Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/27/2025 %--span>
.001 Definitions for chapter.
.002 Definitions for chapter.
.003 Legislative findings and goals for achievement by 2020.
.004 Strategic Committee on Postsecondary Education.
.005 Governor's Postsecondary Education Nominating Committee -- Membership -- Terms -- Duties.
.0053 Prohibited appointments -- Ineligibility to serve on council or governing board -- Conflicts of interest.
.0057 Status as successor boards.
.006 Renumbered as KRS 151B.401.
.0062 Renumbered as KRS 151B.402.
.0064 Renumbered as KRS 151B.403.
.007 Renumbered as KRS 151B.404.
.010 Repealed, 1992.
.011 Council on Postsecondary Education -- Membership -- Terms -- Meetings.
.013 President of council -- Selection -- Appointment -- Powers and duties -- Salary -- Term -- Transfer of personnel positions.
.020 Powers and duties of council.
.0203 Strategic agenda -- Strategic implementation plan -- Benchmarks -- Review of goals and plan.
.0205 Role of council with respect to program created by KRS 158.798.
.0206 Public postsecondary education institution's program in speech-language pathology and teacher education.
.0207 Statewide reading research center -- Duties -- Report -- Selection of administrator.
.021 Advisory Conference of Presidents.
.0211 Board of Student Body Presidents.
.022 Repealed, 1982.
.023 Renumbered as KRS 151B.406.
.0232 Renumbered as KRS 151B.407.
.0234 Renumbered as KRS 151B.408.
.024 Repealed, 1982.
.025 Repealed, 1964.
.026 State support for University of Louisville.
.027 Occupational qualification development program -- State payments to participating municipal junior colleges.
.028 Office of Professional Education Preparation Programs.
.0281 Duties of Office of Professional Education Preparation Programs.
.0282 Duties of Council on Postsecondary Education as to professional education preparation programs.
.0283 Publication of admissions criteria by public professional schools.
.0284 Annual compilation of data concerning in-demand jobs, college costs, student loan debt, graduation rates, and student and graduate employment -- Administrative regulations.
.0285 Definitions for KRS 164.0285 to 164.0288.
.0286 STEM Initiative Task Force -- Purpose -- Membership -- Steering committee oversight and coordination -- Administrative attachment -- Contracting -- Funding.
.0287 Duties of STEM Initiative Task Force -- Strategic plan -- Business plan.
.0288 Kentucky STEM Initiative fund.
.029 Recognition of Area Health Education System.
.030 Regulations of council to be followed by state postsecondary educational institutions.
.033 Local P-16 councils.
.035 Needs assessment for adult education and workforce development.
.036 Council for Educational Research -- Duty to advise on data needed by colleges of education -- Service by deans of colleges of education.
.037 Standardized degree programs.
.038 Kentucky public university research consortiums -- Endowed research fund -- Administration by Council on Postsecondary Education -- Application process.
.040 Repealed, 1956.
.0401 Definitions for KRS 164.0401 to 164.0407.
.0402 Legislative intent -- Kentucky healthcare workforce investment fund -- Administrative regulations.
.0403 Healthcare training scholarships -- Partnership proposal requirements -- Partnership contract -- Scholarship contract -- Restrictions -- Recoupment -- Prohibitions.
.0404 Healthcare program incentive -- Administrative regulations -- Incentive application process and requirements.
.0405 Annual report to Interim Joint Committees by Council on Postsecondary Education.
.0406 Annual report to Interim Joint Committees by public postsecondary education institutions.
.0407 Sunset of KRS 164.0401 to 164.0407.
.041 Renumbered as KRS 151B.409.
.043 Cancer research institutions matching fund.
.050 Compensation and expenses of members.
.060 Meetings, number of -- Special meetings.
.070 Place of meeting.
.080 Notice of meeting.
.090 Quorum.
.092 Comprehensive funding model for the public postsecondary education system -- Legislative findings and declarations -- Separate funding formulas for public university sector and KCTCS sector -- Distribution of funds -- Annual certification of funding distribution amounts -- Postsecondary education working group -- Administrative regulations -- Postsecondary education performance fund.
.095 Postsecondary education accountability process -- Annual accountability report.
.096 Postsecondary institutions -- Annual sworn financial disclosure statement.
