Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Oath of office -- When to be taken.
.020 Persons authorized to administer official oaths -- Certification and filing.
.030 Oath of fiduciaries.
.040 Peace officers' oath to suppress gaming.
.050 Bonds -- When to be given.
.0501 Certain officers without bond given extension of time to comply -- Suspension of penalties.
.0503 Validation of acts of certain officers without bonds -- Sunset provision.
.055 Bonds of county clerks -- Minimum -- Record.
.060 Bonds of officers, depositories and fiduciaries -- Form -- Conditions -- Amount -- Renewal.
.065 Individual not to be surety on more than one bond -- Nonapplicability of limitation to corporate sureties.
.070 Action and recovery on bond.
.080 Liability for public funds placed in depository.
.090 Proceeding for release and indemnity of sureties -- Where brought.
.100 Notice of proceeding.
.110 New bond discharges sureties -- Stipulation for indemnity.
.120 Failure to give new bond.
.130 Adoption of proceeding by other sureties or personal representative.
.140 Premiums on bonds paid by state, when.
.145 Repealed, 1978.
.150 Premiums on bonds of county officers in counties of two hundred thousand population.
.155 Sheriff's general obligation bonds and state revenue bond, state to pay premiums on.
.156 Sheriff's county levy bond, county to pay premiums on.
.160 Bonds of state officers -- Minimum sum -- Increase or renewal.
.170 Bonds of state employees -- Blanket bonds -- Amount -- Insurance companies that may participate.
.180 Condition of bonds of state officers -- Ex officio liability.
.190 Conditions of blanket bonds.
.200 Corporate surety on bonds of state officers and employees -- Approval as to form and legality -- Filing.
.210 Office of county clerk liable for acts of deputy clerk -- Liability of deputy clerk to county clerk.
.990 Penalties.