number, removal
Senate Bill 111: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Department of Kentucky State Police, Trooper R and CVE R Classes, benefits
House Bill 30: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Department of Revenue, agricultural tax exemption, card production, report
Senate Joint Resolution 25
Department of Revenue, certificates of delinquency sale, tax delinquency diversion program
Senate Bill 129
Department of Revenue, currency and bullion currency
House Bill 2
House Bill 2: House Committee Substitute (1)
Department of Revenue, eligible caregiver tax credit, annual report
House Bill 226
Department of Revenue, mass foreclosure process, county attorney contract
House Bill 159
Department of Revenue, property tax, homestead exemption, cost of living adjustment
House Bill 52
House Bill 583
Department of Revenue, property valuation administrator exam, location and requirements
House Bill 450
Department of Revenue, publication of local taxing authority information, requirement
Senate Bill 218
Department of Revenue, refundable child credit, annual report
Senate Bill 47
Department of Revenue, registration, tax delinquency diversion program, sale of certificates
Senate Bill 129: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Department of Revenue, report to Legislatvie Research Commission, military pensions
House Bill 192
Department of Revenue, reporting requirement
House Bill 243
Department of Revenue, sales and use tax, currency and bullion, exemption
House Bill 179
Department of Revenue, tax bills, allowable payment methods
House Bill 376
Department of Revenue, venue, qualifying attraction, sales tax rebate
House Bill 739
Department of Revenue, waterway usage fee, disbursement of funds
House Bill 696
Department of Workers' Claims, Workers' Compensation Board, terms, appointment
Senate Bill 201
Senate Bill 201: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Diversity, equity, and inclusion, trainings, prohibition
Senate Bill 164
Education and Labor Cabinet, Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, creation, administration
House Bill 302
Education and Labor Cabinet, Department for Disability Determination Services, establishment
Senate Bill 178
Education and Labor Cabinet, Division of Program Policy and Support, establishment
Senate Bill 178
Education and Labor Cabinet, Division of Workforce Talent, establishment
Senate Bill 178: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Education and Labor Cabinet, employer violation, penalties, increase
House Bill 466
Education and Labor Cabinet, employer violation penalties, increase
House Bill 778
Education and Labor Cabinet, paid parental leave, administrative regulations
House Bill 598
Education and Labor Cabinet, unemployment compensation, application and verification process
House Bill 107
Education and Labor Cabinet, unemployment insurance
Senate Bill 263
Education and Labor Cabinet, unemployment insurance, fraud
Senate Bill 162
Senate Bill 162: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Senate Bill 162: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Education Professional Standards Board, assessment requirement, removal
House Bill 205
Education Professional Standards Board, disciplinary actions, sexual misconduct procedures
Senate Bill 181
Education Professional Standards Board, membership
Senate Bill 77
Senate Bill 77: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Education Professional Standards Board, program approval, requirements
House Bill 8
Education Professional Standards Board, teacher preparation programs
House Bill 251
Energy and Environment Cabinet, air quality monitoring, data collection standards
House Bill 137
House Bill 137: House Committee Substitute (1)
Energy and Environment Cabinet, air quality monitoring, emissions, fees
House Bill 346
House Bill 346: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 346: House Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 346: House Floor Amendment (2)
House Bill 346: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Energy and Environment Cabinet, environmental remediation fee allowable uses
House Bill 698
Energy and Environment Cabinet, invasive plant species control, administrative regulations
House Bill 640
Energy and Environment Cabinet, reformulated gasoline requirements, elimination
Senate Joint Resolution 28
Energy and Environment Cabinet, solar merchant facilities, state and federal incentives, report
House Bill 790: House Committee Substitute (1)
Executive branch agencies, directives by the General Assembly, requirement
House Bill 799
Executive branch employees, telework, prohibition
Senate Bill 79: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Executive branch officials, funds to challenge of federal government actions, prohibition
House Bill 754
Finance and Administration Cabinet, award of contract, responsibility of bidders, determination
House Bill 269
House Bill 760
Finance and Administration Cabinet, Commonwealth's property and casualty insurance fund, reinsurance
House Bill 524
Finance and Administration Cabinet, grant database, modify access
House Bill 635: House Floor Amendment (1)
Finance and Administration Cabinet, grant database, reporting requirement
House Bill 150
House Bill 635
Finance and Administration Cabinet, procurement, contract, timely payment, procedures, penalties
House Bill 622