.097 Certification of postsecondary institutions to receive funds for teacher education or model program.
.098 Duties of Council on Postsecondary Education relating to advanced placement, dual enrollment, and dual credit programs.
.100 University of Kentucky recognized.
.110 Acts assenting to Acts of Congress for agricultural experiment work continue in force and apply to University of Kentucky.
.120 Colleges maintained -- What constitutes University of Kentucky.
.122 Repealed, 1962.
.124 Repealed, 1962.
.125 University programs.
.130 Repealed, 1992.
.131 Board of Trustees of University of Kentucky -- Membership -- Terms -- Grounds for removal and replacement of all board members.
.140 Selection of alumni trustees.
.150 Trustees not public officers -- Exception.
.160 Trustees constitute body corporate -- Power to receive and administer revenue and property.
.165 University may operate printing plant.
.170 Meetings of board -- Quorum -- Expenses -- Public character.
.180 Officers of board -- Bylaws, rules, or regulations.
.190 Executive committee.
.200 Regulations for university -- Physical training and discipline of students.
.210 Colleges, departments, and bureaus determined by trustees.
.220 Appointment, salaries and retirement benefits of university personnel.
.225 Board's exclusive jurisdiction over appointments, qualifications, compensation, promotions, and retirement programs.
.230 Removal of professors, officers and employees.
.240 Degrees granted by trustees.
.250 Report to legislature.
.260 Purchase or condemnation of property.
.270 Sale of realty -- When authorized.
.280 Treasurer of university.
.2802 Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development Authority -- Membership -- Director -- Purposes -- Duties -- Annual report.
.2804 Nuclear-ready community designation -- Criteria -- Application process -- Award by the authority.
.2807 Legislative findings and declarations -- Definitions -- Energy Planning and Inventory Commission -- Membership -- Executive committee -- Powers and duties -- Required review of proposed retirement of coal, oil, or natural gas-fired electric generating units -- Reports of commission -- Sunset.
.281 Public institution of postsecondary education criminal history background checks -- Initial hires, contractors, employees, volunteers, visitors -- Disclosures -- Termination.
.2813 Postsecondary education institution -- Designation of teams -- Eligibility to play.
.2815 Student identification badges must contain hotline number contact information relating to domestic violence, sexual assault, and suicide prevention.
.282 Hepatitis B information to be provided to first-time students.
.283 Student academic records confidential -- Exceptions.
.284 Waiver of tuition and fees for person sixty-five or older -- Conditions.
.2841 Free tuition at state-supported school for survivor of police officer, firefighter, or volunteer firefighter killed in line of duty -- Free tuition at state-supported school for survivor of other state-administered retirement system participants who died as a result of duty-related injury -- Limitation.
.2842 Free tuition at state-supported school for survivor of police officer, firefighter, or volunteer firefighter permanently and totally disabled in line of duty -- Free tuition at state-supported school for survivor of other state-administered retirement system participants disabled as a result of duty-related injury.
.2843 In-state tuition for nonresident children and siblings of graduates.
.2844 Tuition rates for nonresident veterans, members of Reserve components, and active members of the Kentucky National Guard at Kentucky's public universities -- In-state residency status of accepted or enrolled Armed Forces member, spouse, or dependent unaffected by transfer on military orders.
.2845 Tuition-free courses for supervising teachers and resource teachers.
.2847 Waiver of tuition and mandatory student fees for Kentucky foster or adopted children.
.2849 Legislative finding.
.285 Provisions of KRS 64.640 and 156.010 inapplicable to institutions of higher learning.
.286 Repealed, 1962.
.2865 Legislative findings and declarations relating to meningococcal meningitis disease.
.2867 Provision of vaccination information regarding meningococcal meningitis disease to postsecondary students.
.287 Motor vehicle liability insurance -- Conditions.
.2871 Liability insurance for governing board members, faculty, and staff -- Retirement annuity allowances exemption -- Taxability after December 31, 1997 -- Purchase of insurance not waiver of immunity -- Self-insured employer group health plan -- Special enrollment period for pregnancy.
.288 Power of state postsecondary education institutions to accept federal aid.
.289 Faculty member's power to vote.
.2891 Faculty voting member of board of trustees or regents.
.2893 Repealed, 2002.
