Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Definitions for chapter for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2018.
.0101 Depreciation methods and transitional rules.
.0105 Repealed, 2006.
.011 Casualty losses -- Net operating losses.
.012 Repealed, 2006.
.013 Repealed, 1974.
.014 Disposition of receipts under chapter.
.015 Repealed, 1954.
.016 Reporting federal adjusted gross income attributed to husband and wife -- Allocation of income and business deductions between husband and wife.
.017 Deductions allowed by this chapter limited to amounts directly or indirectly subject to taxation under this chapter -- No item to be deducted more than once.
.018 Department's authority to interpret and carry out provisions of certain income tax changes made by the 2005 Regular Session and 2006 First Extraordinary Session of the General Assembly -- Authority to promulgate administrative regulations to explain or implement changes.
.019 Calculation of adjusted gross income and net income for taxpayers other than corporations.
.020 Levy of income tax on individuals -- Rate of normal tax -- Reduction -- Tax credits -- Income of nonresidents subject to tax -- Election to pay tax imposed by KRS 141.023.
.0201 Artistic charitable contributions deduction for individuals.
.0202 Repealed, 2018.
.0205 Priority of application and use of tax credits.
.021 Federal and local government annuities excluded from gross income -- Taxability after December 31, 1997.
.0215 Inclusion in gross income of government retirement payments after December 31, 1997 -- Computation.
.022 Repealed, 1962.
.023 Optional tax tables.
.025 Repealed, 1976.
.030 Levy of income tax on estates, trusts and fiduciaries -- Liability of fiduciaries.
.039 Calculation of gross income and net income for corporations.
.040 Corporation income tax -- Exemptions -- Rate.
.0401 Limited liability entity tax -- Exemptions -- Rate.
.0405 Repealed, 2018.
.0406 Repealed, 2018.
.041 Tax credit for corporations for installing, modifying or utilizing coal for manufacturing or heating.
.042 Repealed, 2019.
.044 Payment of estimated tax by corporations and pass-through entities -- Refund of taxes -- Administrative regulations.
.046 Repealed, 1970.
.050 Federal interpretations applicable, when -- Taxpayer record -- Subpoenas -- Forms -- Regulations.
.055 Repealed, 1954.
.060 Repealed, 1956.
.062 Premiums paid for health insurance to be treated as income tax credit.
.063 Skills training investment credits allowed by KRS 154.12-204 to 154.12-208 -- Application to income tax obligations -- Annual report.
.065 Credit allowed for hiring person classified as unemployed.
.066 Definitions -- Nonrefundable low income, family size, and income gap tax credits.
.067 Household and dependent care service credit.
.068 Definitions -- Determination of tax credits under KRS 154.20-258.
.069 Credit allowed for tuition at eligible educational institution.
.070 Credits allowed individuals for tax paid to other states.
.071 Definition -- Right to designate portion of tax to political party.
.072 Designation of party -- Certification and remittance to state and county party organizations.
.073 Rules and regulations.
.075 Repealed, 1954.
.080 Repealed, 1954.
.081 Optional standard deduction for individuals -- Exception.
.082 Repealed, 1976.
.083 Repealed, 1954.
.084 Repealed, 1954.
.085 Repealed, 1954.
.090 Repealed, 1954.
.095 Repealed, 1954.
.096 Repealed, 1954.
.100 Repealed, 1954.
.110 Repealed, 1954.
.120 Division of income of interstate business for tax purposes -- Apportionment.
.121 Special rules for apportioning business income -- Management of a treasury function -- Passenger airlines -- Qualified air freight forwarders -- Administrative regulations regarding sourcing of receipts.
.124 Repealed, 1966.
.125 Repealed, 1954.
.130 Liability for tax on discontinuation of business.
.140 Accounting period for computation of income.
.150 Reports of income payments to others.
.160 When returns for income tax are due -- Forms -- Copy of federal return may be required -- Returns for cooperatives.
.170 Extension of time for filing returns.
.175 Extension for members of Armed Forces serving in combat zones.
.180 Individuals required to make return -- Verification.
.190 Returns of fiduciaries.
.200 Corporation returns -- Requirement of affiliated groups to file consolidated returns.
.201 Corporation returns -- Election of affiliated groups to file consolidated returns -- Taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2019.
.202 Requirement of taxpayer engaged in a unitary business with one or more other corporations to file a combined report -- Administrative regulations -- Taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2019.
.205 Disallowance of certain deductions for affiliated entities or related parties.