Finance and Administration Cabinet, wrongful conviction, compensation
House Bill 206
Senate Bill 262
Finance and Administration, purchasing contracts, American manufacturing
House Bill 345
Government services, taxpayer funding, recognition
House Bill 182: House Floor Amendment (1)
Government services, use of the word "free," prohibition
House Bill 182
Grant database, reporting requirement
House Bill 150
House Bill 635
Health and Family Services, Early Childhood Education Delivery Grant Program, non-authorization
House Joint Resolution 33
Hiring or licensing authorities, discrimination, acts of conscience
Senate Bill 132
Hiring or licensing authorities, prior conviction
House Bill 87
House Bill 87: House Committee Substitute (1)
Honor and Remember flag, emblem of remembrance, designation
House Bill 657
Housing, Buildings, and Construction, Kentucky Building Code, single exit
House Bill 579
Housing, Buildings and Construction, uniform State Building Code, violation
House Bill 200
Illegal alien, compensation with state tax dollars, prohibition
Senate Bill 151
House Bill 492
Immunity, waiver, applicability, establishment
Senate Bill 60: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Information Technology Oversight Committee, mandated reporting
House Bill 280
Judicial officers, protected information, disclosure, prohibition
House Bill 662
KDE, state intervention schools, establishment
Senate Bill 5
KDE, statute and administrative regulation waiver process, establishment
Senate Bill 5
Senate Bill 207
Kentucky Board of Education, education alignment, requirements
House Bill 8
Kentucky Board of Education, instructional materials collections, requirements
House Bill 8: House Floor Amendment (1)
Kentucky Board of Education, merger of school districts
House Bill 297
Kentucky Board of Education, nontraditional instruction plan, removal of authorization
House Bill 737
Kentucky Board of Education, statewide assessments, requirements
House Bill 8: House Floor Amendment (1)
Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, grant fund, regulations
Senate Bill 57
Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy, licensing
House Bill 117
House Bill 255
House Bill 255: House Committee Substitute (1)
Kentucky Deferred Compensation Authority, housekeeping bill
Senate Bill 104
Kentucky Deferred Compensation Authority, self-directed brokerage accounts, authorization
Senate Bill 104
Kentucky Department of Education, approved list of reading curriculum, establishment
House Bill 528
Kentucky Department of Education, deconstruction, requirements
House Bill 8
Kentucky Department of Education, disaster relief student attendance days, allowance
House Bill 241: House Committee Substitute (1)
Kentucky Department of Education, foreign source funding report, requirement
House Bill 554
Kentucky Department of Education, local boards of education, school calendar revisions
House Bill 241
Kentucky Department of Education, local boards, school calendar
House Bill 241: House Committee Substitute (1)
Kentucky Department of Education, nonresident pupil data, report
House Bill 440
Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task Force, expenditure, operations, study
House Concurrent Resolution 50
Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task Force, expenditures, study
House Concurrent Resolution 50: House Committee Substitute (1)
Kentucky Employees Retirement System, hazardous duty retirement
House Bill 713
Kentucky Exposition Center Redevelopment, capital construction funds, authorization
House Joint Resolution 54
Kentucky Film Leadership Council, Cabinet for Economic Development, establishment
Senate Bill 1
Kentucky Film Office, Cabinet for Economic Development, establishment
Senate Bill 1
Kentucky Fire Commission, distilled spirits warehouses, fire protection fees
House Bill 608
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, dual credit scholarship, selection criteria
House Bill 193
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, scholarship, administration
House Bill 149
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, teacher scholarship, selection criteria
House Bill 181
Senate Bill 253
House Bill 263: House Committee Substitute (1)
Kentucky Historical Society, Kentucky Department of Education, America's 250th anniversary
House Resolution 57
Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, casino gaming, fantasy contests, regulation
House Bill 33
Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, fantasy contests, regulation
House Bill 742
Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, jurisdiction
House Bill 566
Kentucky Housing Corporation, abandoned home pool fund, establishment
House Bill 260
Kentucky Housing Corporation, affordable housing loan pool fund, establishment
House Bill 583
Kentucky Housing Corporation, first-generation homebuyer trust fund, establishment
House Bill 717
Kentucky Housing Corporation, housing development fund, modification
House Bill 583
Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, authorization of moneys
House Joint Resolution 30
Kentucky Law Enforcement Council, peace officer certification, false report, establishment
House Bill 360
Kentucky Law Enforcement Council, standards for police conduct
House Bill 110
Kentucky Office of Homeland Security, reporting, monthly
Senate Bill 260
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, CERS retiree health subsidies and contribution rates, increase