.290 State universities recognized -- Names -- Status of Kentucky State University.
.291 Student body president to receive honorarium -- Effect.
.293 Repealed, 1988.
.295 Programs of state and comprehensive universities -- Criteria for approval of advanced practice doctoral programs -- Review of doctorates -- Degrees a comprehensive university may not offer.
.2951 Development and implementation of credit hour degree programs, course classifications, credit transfer agreements, and a statewide standardized articulation agreement -- Changes to learning outcomes.
.296 Vocational and nonvocational programs at state universities -- Joint programming -- Review of programs below associate level.
.297 English language proficiency assessment for instructors.
.298 Advanced practice doctoral program in nursing -- Degree -- Portrayal of credentials -- Degree distinguished from license as licensed certified professional midwife under KRS 314.400 to 314.414.
.300 Purpose of state universities and colleges.
.302 Core academic content standards for reading and mathematics for introductory college courses.
.304 Teacher preparation programs for elementary and secondary regular education to include instruction on dyslexia and other learning disabilities and core elements of response-to-intervention system.
.305 Renumbered as KRS 164.355.
.306 Evidence-based reading instructional programming -- Teacher preparation tests -- Report.
.3061 Teacher preparation programs for elementary regular education to include instructional strategies and resources for mathematics instruction -- List of approved teacher preparation assessments and evaluation rubric -- Reports.
.310 Boards of regents for state regional universities and Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
.320 Repealed, 1992.
.321 Boards of Regents of Eastern Kentucky, Morehead State, Murray State, Western Kentucky, Kentucky State, and Northern Kentucky Universities, and Kentucky Community and Technical College System -- Membership -- Terms -- Grounds for removal and replacement of all board members.
.325 KRS 63.080(2) applicable to board of regents.
.330 Organization and officers of boards of regents -- Expenses.
.335 Members of General Assembly not to serve on governing boards of state postsecondary education institutions.
.337 Member of General Assembly may be employee of state university or community college.
.340 Meetings of boards -- Quorum.
.348 Campus free speech protection -- Governing board to adopt policies ensuring freedom of expression and assembly -- Statement of policies made available to students and faculty -- Disruption of another's expressive activity.
.350 General powers and duties of boards of regents.
.351 Information on preventing transmission of HIV infection to be made available to freshmen and transfer students.
.352 Military recruiters' access to university campuses and student directory information.
.355 Repealed, 1988.
.357 Governmental Services Center at Kentucky State University -- Authority to direct -- Duties and responsibilities of center -- Executive director of authority.
.3571 Authority of center toward local government -- Reimbursement.
.3572 Authority of center toward private industry -- Reimbursement.
.3573 Deposit of receipts for services.
.360 Appointment and removal of president, faculty, and employees.
.365 Governing boards to have exclusive control of employment, tenure, and official relations of employees -- Payroll deduction of employee membership organization dues for KCTCS employees.
.367 Governing board may permit its employees to have an interest in a contract between the institution and a business -- Regulations to be forwarded to the Legislative Research Commission.
.370 Definitions -- Code for student conduct -- Disciplinary procedures and hearing for alleged violation -- Final order of suspension or expulsion of students -- Right to appeal.
.372 Annual report on student discipline -- Exemption request procedure.
.375 Policy statements of boards of trustees concerning "hazing" activities of campus organizations.
.376 Housing and security policy for safe residence facilities for students with a disability.
.377 Duplication of keys prohibited.
.380 Model and practice school -- Requirements -- Adoption of school policies -- Model and practice school advisory council -- Personnel.
.385 Repealed, 2017.
.390 Interest in contracts prohibited.
.400 Incidental expenses -- Fees.
.410 Acquisition and sale of property -- Disposition of surplus property.
.420 Duties of treasurer.
.430 Repealed, 1946.
.440 Depository -- Bond and duties of.
.450 Secretary -- Duties and compensation.
.460 Reports of presidents.
.465 Duty of presidents of postsecondary education institutions to distribute information to university's governing board members.
.470 Funds to be used as specified.
.475 Allocation of enrollment positions by state schools of medicine and dentistry -- Competitive selection of entering class medical, dental, or law students.
