State Agencies

Administrative Office of the Courts, cannabis related expungement process, establishment

Administrative regulations, informational review

Agency heads, oversight

Autologous and directed blood transfusion, coverage

Board of Cosmetology, mobile salons, licensure

Cabinet for Economic Development, Office of Outdoor Recreation Industry, establishment

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, adoption, disabled applicant, services, requirement

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Child Care Assistance Program, income eligibility

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, development of mental health treatment brochure, jurors

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Kentucky Parkinson's Disease Research Registry

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Medicaid, waiver application, mental health wellness exam

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, nonemergency medical transportation

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, poultry sales

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, residential waiver services, use of video recording devices

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, sickle cell disease, hospital policies

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, awareness

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, unpasteurized milk, sale to consumers, allow

Council on Postsecondary Education, public postsecondary institutions, program approval

Deadly weapons, power to regulate concealed carry in buildings, repeal

Department for Community Based Services, dementia training

Department for Local Government, special purpose governmental entity financial reporting

Department for Medicaid Services, certified professional midwifery services, coverage

Department for Medicaid Services, Medicaid managed care contracts, limit on number awarded

Department for Public Health, maternal mortality and morbidity, data collection

Department of Education, certified nonpublic schools, requirements

Department of Education, community eligibility provision, state match for paid rate meals

Department of Education, development of training for school employees, appropriate conduct

Department of Education, elective course offerings in African and Native American history

Department of Education, instructional materials guide, development

Department of Education, mandated reports, school breakfast, physical activity, elimination

Department of Education, new independent school districts, assistance, financial oversight

Department of Education, professional development, creation of four-year reoccurring schedule

Department of Education, recommended curricula for African and Native American instruction

Department of Education, school district reporting requirements, review and report

Department of Education, sexual extortion, development of notice guidelines

Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction, Uniform State Building Code, electrical standards

Department of Insurance, commissioner, prescription drug coverage, cost sharing and rebates

Department of Insurance, insurance regulatory sandbox program, report

Department of Revenue, currency and bullion currency

Department of Revenue, delinquent taxpayer, operator's license, suspension, elimination

Department of Revenue, mass foreclosure process, county attorney contract

Department of Revenue, property tax, homestead exemption, cost of living adjustment

Department of Revenue, refundable child credit, annual report

Department of Revenue, report to Legislatvie Research Commission, military pensions

Department of Revenue, sales and use tax, currency and bullion, exemption

Education and Labor Cabinet, unemployment compensation, application and verification process

Education Professional Standards Board, assessment requirement, removal

Energy and Environment Cabinet, air quality monitoring, data collection standards

Finance and Administration Cabinet, grant database, reporting requirement

Finance and Administration Cabinet, wrongful conviction, compensation

Government services, use of the word "free," prohibition

Grant database, reporting requirement

Hiring or licensing authorities, prior conviction

Housing, Buildings and Construction, uniform State Building Code, violation

Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, grant fund, regulations

Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy, licensing

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, dual credit scholarship, selection criteria

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, scholarship, administration

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, teacher scholarship, selection criteria

Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, casino gaming, fantasy contests, regulation

Kentucky Law Enforcement Council, standards for police conduct

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, eligibility for benefits, employment with Ky. River Comm. Care

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, Office of Financial Management, establishment

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, raises from pension spiking provisions, exemption

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, Tier 2 benefits for members in hazardous positions

Licensing exemption, food donation, nonprofit, home-based processor

Office of the Attorney General, 340B covered entities, discrimination against, prohibition

Registry of Election Finance, reporting, certification, ballot measures, requirements

Religious freedom, cause of action, establishment

Religious freedom, government action, substantially burden, definition

Religious freedom, violation, immunity, waiver

Religious freedom, violation, remedy, establishment

State Fire Commission, special purpose governmental entity financial reporting

State Police, firearm registration and sales, administrative regulations

State Treasurer, lodging state prisoners in jails, payment of fees

State-administered retirement systems, beneficiaries, special needs trusts

Teachers' Retirement System, designate WeLeadCS as a participating employer

Teachers' Retirement System, repeal provisions of 2021 RS HB 258 relating to new teacher benefits

Transportation Cabinet, driveaway plates, administration

Transportation Cabinet, highway welcome signs, updates

Transportation Cabinet, home building material overweight exemption, limitations

Transportation Cabinet, identity documents, third-party application

Transportation Cabinet, instruction permits, age eligibility and length of validity

Transportation Cabinet, medical review board, creation

Transportation Cabinet, street-legal special purpose vehicle, regulation

Transportation Cabinet, super speeders, regulations

Transportation Cabinet, welcome center and rest areas, sponsorship agreement

Vaccination status, state agency list, prohibition

Last updated: 1/30/2025 10:52 AM (EST)