Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 02/07/2025 %--span>
.010 Legislative findings and purposes.
.015 Definitions for chapter.
.017 Health facility not to discriminate against physician on basis of degree in medicine or osteopathy.
.020 Certificate of need -- Exemptions -- Categories of care not exempted -- Requirements for issuance of certificate of need.
.021 Repealed, 2020.
.022 Repealed, 2020.
.025 Repealed, 2017.
.030 Repealed, 2017.
.035 Administrative staff assistance -- Records -- Oaths.
.040 Functions of cabinet in administering chapter -- Regulatory authority.
.0415 Jurisdiction of State Board of Medical Licensure over physician's acting as medical director for an ambulance service.
.0417 Jurisdiction of State Board of Nursing over registered nurse practicing with an ambulance service.
.042 Licenses -- Authority to enter upon premises -- Authority for administrative regulations.
.0422 Repealed, 2014.
.0425 Certification designations for stroke care for acute care hospitals and stroke centers.
.0431 Licensing and procedures for abortion facilities -- Administrative regulations.
.0435 Requirement of written agreements between abortion facility and acute-care hospital and ambulance service.
.0441 Cabinet to license and regulate adult day care health programs.
.0443 Administrative regulations on adult day health care.
.0445 Outpatient health facility operated by hospital -- Licensure -- Certificate of need.
.045 Actions of cabinet to be in writing and of record.
.050 Enforcement powers of cabinet.
.055 Notice of decisions and orders of cabinet.
.060 Repealed, 1982.
.061 Actions requiring certificates of need -- Prohibitions against dividing projects to evade expenditure minimums and against ex parte contacts -- Ambulatory surgical centers.
.0615 Prohibition against transferring a certificate of need -- Penalty.
.062 Timetable for submission of application for certificate of need to be established by administrative regulation -- Review procedure.
.065 Notification of intent to acquire facility or equipment -- Conditions requiring a certificate of need for acquisition -- General Assembly approval required for certain acquisitions by University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, or university affiliates.
.066 Cabinet to be notified prior to acquiring certain major medical equipment, a health service is offered, or a capital expenditure is made or obligated -- Certificate of need may be required.
.070 Repealed, 1990.
.071 Repealed, 2018.
.072 Training for staff of long-term care facilities treating persons with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders.
.075 Administrative regulations governing application and review procedures to be promulgated.
.080 Repealed, 1982.
.085 Hearing procedures -- Notification of cabinet's decisions -- Appeals.
.086 Revocation of certificate of need -- Hearings -- Prohibition against ex parte contacts.
.090 Reconsideration of cabinet's decisions.
.095 Nonsubstantive review of application.
.100 Repealed, 1982.
.105 License procedure -- Hearings -- Decisions of cabinet to be in writing and of record.
.106 Ambulance service investigations and hearings -- Procedures -- Appeals.
.107 Repealed, 1996
.110 Repealed, 1982.
.115 Appeal to Franklin Circuit Court.
.120 Repealed, 2018.
.125 Civil action for judicial enforcement of chapter.
.130 Expenditure minimums or limits to be adjusted annually.
.131 Use of moneys.
.135 Repealed, 2017.
.140 Licensed hospitals to provide services for child sexual abuse victims.
.145 Repealed, 1996.
.150 Badge or insignia for hospital employees.
.153 Surgical smoke evacuation system requirement.
.155 Development of quality assurance standards for health care facilities.
.160 Requirement for a care delivery model based on patient needs for licensed health care facilities and services.
.165 Duty to report quality of care and safety problems -- Investigation and report -- Prohibition against retaliation.
.168 Definitions for section -- PACE service providers -- Health facility license not required to provide PACE services -- Eligibility to participate and enroll in National Background Check Program.
.170 Identification requirement for persons dealing with patients.
.175 Services by a physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse for patient admitted to acute care or psychiatric hospital -- Transferability of history and physical examination to another licensed level of care within same hospital -- Administrative regulations.
.176 Repealed, 2018.
.177 Repealed, 2018.
.178 Intermediate-care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability -- Application to increase number of beds -- Requirements.
.180 Certificate of need not required for respite-service beds in intermediate-care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability.
.182 Repealed, 2020.
.185 Accreditation as evidence of compliance with licensing requirements -- Exemption from inspection -- Fees -- Submission of building plans -- Standards for licensure.
.190 Newborn infant -- Treatment when identity of parents is unknown -- Immunity from liability -- Anonymity of person leaving infant -- Emergency custody order -- Materials for health and medical information.
.195 Residential hospice facilities -- Automated pharmacy system.
.200 Definitions for KRS 216B.200 to 216B.210.
.202 Kentucky Abortion-Inducing Drug Certification Program -- Administrative regulations.
.204 Duties of cabinet -- Eligibility for certification.
.206 Eligibility to register as nonsurgical abortion provider -- Requirements for registered physicians.
.208 Plan to enforce program -- Private right of action.
.210 Complaint portal.
.230 Definitions for KRS 216B.230 to 216B.239.
.231 Hospital must allow a patient or patient's legal guardian to designate a lay caregiver for post-discharge assistance in the patient's residence.
.233 Notice to designated lay caregiver of patient's discharge.
.235 Consultation with designated lay caregiver and development of discharge plan -- Administrative regulations.
.237 Rights of agent operating under health care directive not affected by KRS 216B.230 to 216B.239.
.239 No private right of action created or standard of care established by KRS 216B.230 to 216B.239 regarding hospital's noncompliance.
.250 Health facility to furnish itemized statement of charges on request of paying patient.
.300 Definitions for KRS 216B.300 to 216B.320 and KRS 216B.990(5).
.303 Rights of residents of boarding homes.
.305 Registration of boarding home -- Standards for operation -- Unannounced inspection -- Denial of registration -- Access by cabinet employees and agents -- No preemption of local authority for stricter requirements.
.306 Procedures, remedies, and penalties for operation of boarding home without registration.
.310 Listing of boarding homes to be maintained.
.315 Student housing not included in KRS 216B.300 to 216B.320.
.320 KRS 216B.300 to 216B.320 not applicable to boarding home regulated by federal government.
.330 Administrative regulations.
.332 Requirements for certificate of compliance -- Assessment of residents in nursing home beds -- Limitations upon admission to nursing home beds -- Move-out notice and alternative living arrangements -- Certificate of need not required to provide home health services to on-campus residents.
.335 Repealed, 2012.
.339 Repealed, 2017.
.400 Emergency care -- Examination services for victims of sexual offenses -- Examination expenses paid by Crime Victims Compensation Board -- Reporting to law enforcement -- Examination samples as evidence.
.401 Designation of SANE-ready hospitals.
.402 Protocol for treatment of drug overdose -- Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.
.405 Course on recognition and prevention of pediatric abusive head trauma to be given by urgent treatment facility and urgent care facility.
.410 Repealed, 2002.
.450 Definitions for KRS 216B.450, 216B.455, and 216B.457.
.455 Certificate-of-need requirement for Level I psychiatric residential treatment facilities -- Licensure -- Certification -- Restriction on location -- Restriction on number of beds -- Care and services for persons discharged from Level I and Level II facilities.
.457 Certificate-of-need requirement for Level II psychiatric residential treatment facilities -- Beds and locations permitted -- Contents of certificate application -- Criteria -- Staffing requirements -- Criminal records check -- Treatment plan -- Duties of Level II facility -- Administrative regulations -- Annual report.
.459 Repealed, 2020.
.990 Penalties.