.476 Lung cancer research fund -- Consortium between Universities of Kentucky and Louisville to be known as the Governance Board of the Lung Cancer Research Project -- Annual audit.
.477 Kentucky Postsecondary Textbook Accessibility Act.
.478 Support services for deaf and hard of hearing students -- Funding.
.4781 Interpreter training program.
.4785 American sign language to qualify for foreign language credit.
.479 Definition of "resident" -- Administrative regulations on eligibility to participate in tuition waiver programs.
.480 War veterans' scholarships granted.
.490 Scholastic requirements for scholarship.
.500 Application for scholarship.
.505 Exemption from matriculation or tuition fee of dependents, widow, or widower of members of the Armed Forces or of members of the National Guard killed while in service or having died as a result of service-connected disability.
.507 Exemption from matriculation or tuition fee for deceased veteran's spouse or child under age 26.
.510 Repealed, 1944.
.512 Tuition waiver for disabled child of veteran.
.515 Exemption from tuition for spouse or child under age 26 of permanently disabled member of the National Guard, war veteran, prisoner of war, or member of the Armed Services missing in action -- Conditions.
.516 Definitions for KRS 164.516 to 164.5169.
.5161 Kentucky National Guard Tuition Award Program -- Administrative regulations.
.5165 Nonresident qualifications.
.5169 Payment of tuition to educational institution.
.518 Scholarships and awards for persons who are employed or provide training in child-care and early childhood settings.
.520 Irredeemable bond for benefit of University of Kentucky and Kentucky State University.
.525 Center for Mathematics -- Creation, duties, and location.
.530 Regional Compact of Southern States for Educational Services -- Approval and signature of -- Legislative Advisory Council to Southern Regional Education Board -- Membership -- Legislative Work Conference.
.540 Council on Postsecondary Education designated agency of state for purposes of regional compact -- Commonwealth not to maintain educational institutions that are discriminatory -- Authorized actions on behalf of the Commonwealth.
.550 Repealed, 1956.
.555 Repealed, 1956.
.560 Repealed, 1956.
.565 Repealed, 1956.
.570 Repealed, 1962.
.575 Repealed, 1997
.580 Kentucky Community and Technical College System -- Curricula -- Goals -- Degree programs.
.5805 Transfer of assets, liabilities, and staff positions of Kentucky Tech System -- Employee benefits and salaries of transferred employees -- Rules governing transferred employees.
.5807 Governance and management of community colleges -- Transfer of funds -- Rules governing employees -- Personnel system -- Courses for employees -- Rights and privileges of students -- Conflicts.
.581 Repealed, 2003.
.5815 Repealed, 2003.
.582 Repealed, 1997
.583 Lower division academic courses -- Transfer of credits.
.5833 Transferability of course work accepted prior to establishment of system.
.585 Repealed, 1966.
.586 Personnel dispute resolution system.
.587 Medical and accident insurance program for students.
.588 Services and property furnished by University of Kentucky and other providers.
.590 Repealed, 1966.
.591 Location of Kentucky Community and Technical College System headquarters and community colleges and extension centers -- Approval of General Assembly as requirement for new community colleges.
.593 Paducah College may be included in system pursuant to agreement.
.594 Service area of Prestonsburg Community College to include Pike County.
.595 Repealed, 2003.
.597 Repealed, 2003.
.599 Property and equipment of Northern Community College transferred to Northern Kentucky University -- Accrued funds from government agencies.
.600 Boards of directors for community colleges and community and technical colleges.
.6011 Definitions for KRS 164.6011 to 164.6029.
.6013 Legislative findings on promotion of research, innovation, and high-technology enterprises.
.6015 Repealed, 2017.
.6017 Powers and duties of Cabinet for Economic Development to carry out purposes of KRS 164.6019 to 164.6029 and related statutes.
.6019 Kentucky enterprise fund.
.602 Nominating commission for appointments to board of directors.
.6021 Purposes and administration of Kentucky enterprise fund.
.6023 Authority of the science and technology organization to review applications, qualify companies, and certify qualified companies.
.6025 Repealed, 2008.
.6027 Suspension of Kentucky rural innovation fund on July 1, 2021 -- Transfer of all interests to Kentucky enterprise fund.
.6029 Kentucky Rural Innovation Program -- Purposes.
.6031 Repealed, 2021.
