Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Construction and finance of improvements -- Alternate method authorized.
.015 Purpose of KRS 107.020, 107.030, 107.085, 107.140, and 107.190.
.020 Definitions.
.030 Procedure for use of alternate method.
.040 Public hearing -- Record -- Owners of affected property to be heard -- Written statements -- Vote -- Results to be included in report.
.050 Procedure following public hearing -- Second ordinance.
.060 Action by aggrieved property owner.
.070 Procedure when second ordinance authorizes undertaking.
.080 Construction contracts -- Bids -- Performance bond -- Wastewater collection project assessments -- Bonds.
.085 Request for waiver of formalities -- Recordation.
.090 Third ordinance -- Purpose -- Adoption.
.100 Sale of bonds authorized by KRS 107.090 -- Sealed bids -- Advertisement.
.110 Proceeds from sale of bonds to be deposited -- Security -- Disbursement.
.120 Bonds not to constitute debt against city -- Not subject to taxation -- Liquidation -- City liable to bondholders for failure to pursue available remedies for collection of improvement assessments.
.130 Assessment against benefited properties -- Determination of assessment ratio -- Special assessment.
.140 Benefited property, what constitutes, assessment of governmental property -- Procedure against state.
.150 When levy to be made -- When due -- Penalties for nonpayment -- Collection of improvement benefit assessments.
.160 Assessment to constitute lien on benefited property -- Precedence.
.170 Proceeds from assessment to be segregated -- Shall constitute sinking fund.
.180 Sums received and deposited in sinking fund -- How held -- Debt service reserve -- Deficiency assessment -- Refund of surplus.
.190 Action by city where ordinances and proceedings encompass less than all the undertakings contemplated by KRS 107.020, where all are encompassed and city undertakes additional improvements.
.200 Procedure by city where no bids received on offered bonds.
.210 Procedure where proceeds of bonds authorized by third ordinance insufficient.
.220 Refunding bonds -- When issued.
.310 Definitions.
.320 Community improvement districts for counties containing a city with population of 3,000 or more -- Corporate powers.
.330 Purpose of district.
.340 Board of commissioners -- Membership -- Terms -- Officers -- Quorum -- Removal of board members.
.350 Levy of ad valorem tax.
.360 Submission of question of project to voters -- Procedure on approval.
.370 Powers of board.
.380 Annual report -- Compliance with KRS 65A.010 to 65A.090.
.390 Condemnation powers of board.
.400 Approval necessary to condemnation action.
.410 Lease of buildings and facilities to governmental units -- Sublease.
.420 Contract of lease prior to acquisition of site and construction of buildings.
.430 Lease options.
.440 Conveyance or lease of land by governmental unit to district.
.450 Revenue bonds authorized.
.460 Prerequisites to issuance of bonds.
.470 Power to borrow money -- Pledge of taxes or anticipated income.
.480 Applicability of KRS 61.390.
.490 Contract with county for administrative functions -- Approval of expenditures.
.500 Conveyance to federal government not limited.
.600 Repealed, 1982.
.610 Repealed, 1982.
.620 Repealed, 1982.
.630 Repealed, 1986.
.700 Legislative policy.
.710 Definitions.
.720 Privatization contracts -- Notice -- Hearing -- Competitive bidding -- Assignment of contract.
.730 Service agreements -- Notice -- Hearing.
.740 Recall of ordinance creating privatization project.
.750 Construction of KRS 107.720 to 107.760 -- Issuance of bonds authorized.
.760 Political subdivision's ability to own or operate water facility not limited.
.770 Short title.
.990 Penalties.