.206 Filing of returns by pass-through entities -- Withholding requirements on owners of pass-through entities -- Apportionment issues for pass-through entities.
.207 Calculation of estimated tax required by KRS 141.206 for nonresident individuals -- Payment of estimated tax.
.208 Treatment of limited liability companies.
.209 Annual election to have tax under KRS 141.020 imposed on pass-through entity -- Refundable tax credit -- Report to owner -- Administrative regulations.
.210 Auditing of returns -- Assessment of additional tax.
.211 Audits performed and additional tax assessed at the partnership level.
.215 Deferred filing of returns and payment of taxes.
.220 Payment of tax -- When due.
.225 Repealed, 1950.
.230 Repealed, 1954.
.235 Action interfering with collection or payment prohibited -- Limitation on refund of taxes.
.240 Repealed, 1954.
.250 Repealed, 1952.
.260 Repealed, 1952.
.270 Repealed, 1952.
.300 Repealed, 2019.
.305 Estimated income tax payments -- Administrative regulations.
.310 Withholding of tax from wages paid by employer.
.315 Department to promulgate regulations governing certain types of wage payments.
.320 Remuneration paid by an employer deemed wages.
.325 Withholding exemptions -- Certificates.
.330 Employers to file quarterly returns and make payments -- Liability -- Actions -- Lien on property of employer.
.335 Annual withholding statement to be furnished employee.
.340 Liability of employer for tax payment -- Corporate officers, managers of limited liability companies, and partners of registered limited liability partnerships personally liable.
.345 Refund or credit in case of overpayment.
.347 Computation of income tax credit.
.350 Credit of amount withheld against tax imposed by KRS 141.020 for same taxable year.
.355 Crediting of overpayment and refund of balance -- Withholding in excess of tax imposed by KRS 141.020, when considered overpayment.
.360 Repealed, 1970.
.370 Tables for determining tax to be withheld.
.375 Repealed, 2005.
.380 Repealed, 2005.
.381 Nonrefundable tax credit for entities participating in the Metropolitan College.
.382 Refundable or transferable tax credit for qualified rehabilitation expenses for certified historic structure meeting the requirements of KRS 171.396 and 171.397.
.383 Refundable tax credit for motion picture or entertainment production expenses -- Reporting.
.384 Nonrefundable tax credit for small businesses.
.3841 Selling farmers tax credit.
.385 Nonrefundable tax credit for railroad improvement.
.386 Nonrefundable tax credit for railroad expansion or upgrade to accommodate transportation of fossil energy resources or biomass resources.
.387 No carry forward permitted for tax credits provided by KRS 141.385 and 141.386 -- Claims for credits.
.388 Repealed, 2018.
.389 Nonrefundable and nontransferable distilled spirits ad valorem tax credit -- Election to waive credits -- Credit to be used only for capital improvement at licensed distiller's premises -- Refundable credit for taxpayer investing and creating jobs in area of low and moderate income -- Administrative regulations -- Annual report.
.390 Tax credit for recycling or composting equipment -- Report.
.391 Nonrefundable tax credit for expansion of broadband services.
.392 Repealed, 2018.
.395 Tax credit for construction of research facilities.
.396 Nonrefundable angel investor tax credit against individual income tax -- Carry forward -- Transfer of credit -- Recapture of credit -- Data reporting requirements.
.398 Development area tax credit -- Annual report.
.400 Tax credit for company approved for economic development project under KRS 154.28-010 to 154.28-100.
.401 Repealed, 2023.
.402 Taxing provisions governing approved companies under Subchapter 25 of KRS Chapter 154.
.403 Tax credit for company approved on or before June 30, 2021, under KRS 154.26-010 to 154.26-100 -- Administrative regulations.
.405 Tax credit for company approved for occupational or skills upgrade training program under KRS 154.12-2084 to 154.12-2089 -- Administrative regulations.
.407 Determination of allowable income tax credit approved company may retain.
.408 Inventory tax credit -- Applies on or after January 1, 2018 -- Pass-through entities, allowable credit -- Annual report.
.410 Definitions for KRS 141.410 to 141.414.
.412 Tax credit for qualified farming operation.
.414 Computation of tax and credit.
.415 Computation of income tax and credit for approved company.
.416 Repealed, 2009
.418 Nonrefundable credit for voluntary environmental remediation.
.419 Definitions for section -- Refundable credit for qualifying expenditures at qualifying decontamination property -- Administrative regulations -- Reporting.
.420 Repealed, 2018.