.6033 Repealed, 2021.
.6035 Closing of Kentucky commercialization fund on July 1, 2021 -- Transfer of all moneys to Kentucky enterprise fund.
.6037 Repealed, 2021.
.6039 Repealed, 2021.
.6041 Repealed, 2021.
.6043 Repealed, 2002.
.605 Short title.
.610 Purpose.
.615 Definitions for KRS 164.605 to 164.675.
.620 Extension districts authorized.
.625 Regulations, authority, and duty of director of extension -- Extension council, membership, bylaws.
.630 Extension board authorized.
.635 Extension board -- Membership, appointment, term, vacancy, removal of member.
.640 Organization.
.645 Meetings required.
.650 Duties of officers -- Oath.
.655 Extension board, powers and duties.
.660 Equal opportunity -- Board member restrictions.
.665 Repealed, 1978.
.670 Revenues payable to treasurer.
.675 Directive to extension board.
.680 Renumbered as KRS 164.6903.
.681 Renumbered as KRS 164.6905.
.682 Renumbered as KRS 164.6909.
.683 Renumbered as KRS 164.6925.
.684 Renumbered as KRS 164.6917.
.685 Renumbered as KRS 164.6919.
.686 Renumbered as KRS 164.6929.
.687 Renumbered as KRS 164.6913.
.689 Renumbered as KRS 164.6927.
.6901 Short title.
.6903 Definitions for KRS 164.6901 to 164.6935.
.6905 Role of Department of Professional Licensing.
.6907 Certificate of registration required.
.6909 Contents of application -- Certificate from other state -- Cooperation with other organizations.
.6911 Office may refuse to issue certificate -- Renewal of registration.
.6913 Limitation, suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal of certificate.
.6914 Temporary certificate of registration.
.6915 Fees.
.6917 Requirements for agency contract.
.6919 Notice to athletic director -- Responsibilities of student-athlete, athlete agent, and educational institution.
.6921 Cancellation of agency contract by student-athlete.
.6923 Records to be retained by athlete agent.
.6925 Prohibited acts -- Authorization to pay certain expenses.
.6927 Penalties.
.6929 Right of action of educational institution or student-athlete for damages caused by violation of KRS 164.6901 to 164.6935.
.6931 Construction of KRS 164.6901 to 164.6935.
.6933 Effect of federal act.
.6935 Severability.
.6941 Definitions for KRS 164.6941 to 164.6951.
.6943 Restrictions on institutions and associations regarding student-athletes' agreements and agents.
.6945 Compensation of student-athlete for use of name, image, or likeness -- Agreements -- Restrictions -- Applicability.
.6947 Governing board of postsecondary educational institution may adopt policy regulating name, image, and likeness agreements -- Review by institution of proposed agreements -- Liability of employees for damages to student-athlete's ability to earn compensation -- Workshop in financial literacy and life skills -- Programs to provide agreement resources -- Disclosure of information relating to agreements.
.6949 Interpretation of KRS 164.6941 to 164.6951.
.6951 Agreements and agency contracts governed by laws of the Commonwealth -- Parent or guardian of minor may enter into agreement or agency contract -- Reaffirmation.
.7011 Definitions for KRS 164.7011 to 164.7021.
.7013 Declaration of intent -- Kentucky Aerospace, Aviation, and Defense Investment Fund Advisory Committee -- Membership -- Kentucky aerospace, aviation, and defense investment fund -- Purposes -- Administrative regulations.
.7015 Aviation training scholarship program.
.7017 Aviation equipment partnership contracts.
.7019 Annual report.
.7021 Sunset provision.
.705 Declaration of policy.
.710 Definitions for KRS 164.705 to 164.735.
.715 Prohibition.
.720 Permit required to excavate.
.725 Authority to mark locations.
.730 Report discovery.
.735 Authority to contract with private owner.
.738 Annual economic report -- Maintenance of state economic data by University of Kentucky.
.740 Definitions for KRS 164.740 to 164.7891.
.742 Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority created -- Adoption of assumed name.
.744 Purpose of authority.
.746 Board of directors -- Membership -- Terms -- Vacancies -- Officers and employees -- Compensation -- Meetings -- Bylaws, policies, and administrative regulations -- Power to adopt Model Procurement Code.