Senate Bill 10
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, cost-of-living adjustment for KERS and SPRS retirees
House Bill 336
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, educational contracts, membership date
House Bill 445
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, eligibility for benefits, employment with Ky. River Comm. Care
House Bill 185
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, gender-neutral language, insertion
Senate Bill 187
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, Office of Financial Management, establishment
House Bill 71
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, raises from pension spiking provisions, exemption
House Bill 30
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, supplemental payment for KERS and SPRS retirees
House Bill 337
Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, Tier 2 benefits for members in hazardous positions
House Bill 76
House Bill 714
Kentucky State Police, confiscated firearms, destruction
Senate Bill 92
House Bill 334
Kentucky State Police, off-duty employment, authorization by the commissioner
Senate Bill 266
KHEAA, future Kentucky teacher scholarship, eligibility
House Bill 655
KHEAA, prospective educator scholarship, eligibility
House Bill 451
KHEAA, Student Teacher Stipend Program, administration
House Bill 263
Legislative Research Commission, legislative committee, technical correction
House Bill 585
House Bill 586
Licensing exemption, food donation, nonprofit, home-based processor
House Bill 186
Local school districts, disaster relief student attendance days, removal
House Bill 241: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Marinas, state contracts, model procurement code, exemption
House Bill 813
Medical product, disclosure requirement, prohibition
House Bill 646
Mental health care service, discrimination, protected counseling services
House Bill 495
House Bill 495: House Floor Amendment (3)
Motor Vehicle Commission, recyclers, licensing
House Bill 663
Office of Homeland Security, illegal alien compensation prohibition, enforcement
Senate Bill 151
House Bill 492
Office of Homeland Security, proceeds of firearm sales, grant program eligibility, airport police
House Bill 234
Office of Homeland Security, School Mapping Data Program, administration
House Bill 777
Office of Kentucky Center for Statistics, certified living wage
House Bill 757
Office of Safer Communities, establishment
House Bill 515
Office of State Budget Director, authorization of moneys
House Joint Resolution 30
Office of the Attorney General, 340B covered entities, discrimination against, prohibition
Senate Bill 14
Office of the Inspector General, annual audit, Office of the Ombudsman, requirement
Senate Bill 85: House Floor Amendment (2)
Senate Bill 85: House Floor Amendment (3)
Office of the State Budget Director, Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board, establishment
House Bill 9
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, administrative regulations, service fee memoranda, requirement
Senate Bill 103
Senate Bill 103: House Committee Substitute (1)
Senate Bill 103: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Open meeting requirements, substantial compliance, voidable actions
House Bill 318
Personnel Cabinet, 340B Drug Pricing Program report, December 1, 2025
House Bill 685
Personnel Cabinet, conforming changes
Senate Bill 79
Personnel Cabinet, Kentucky Employee Health Plan, rapid whole genome sequencing, coverage
House Bill 401
Personnel Cabinet, paid family leave, state employees, establishment
House Bill 771
Personnel Cabinet, paid parental leave, administrative regulations
House Bill 598
Personnel Cabinet, public postsecondary institutions, employee compensation, publication
House Bill 4
Personnel Cabinet, scholarship and education opportunities for employees, regulations
Senate Bill 79
Personnel Cabinet, state employee health insurance, omnibus bill
Senate Bill 155
Public entity, required political contact, prohibition
House Bill 715
Public question advocacy, penalties, establishment
House Bill 254
Public Service Commission, membership, qualifications, appointments
Senate Bill 8
Public Service Commission, utility disconnection, rules and procedures
House Bill 326
Receipt of funds, allowable payment methods
House Bill 376
Registry of Election Finance, allowable expenditures, General Assembly
House Bill 45: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Registry of Election Finance, allowable expenditures, security measures
House Bill 373
Registry of Election Finance, campaign consultant, registration, procedure
House Bill 411
Registry of Election Finance, expenditures, intermediaries, prohibition
House Bill 412
Registry of Election Finance, political issues committee, reporting, requirements
House Bill 45: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Registry of Election Finance, reporting, certification, ballot measures, requirements
House Bill 45
Senate Bill 206
Registry of Election Finance, reports, online publication
Senate Bill 174
Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment
Senate Bill 60
House Bill 177
Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition
Senate Bill 60
House Bill 177
Religious freedom, violation, damages, costs and attorney's fees, limitation, establishment