.421 Tax incentives for alternative fuel, gasification, and renewable energy facilities.
.422 Definitions for KRS 141.422 to 141.425.
.423 Nonrefundable credit for biodiesel producer, biodiesel blender, or renewable diesel producer.
.4231 Renewable chemical production tax credit.
.424 Biodiesel credit distribution for pass-through entities.
.4242 Nonrefundable credit for producers of ethanol.
.4244 Nonrefundable credit for producers of cellulosic ethanol.
.4246 Ethanol or cellulosic ethanol credit distribution for pass-through entities.
.4248 Transfer of unused ethanol or cellulosic ethanol tax credit caps established by KRS 141.4242 and 141.4244.
.425 Authorization for administrative regulations to administer biodiesel credit.
.428 Kentucky Clean Coal Incentive Act -- Definitions -- Tax credit -- Administrative regulations.
.430 Repealed, 2018.
.432 Definitions for KRS 141.432 to 141.434.
.433 Application for New Markets Development Program tax credit.
.434 New Markets Development Program tax credit.
.435 Definitions for KRS 141.435 to 141.437.
.436 Tax credit for installation of energy efficiency products for residential and commercial property -- Administrative regulations -- Reports.
.437 Tax credit for construction of ENERGY STAR home or sale of ENERGY STAR manufactured home -- Required verification -- Reports.
.438 Endow Kentucky tax credit.
.440 Designation of income tax refund to child victims' trust fund.
.441 Designation of income tax refund to local history trust fund.
.442 Repealed, 2005.
.4425 Designation of income tax refund to Kentucky YMCA Youth Association.
.443 Designation of income tax refund to Special Olympics Kentucky.
.444 Designation of income tax refund to veterans' program trust fund.
.445 Designation of income tax refund to pediatric cancer research trust fund.
.446 Designation of income tax refund to breast cancer research and education trust fund.
.447 Designation of income tax refund to rape crisis center trust fund.
.448 Designation of income tax refund to farms to food banks trust fund.
.449 Designation of income tax refund to Kentucky CASA network fund.
.450 Public policy.
.455 Designation of income tax refund to nongame species protection and natural areas acquisition programs.
.460 Space on form for designation.
.465 Apportionment of funds -- Funds to be placed in interest-bearing account.
.470 Use of funds apportioned to the nature preserves fund.
.475 Rules and regulations.
.480 Designation provisions void, when.
.500 Education Opportunity Account Program. (See LRC Note below)
.502 Definitions for KRS 141.500 to 141.528 (See LRC Note below)
.504 Uniform process for education opportunity account allocation -- Qualifying expenses -- Provision for eligible student in county with population of 90,000 or more -- Duration of education opportunity account -- Prioritization of funding -- Restrictions. (See LRC Note below)
.506 Application to establish an education opportunity account for eligible students -- Renewal -- Process to cease funding student account. (See LRC Note below)
.508 Application for tax credit -- Preliminary approval subject to annual tax credit cap -- Taxpayer notification -- Taxpayer contribution – Account-granting organization certification of contribution. (See LRC Note below)
.510 Certification and renewal of certification of an account-granting organization -- Application -- Required information -- Department certification. (See LRC Note below)
.512 Minimal allocation of contributions required to education opportunity accounts by account-granting organization -- Standard application process for establishment of student eligibility for an account -- Transfer of funds from one account–granting organization to another -- Donations. (See LRC Note below)
.514 Administration of education opportunity account tax credit and cap -- Required annual publications on department Web site. (See LRC Note below)
.516 Audit of account-granting organization by department -- Notice of violation -- Revocation of certificate. (See LRC Note below)
.518 Account-granting organization system of payment to education service providers -- Payments to an education opportunity account -- Approval of education service providers. (See LRC Note below)
.520 Effect of Education Opportunity Account Program on education service provider -- Authority of government entities. (See LRC Note below)
.522 Education Opportunity Account Program tax credit -- Cap on credit -- Prioritization. (See LRC Note below)
.524 Report by department on Education Opportunity Account Program. (See LRC Note below)
.526 Standing for parents of eligible students. (See LRC Note below)
.528 Short title for KRS 141.500 to 141.528. (See LRC Note below)
.900 Definitions for KRS Chapter 141 -- Taxable years beginning prior to January 1, 2018.
.901 Division of income of interstate business for tax purposes -- Apportionment.
.985 Interest on tax not paid by date due -- Addition to tax provided in KRS 141.305 and 141.044 to be considered a penalty.
.990 Penalties.