.748 Powers and duties of board.
.749 Repealed, 1978.
.750 Repealed, 1974.
.751 Distinguished Student Recognition and Scholarship Award Program -- Selection committee -- Award selection criteria.
.7515 Role of authority with respect to program created by KRS 158.798.
.752 Repealed, 1974.
.753 Rules and regulations governing loans, loan guarantees, scholarships, grants, and work-study programs.
.7531 Loan forgiveness programs -- Sunset provision.
.7534 Endowment trust for student financial assistance benefits -- Authority to establish corporation to administer -- Annual report.
.7535 College access program grants.
.754 Education loan funds -- Administration account -- Creation.
.755 Renumbered as KRS 164A.240.
.756 Nonage not disqualifying for loan guarantee.
.757 District teacher certification loan fund.
.758 Property of authority tax exempt, contributions to be deductible from income or franchise taxes.
.760 Supervision by Department of Financial Institutions -- Annual audit report.
.762 Duration of authority.
.764 Moneys of authority appropriated -- Not to lapse.
.766 Authority may provide supplemental loans for students.
.767 Restrictions on financial aid to persons incarcerated in penal institutions.
.768 Repealed, 1994.
.769 Teacher scholarships for eligible persons agreeing to render qualified teaching service in Kentucky -- Cancellation or repayment of notes -- Annual report.
.770 Repealed, 1994.
.771 Teacher Recruitment Student Loan Forgiveness Pilot Program -- Procedures -- Repayment obligations -- Reporting requirements -- Fund.
.772 Repealed, 2019.
.773 Student Teacher Stipend Program -- Procedures -- Reporting requirements.
.774 Kentucky Lottery Corporation to receive list of persons in default of obligations under financial assistance programs -- Withholding of prize winnings.
.780 Financial assistance to students attending private institutions.
.785 Qualifications for state assistance -- Calculation -- Adjustment for scholarship.
.786 Dual Credit Scholarship Program.
.787 Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program -- Eligibility requirements for high school and workforce students -- Scholarship amount -- Annual report -- Trust fund.
.7870 Optometry Scholarship Program.
.7871 Legislative declaration.
.7874 Definitions for KRS 164.7871 to 164.7885.
.7877 Kentucky educational excellence scholarship trust fund -- Funding sources, including lottery revenues.
.7879 Calculation of educational excellence scholarship awards -- Inclusion of certain out-of-state educational experience in grade point average calculation -- Graduation after three years -- Supplemental award eligibility and calculation of amounts.
.7881 Eligibility for educational excellence scholarship and supplemental awards -- Time limits for receiving aid -- Adjustment of amounts and loss of award -- Extension of time limits -- Senator Jeff Green Scholars.
.7882 Kentucky educational excellence scholarship moneys to be awarded to students enrolled in comprehensive transition and postsecondary program.
.7883 Use of scholarship and supplemental award at out-of-state institution.
.7884 Definitions -- Eligibility of student in registered apprenticeship program, qualified workforce training program, qualified proprietary school program, approved workforce solutions training program, or college of art and design for Kentucky educational excellence scholarship.
.7885 Annual submission by high schools of list of eligible students -- Data in list -- Verification of eligibility -- Reduction of award -- Students ineligible for awards -- Administrative regulations.
.7889 Increase of maximum award grants.
.7890 Coal county scholarship program for pharmacy students.
.7891 Osteopathic Medicine Scholarship Program.
.7892 Early graduation scholarship trust fund.
.7893 Repealed, 2003.
.7894 Kentucky Coal County College Completion Program.
.7895 Definitions for section -- Kentucky Rural Veterinary Medicine Student Loan Repayment Program -- Purpose -- Eligibility -- Rural veterinary care trust fund -- Annual report.
.790 Veterinary Contract Spaces Program -- Administration -- Administrative regulations -- Purchase of annual enrollment spaces -- Tuition credits -- Veterinary Contract Spaces Program trust fund.
.7901 Repealed, 2010.
.7911 Strategic Investment and Incentive Funding Program -- Trust funds -- Interest -- Appropriations.
.7913 Sources of funding -- Investment of balances -- Capital projects -- Allotment of appropriations.
.7915 Budget request -- Purpose of appropriations.
.7917 Research challenge trust fund.