Senate Bill 60: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Religious freedom, violation, immunity, waiver
House Bill 177
Religious freedom, violation, remedy, establishment
House Bill 177
Reproductive health care, protections
House Bill 418
Sanctuary policies, prohibition, immunity waiver
House Bill 344
School Curriculum, Assessment, and Accountability Council, membership
House Bill 8
School Curriculum, Assessment, and Accountability Council, responsibilities
House Bill 8
School Facilities Construction Commission, authorization of awards
House Joint Resolution 32
Secretary of State, state property, gender-neutral language
Senate Bill 156
Secretary of State, state property, gender-neutral language, insertion
House Bill 666
Sex discrimination, prohibition
Senate Bill 116
Solar merchant facilities, state and federal incentives, Energy and Environment Cabinet, report
House Bill 790
State Board of Elections, Office of Election Investigations and Security, reporting
House Bill 455
State Fire Commission, special purpose governmental entity financial reporting
House Bill 171
State Instructional Materials Council, creation
House Bill 8
State Instructional Materials Council, responsibilities
House Bill 8
State Investment Commission, investment authority
House Bill 376
State Police, firearm registration and sales, administrative regulations
House Bill 124
State Treasurer, lodging state prisoners in jails, payment of fees
House Bill 35
State-administered retirement systems, beneficiaries, special needs trusts
Senate Bill 58
State-administered retirement systems, economic analysis of shareholder proposals, requirement
Senate Bill 183
State-administered retirement systems, proxy adviser
Senate Bill 183: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Teachers' Retirement System, annual leave, reporting and retirement costs
Senate Bill 9: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Teachers' Retirement System, audit of annual leave program
Senate Bill 9: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Teachers' Retirement System, designate WeLeadCS as a participating employer
House Bill 73
Teachers' Retirement System, employer contributions for retiree health benefits, use of funds
House Bill 694
Teachers' Retirement System, employer contributions for retiree health, use of funds
House Bill 694: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Teachers' Retirement System, housekeeping bill
House Bill 638
Teachers' Retirement System, repeal provisions of 2021 RS HB 258 relating to new teacher benefits
House Bill 212
Teachers' Retirement System, Shared Responsibility Solution Task Force, establishment
Senate Concurrent Resolution 154
Teachers' Retirement System, sick leave, reporting and retirement costs
Senate Bill 9
Telework policies, reporting
Senate Bill 79: House Floor Amendment (1)
Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet, reporting requirement
House Bill 243
Transportation Cabinet, branch budget bills, assistance
House Bill 544
Transportation Cabinet, driveaway plates, administration
House Bill 188
Transportation Cabinet, driver licensing, circuit clerks
House Bill 518
Transportation Cabinet, driver licensing, county clerks
House Bill 459
Transportation Cabinet, driver licensing, regional offices, location
Senate Bill 166
Transportation Cabinet, Hal Rogers Parkway, inclusion of KY 80 in Perry, Knott, and Floyd Counties
House Bill 443
Transportation Cabinet, highway welcome signs, updates
House Bill 175
Transportation Cabinet, home building material overweight exemption, limitations
House Bill 31
Transportation Cabinet, identity documents, third-party application
House Bill 161
Transportation Cabinet, instruction permits, age eligibility and length of validity
House Bill 15
Transportation Cabinet, Kentucky aviation economic development fund, reporting requirement
Senate Bill 87
Transportation Cabinet, limited access facilities, recovery of increased property value, prohibition
House Bill 428
Transportation Cabinet, Local Assistance Road Program applications, evaluation
House Bill 546
House Bill 546: House Committee Substitute (1)
Transportation Cabinet, medical review board, creation
Senate Bill 43
Senate Bill 43: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Transportation Cabinet, operator's license, age eligibility
House Bill 15: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Transportation Cabinet, school bus stop cameras, placement and use
House Bill 258
Transportation Cabinet, Six-Year Road Plan, county priority projects
House Joint Resolution 46
Transportation Cabinet, street-legal special purpose vehicle, regulation
Senate Bill 63
Transportation Cabinet, super speeders, regulations
Senate Bill 57
Transportation Cabinet, vegetation sight obstruction, highway-rail grade crossings
House Bill 407
Transportation Cabinet, voluntary travel ID, free association states, citizen eligibility
Senate Bill 125
Senate Bill 136: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Transportation Cabinet, welcome center and rest areas, sponsorship agreement
House Bill 112
Unclassified employees of certain constitutional officers, employment
House Bill 738
Vaccination status, state agency list, prohibition
House Bill 140
House Bill 745
Vital statistics, data collection, male and female, identification
Senate Bill 116
Vocational Rehabilitation Agency, gender-neutral language
House Bill 475
Last updated: 3/7/2025 4:31 PM