.7919 Comprehensive university excellence trust fund.
.7921 Technology initiative trust fund.
.7923 Physical facilities trust fund.
.7925 Postsecondary workforce development trust fund.
.7927 Student financial aid and advancement trust fund.
.800 Commonwealth Virtual University -- Distance Learning Advisory Committee -- Role of council -- Institutions involved in program.
.810 Definitions for KRS 164.810 to 164.870.
.815 University of Louisville -- Programs.
.820 Repealed, 1992.
.821 Board of Trustees of University of Louisville -- Membership -- Terms -- Grounds for removal and replacement of all board members.
.830 Powers and duties of board.
.840 Appropriations by city.
.850 Appropriations by county.
.860 Revenue bonds.
.870 Title to real property.
.890 Legislative purpose.
.891 Definitions for KRS 164.890 to 164.895.
.892 Basic coverage compensation fund -- Management and use -- Approval of settlements -- Disbursement of funds -- Annual contributions -- Investigation and certification of claims.
.893 Termination of fund.
.894 Qualification of university as self-insurer.
.895 Authority of board of trustees.
.900 Repealed, 1996.
.902 Repealed, 1996.
.904 Repealed, 1996.
.906 Repealed, 1996.
.910 Teaching of general practice of medicine in all medical schools receiving state financial assistance.
.915 Optional plan for medical education for family practice and general practice.
.925 Definition of "primary care."
.927 Increase of residency positions in primary care disciplines.
.929 Sponsorship of residency positions -- Approval of sites -- Funding priority -- Policies and procedures for determination of allocation.
.931 Preference to Kentucky medical school graduates and residents.
.933 Coordination of activities by Council on Postsecondary Education.
.935 Physician recruitment and placement services for underserved geographic areas.
.936 Healthcare Worker Loan Relief Program -- Purpose -- Duties -- Trust fund.
.937 Center of Excellence in Rural Health.
.938 Rural health education program.
.939 Legislative purpose.
.940 Definitions.
.941 Basic coverage compensation fund -- Management and use -- Settlement of claims -- Contributions to funds.
.942 Termination of fund.
.943 Repealed, 1978.
.944 Action authorized by board of trustees.
.945 Definitions for KRS 164.945 to 164.947.
.946 Declaration of intent for KRS 164.945 to 164.947.
.947 Licensing of colleges by Council on Postsecondary Education.
.948 Definitions for KRS 164.9481, 164.9483, and 164.9485.
.9481 Duty of postsecondary institution to maintain crime log -- Duty to report to campus community on crimes and threats to safety or security of students and employees.
.9483 Jurisdiction and powers of state fire marshal -- Duty of campus security authorities to report fire or threat of fire to fire marshal.
.9485 Duty of postsecondary institution to submit statement of policies concerning campus safety and security.
.9487 Duty of postsecondary institution to obtain statistics and crime reports -- Limitation of liability -- Reporting formats.
.9489 Short title for KRS 164.948 to 164.9489 and KRS 164.993.
.9490 Michael Minger/Priddy fire prevention fund.
.9492 Duty of public or private postsecondary institution to disclose existence or nonexistence of automatic fire suppression system in on-campus housing facility -- Exemption.
.9495 Disabled student given priority for first-floor housing -- On-campus or off-campus alternative -- Notification to safety and emergency personnel.
.950 Police departments and officers authorized.
.952 Employment of retired police officers -- Eligible individuals -- Limitations.
.955 Police officers -- Powers and duties.
.960 Police officers -- Qualifications.
.965 Appointment of police officers and civilians -- Promotion and compensation.
.970 Police officers -- Use of vehicles.
.975 Regulation of the use of educational property.
.980 Impersonation of police officer prohibited.
.981 Definitions for KRS 164.981 to 164.9819.
.9811 State autism training center.
.9813 Functions of center.
.9815 Authority for administrative regulations.
.9817 Citizens' advisory board -- Composition.
.9819 Trainee teams -- Composition -- Administrative regulations regarding fees and expenses.
.983 Kentucky Center for Cannabis -- Mission -- Duties.
.990 Penalties.
.991 Penalty.
.992 Penalties for KRS 164.947.
.993 Penalties for violation of KRS 164.9481 or 164.9483.